Chapter 56

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Everyone continued to stare at my dad in utter shock. Nobody said a word, in the off chance that we had all misheard him. 

"I haven't got all day Ethan, have you or have you not had sex with my daughter?" my dad snapped impatiently. 

Ethan looked so uncomfortable that I wouldn't be surprised if he ran out of the room screaming.

 At the precise moment, I honestly wouldn't have cared if a tsunami wave just came out of nowhere and engulfed our entire house, just so, I wouldn't have to sit through this conversation.

 "Dad, what kind of fucking question is that? Can't you ask a normal question, like about soccer or something, or literally anything else," I whined as I rubbed my temples to ease the pressure building up in my head.

 "We're all adults here, so I don't see why not. Well, everyone except you, Mia, your eighteenth birthday is not till next month," my dad pointed out with an obnoxious smile. 

"Wait, how do you know Ethan's eighteen?" I asked in confusion. 

I don't remember telling him that...

"You honestly think, I haven't stalked all of his social media and done a full police background check on him. You're my only daughter Mia, I had to check you weren't going to be murdered," my dad scoffed as though this was a completely normal thing to do. 

Well, I suppose it was for a police investigator, the resources were right there in front of him.

"So back to the topic, have you or have you not had sex with Mia?" my dad barked as he stared at Ethan with a piercing gaze. 

"No, I haven't, sir," Ethan answered boldly.

 My dad narrowed his eyes until they were only small slits. "Interesting...but have you ever thought about having sex with my daughter?" my dad said with a slight edge to his tone. 

My eyes widened in horror, mortified by the words that were coming out of my dad's mouth. He was a fucking lunatic!

 Ethan's face had gone ghostly white, and his forehead started to shine with sweat. He gulped and broke eye contact with my dad.

 "I'm just going to pop to the loo," my Mum announced abruptly, as she quickly pulled back her chair and got up. It was obvious that she was desperate to get away from the most awkward meal of her life. I didn't blame her one bit, I'm only upset that I didn't think of it first.

 "Well?" my dad asked, looking at Ethan expectantly.

 Ethan cleared his throat awkwardly and shuffled nervously in his place 

"Yes sir, I have thought about it," Ethan confessed in a quiet voice. "A lot," he coughed. 

It took everything in me, not to slap Ethan upside the head.

  Doesn't he fucking know you lie in situations like this? 

My dad didn't seem at all thrilled by his answer and was staring at Ethan with a murderous expression.

 "What were you expecting Dad, for him to be asexual or something?" I snapped.

 My dad shrugged his shoulders. "A father can hope," he muttered.

 "So, Ethan, you're a good-looking bloke, so I'm guessing you're quite experienced. You've had a lot of girlfriends in the past, I presume," he said as he looked Ethan up and down in judgment. 

"Actually, Mia's my first girlfriend, so I wouldn't exactly call myself experienced," Ethan said with a soft chuckle. 

My dad raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really? I find that hard to believe," my dad said as he narrowed his eyes at Ethan in suspicion. 

"Trust me, I'm really not joking. Before, Mia, the only kiss I had was from when I was 8-years- old," Ethan snorted.

"Wait, wait, wait, what!" I choked out as I looked at Ethan in disbelief. This had to be a joke, there's no way that Ethan Blythe was as inexperienced as me.

 There's no way Ethan Blythe was a virgin!

 It wasn't like he had a lack of offers. I've literally heard girls in the corridor gossiping about how badly they want to sleep with him. And I found condoms in his room!

"Yeah, I know, it's kind of embarrassing," he winced. "The guys on the team enjoy taking the mic out of me because of it," he mumbled awkwardly.

 My dad frowned. "Nothing is embarrassing about that, your friends are stupid. It shows you've got your head screwed on straight," he argued to his defense. I looked at my dad in astonishment. 

Did I just imagine that, or did he just stand up for Ethan... 

"So, what do your parents do?" My dad asked casually.

 I looked towards Ethan in panic, knowing that the discussion of parents was a sensitive topic with him. 

"Dad, that's not-

"Don't worry, it's fine, Mia," Ethan interrupted before I could finish my sentence. 

"Well, my mum's a lawyer. She's incredible and everything good in my life, I have her to thank for," Ethan said with a proud smile.

 "And your father?" my dad probed, looking at Ethan with an inquisitive gaze. 

Ethan swallowed harshly and cleared his throat to speak. "That man has been in prison for the pasts six years. He was convicted for the rape of several young women," Ethan spat bluntly, clearly not wanting to beat around the bush.

 Silence filled the air before Ethan let out a harsh chuckle. 

"That's probably not what you wanted to hear, sir, but it's the truth."

My dad stared at him in silence for a long time, not saying a single word. Finally, he sighed.

 "I'm not going to judge you for who your parents are Ethan. "I'm judging you on who you are," he explained softly. "And as much as I hate to admit it, it's as clear as day that you care for my daughter. Even I can't deny that," he stated confidently.

