Laws Of The Land

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Here's the next chapter.......


......Three Weeks Later....


Laws state in the Soul Society, that Soul Reapers are forbidden to fall in love with humans, or they shall be put to death, and thus no other Soul Reaper have had relationships with humans.
Every Soul Reaper knows this, and only one has broken such law, which Ichigo is unaware of, that his father was a Soul Reaper himself, and broke that law.

If a Soul Reaper falls in love with a human, then he knows that he must repent.

Toshiro was smitten with the human girl Kara, who sacrificed her life for him.

While in the Soul Society; he gave his report orally to Head Captain Yamamoto as of now as he stood in front of the Head Captain.

"I see; well if she is a family friend of Ichigo Kurosaki, then leave her be, but you may visit her, to check on her, to keep Hollows tamed."
Head Captain Yamamoto says to Toshiro.
"I will put you in charge of the human girl."

"Head Captain?
Are you sure?"
Toshiro asked Head Captain Yamamoto, him confused why the Head Captain is allowing such a thing.

Head Captain Yamamoto nods.
"We need to learn to peacefully coexist with Ichigo's friends, since they saved the Soul Society.
Though this human girl had no involvement with it, we must treat them with dignity and respect."

"I understand Head Captain."
Toshiro says to Head Captain Yamamoto.

"You may leave now Captain Hitsugaya."
Head Captain Yamamoto says to Toshiro, the old man leaving Toshiro out of the conference room.

Toshiro bows lightly and walked away and out of the conference room.
Why would Head Captain Yamamoto agree to letting me be around her?
Unless things are changing around the Soul Society.

Toshiro couldn't get her pushing him out of the way of the Hollow's claws out of his mind, and the look upon her face.
She was more concerned for him than herself, and it showed quite loudly upon her face.

Toshiro made a scowl, and his cheeks tinged slightly red.
I want to see her again, and it has been three weeks since I saw her that day.
Toshiro thought to himself, him sighing a very much longing sigh.

Rangiku was waiting in the hallway for Toshiro, and when Toshiro left the conference room, and she saw him walking towards her in the hallway, and heard him sigh.
She could see his cheeks were flustered.
Did the meeting go alright?"
She asked Toshiro.

"I've been put in charge of the girl and since she is Ichigo's family friend, then we are not allowed to harm her, only coexist with her like we are doing so with Ichigo and his friends.
I will go immediately to the Ichigo's City."
Toshiro tells Rangiku.

Rangiku follows Toshiro as he nods.
"You're lucky to go there.
Rukia says food in Ichigo's City is really good."

Toshiro asked for the gate to the Human World to be allowed to open for him by subordinates, which was arranged to where he could go through the gate, which Captain Byakuya would activate the gate, and allow Toshiro to pass through the gate.
Toshiro arrived at the gate with Rangiku by his side to see him off, and Captain Byakuya stood by the gate, him fully recovered from his injuries Ichigo gave him.

"Captain Hitsugaya; be sure to not cause any issues in Ichigo's City.
Rangiku will be accompanying you."
Byakuya says to Toshiro, and Rangiku looked shocked she was going to Ichigo's City.

Rangiku nods in understanding, and tells Captain Byakuya this.

The gate shines brightly and Byakuya says to Toshiro.
"Go to Ichigo's City.
Tell Ichigo why you are there."
Byakuya walked away, and Toshiro, and Rangiku walked through the gate.


Potato and sausages, fried in green peppers, and onions, sprinkled with my special seasoning I make myself.
I put each portion into a glass container, and I put one serving in the fridge.
I also made instant pudding pops, which I put the food into a cooler, to keep from going bad, and I left my home, me heading to Ichigo's school.

I walk along the sidewalk, me enjoying the sunny weather, and the chirping of birds as I walk.
I hum as I walk a random tune, me rather cheerful.
About after thirty minutes I had arrived at Ichigo's school, exactly at lunchtime.

I go into the school, and head up to the top floor Ichigo and his friends hang out at for their lunch, and I open the door to the top floor once I get up there, and walk through the doorway.

It's Kara!"
I heard Orihime's excited voice hit my ears, making me smile cheerfully.

I turn towards her voice, and wave at her, as she's sitting by Ichigo, Uriu, Chad, and wait.....another orange haired woman with even bigger breasts than Orihime, them the same size as my own breasts, Renji, and Toshiro.
I thought I sensed Toshiro and Renji here, so I brought extra, but I never expected Toshiro would bring, I think the woman was Rangiku, man I'm bad at names.

Toshiro looked to me.
"Oh; it's you."
He says to me.

"Kara; did you bring American food again?"
Ichigo asked me.

"Yes; but I should of brought the extra I made, because I didn't expect Toshiro, the red head, and this other girl to come to your school."
I tell Ichigo.

"That's fine.
I already ate."
Ichigo tells me.

"I did too."
Orihime says to me.

Uriu says to me.
"I already ate as well."