 "If It wasn't already obvious, I came to this dinner hating you, but strangely I don't anymore. I like you. You're a good guy, and dare I say it good enough for my daughter," my dad said plainly. 

Ethan's face visibly relaxed, and he smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Collins. I'm incredibly happy you feel that way," Ethan sighed in relief. 

"You don't have to call me Mr. Collins or sir, son. You can call me Jeff," my dad chuckled as amusement shimmered in his eyes. 

Holy fucking shit, my dad is starting to like my boyfriend. This is amazing!

"I can't believe Dad likes my boyfriend. This is awful!" I complained bitterly to my mum.

 It was an hour later, and we had all moved to the living room to relax. My dad and Ethan were sitting together on one sofa, giggling, and laughing with each other like schoolgirls. The two idiots had bonded over some stupid soccer match that was playing on TV.

 If you didn't know them, you'd think they were father and son.

 There were clearly no limits to whom Ethan was capable of charming. I was starting to wonder if he had some kind of supernatural power. 

My mum snorted. "Isn't this what you wanted?" my mum asked with a laugh.

 "Well, I wanted them to be civil, yes, but not best frickin friends forever," I snapped. "Ethan's basically forgotten that I'm here," I whined.

"Did you just say my name, Chubs?" Ethan called out in confusion from across the room. 

"Nothing, just bitchin about you," I teasingly yelled back. 

"Hey, I didn't even do anything wrong," Ethan whined as he stuck out his bottom lip out.

 "Mia, stop being mean to your boyfriend," My dad snapped as he sent a nasty look in my direction.

 Ethan smiled at me smugly, and from the look in his eyes, I knew he was internally saying, 'haha your father likes me better.'

"This is ridiculous. You hated him less than two hours ago," I cried.

 "Well, I've changed my mind," my dad shrugged. 

"Yeah, Mia," Ethan piped in childishly.

 It's official, I hate them both. They were equally as annoying as each other.

 Ethan glanced down at his watch. "Oh, shoot. I didn't realize it was so late. I should be going." Ethan said as he stood up to leave. 

"But It was great meeting you both, and the meal was amazing, Mrs. Collins, thank you so much," he said with a bright smile.

 "It was a pleasure to have you, son, feel free to come round any time," my dad said warmly as he reached out to shake Ethan's hand.

"I'll walk you to your car," I smiled as I followed him to the door. 

As soon as we were outside, I started to laugh. 

"Well, that was an interesting dinner..." I snorted as we strolled towards his car. 

Ethan chuckled lowly. "Yeah, your dad certainly had a lot of unusual questions."

We stopped at his car and leaned our backs up against it. 

"Yeah, but you answered them all really well, I was impressed," I said as I bumped him with my shoulder. 

"Impressed, huh?" Ethan smirked as he leaned in closer to me.

 "Yeah, I don't know what kind of witchcraft you used, but you managed to make him like you," I said as I shook my head at him in disbelief. 

"I just had a lot of motivation, that's all," he murmured as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

 "And what might that be?" I whispered as I slid myself closer to him. My eyes drifted down to his lips. 

He smiled softly. "You," he whispered before he descended his lips on to mine. 

I groaned in satisfaction as I felt his warm lips move against my own. I smiled as he pressed me impossibly closer to him, as though he never wanted to let me go. I felt his hands wander down the length of my spine, causing me to shiver involuntarily. 

Knowing things were going to get too heated if I kissed him for too long, I pulled away reluctantly. We were in the middle of the street after all, and I didn't exactly feel like giving my neighbors something to talk about.

 With his hands still resting on my lower back, I looked up at him warmly, admiring the soft features of his handsome face. I still couldn't believe he was actually mine.

"So, I'm your second kiss," I teased as I looked up at him with a smirk. 

"You're never going to let me hear the end of it, are you?" he said as he narrowed his eyes at me. 

"I'm just shocked that's all, it's not like you've had a lack of willing girls," I snorted.

 "Well I didn't want them, I wanted you," he said as he looked down at me fondly. 

He leaned down to kiss me, but I put a hand on his chest to stop him. "Ethan. We're in the middle of the street," I laughed as I pushed him away softly.

 "So..." he grumbled childishly. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"See you tomorrow Ethan" I called out as I pushed myself off the car and started to make my way back to the house.

 I got about a centimeter in distance before I felt his arms snake around my waist, and spin me around to face him. 

"Eth-," was all I managed to get out before he silenced me by pressing his lips down onto mine. 

I was momentarily stunned, but I soon found myself lost in the sensation, and I relaxed into the kiss, completely forgetting about any potential nosy neighbours. He pulled away from me slowly and stared down at me with a triumphant smirk stretched out on his face. 

 "Goodnight, Chubs," he whispered before turning away and making his way back to his car, whistling happily as he went.  


Author's note:

Chapter 56 is all done! I hope you enjoyed! 

Did anything surprise you about this chapter? 

It's actually scaring me how close it is getting to the end and just to warn you the next couple chapters are going to be warming up to something very, very big...

Next update: Monday (6-8PM-UK time) 

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