Chad says to me.
"I ate."

"Then the red head, Toshiro, and the girl can have what I brought then."
I tell Ichigo.

"I told you my name before, and it's Renji."
Renji says to me, him sassing me.

"Sorry, but I'm only good with voices and faces, not names."
I tell Renji, me frowning at him as I walk over to where he was sitting next to Toshiro, and Rangiku.

Toshiro was wearing a button up white shirt, a black tie, and gray slacks, with white shoes, Rangiku wore the school uniform girls wear at this school.
Renji wore the same thing as Toshiro, but no tie, and he had a white bandana over his tattoos upon his head.

"But you remembered Toshiro's name!"
Renji retorts back.

"That's because his name is easier to remember."
I sass Renji.

I then hand Renji, Toshiro, and Rangiku containers, and the containers that had the frozen pudding pops inside as well.
"Eat up."
I hand them spoons.
"This is a dish I made.
I doubt you have money for school lunches here."
I sit in front of them, and they blinked at me as they open their lids of their meal boxes.

"This smells awesome!"
Renji says to me, him looking excited to eat my meal I gave him.

"Thank you."
I tell him.

"What is it?"
Toshiro asked me.

"Sausage and potatoes stir fry."
I tell him.

I look to Rangiku.
"I'm Kara.
What is your name?"

Rangiku says to me.

"Nice to meet you."
I tell her, me smiling warmly at her.
"Try it.
You'll like it.
The other container has frozen homemade pudding pops."

"Pudding pops?"
Rangiku asked me.

"It's sugar free too.
It's sweet though it has no sugar.
It's made with a sugar substitute.
They are vanilla flavored."
I tell her.

Rangiku smiled happily.
"I love sweets."

"Eat the sausage and potatoes first.
The main course is important."
I tell her, and Renji was already eating my food I made, and Toshiro looked down at the meal, and he took a seasoned potato and sausage into his spoon, and took a bite, and he blinked in shock.

This is delicious!
Toshiro thought to himself in shock.

"That good huh?"
I ask all three of them.

"Yes it is!
I'm jealous of the man you'll marry!"
Renji says bluntly to me.

I get flustered and say to him.
"Well thank you Renji.
I doubt I will get married though I am indeed thirty years old."

"You are thirty years old?"
Rangiku asked me.

You do not look it."
Renji comments to me, but Toshiro was silently eating.

"Yes; though I look like a teenager, I am in fact thirty years old."
I tell Rangiku and Renji.
"I've never been with anyone, never had children.
Being childless suits me more.
I'm quite content with not having children, though I've babysitted Ichigo and his sister's in the past.
To be honest I put others before myself, and do not care if it's a troublesome trait."

"That's actually a rare trait."
Renji admits honestly to me.

"I know.
Not many people are as kind as me.
I can be a butt head at times too."
I say to Renji.

"A butt head?"
Renji asked and Rangiku giggled.

"I'm glad you like my food.
I enjoy cooking for others."
I tell them.
Then I ask Toshiro.
"Do you like it Toshiro?"
Toshiro nods, him chewing his bite he took.
I smile warmly in his direction.
"I'm glad.
I was hoping mainly you would like it."

Toshiro blinked in shock at me.
Does she have a crush on me?
Toshiro thought to himself.

A howling noise hits the air, and I blink.
"Is that a Hollow?"

"Sounds like it."
Ichigo stood up.

"Sounds like it's coming this way."
Renji stood up too, him finishing eating the pudding pop I made.

"Kara; it could be coming after you, because you are leaking spirit energy constantly."
Toshiro says as he too stands up, him finishing up his meal, but didn't eat the pudding pop.

"Why are they after her anyways?"
Renji asked Toshiro.

I stand up, me saying.
"It might be because I have very strong energy.
I was born with it.
I try to keep it hidden the best of my abilities, but since it's so large, it leaks a bit.
I've been thinking of asking Ichigo if he knows someone, who can give me something to seal it completely, but allow me to use it whenever I want as well, like something to wear and take off."

"Keisuke could make something for you."
Toshiro tells me.

"Who's that?"
I tilt my head cutely in confusion.

"Mister Hat And Clogs could do that."
Ichigo comments to Toshiro.

"First we have to deal with that Hollow."
Renji says to Ichigo.

Toshiro says to Rangiku.
"Rangiku protect Kara while we deal with the Hollow."

"Yes Captain."
Rangiku says to Toshiro.

"Ichigo we can keep her safe too."
Orihime says to Ichigo.

"I can help too."
Chad says to Ichigo.

"Thanks Orihime and Chad."
Ichigo says to Orihime.

"Be safe you three, especially you Toshiro."
I wave at them as they left into the door of the roof.


To be continued......

I keep having issues with autocorrect wanting to put Kiro instead of Kara.
So if I don't catch it I'm sorry.
I'll try to edit it later.
My device is really messing up bad.

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