Chapter 1: How We First Met

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Author's Note

Hey guys, I finally published my first chapter, Yay! I'm sorry that it took me so long to publish it, I've been busy with work and stuff. I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter. If there's anything that I'm missing in the storyline or if you need me to add anything, please tell me so I can fix it and I can make it better, or if you like it the way it is, just leave a comment and I will be more than happy to read them.Once again I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter. ;)

Kaoru's POV

It is a warm sunny day in the Soul Society. The sky is a beautiful blue with only a few white clouds in the sky. I live in Junrinan, in the west area of the Rukon District. I'm laying under a tree in the shade just watching the clouds go by. When I looked over to my right, I see a young boy with white spiked hair, sitting under a tree all by himself looking sad.

I've seen him around before because we live in the same district. He seems like a nice person, but I notice that he seems lonely every time I see him all by himself.

'Poor kid he looks so sad, maybe I'll go and talk with him', I thought as I watch the boy. I stood up and started walking towards the white haired child.

When I approached him, I waved and said, "Hi there,"

As the young boy looked up at me, I noticed he had a stunning pair of turquoise eyes, "H-hi," he said in a sad voice.

Feeling shy I looked away for a second before looking back again "M-may I sit here with you?" I asked him sweetly as slowly I crouched down to his eye level.

The young boy slowly nods his head."Sure," he answers as I sat down next to him.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" The boy asked me out of the blue in a cold tone.

"Why would I be afraid of you?" I looked at him feeling confused.

"A lot of people are afraid of me. I don't understand why, I sometimes think it's the way my hair looks or the color of my eyes. People are always running away from me and never talk to me. So, that's why I'm confused and wondering why you aren't afraid of me," he explains to me as he looks down at the ground again.

"Is that why I keep seeing you sit here all by yourself looking depressed and lonely?" I asked feeling sad about what he said to me.

"Yeah," he nodded still with a sigh.

I looked straight at him, "I am not afraid of you because of three reasons. One, I think your hair is awesome, two I think the color of your eyes are beautiful, and three, those people who are afraid of you are blind because even though I just started talking to you I already think you're really cool!" I said in a confident and reassuring voice.

The young boy looks up at me, surprised by what I said, "Do you really mean that?" he asked a little bit shocked.

"Yes I do, I think you're awesome!" I spoke honestly.

We stared at each other in silence for a moment, until the white haired boy smiled at me and broke the ice (See what I did there? No? Okay then carry on, lol), "May I ask what your name is?"

I giggled and said, "Of course, where are my manners I almost forgot. I'm Kaoru, Kaoru Sakura. What's yours?" I smiled kindly at him as I brought my hand up for him to shake.

"My name is Toshiro, Toshiro Hitsugaya," he answered back happily shaking his hand with mine as he began to cheer up from feeling depressed.

"Toshiro, I like that name Toshiro," I said smiling looking up at the sky admiring the puffy white clouds rolling by.

We both paused to watch the clouds together until the silence was broken again, "Hey Kaoru, may I ask you a question?" Toshiro asks me in a nervous tone, rubbing his hand on the back of his head.

I turned my head and looked back at him curious, "Yeah, what is it Toshiro?".

"Well, this might be a stupid question to ask because since you and I just met but would you like to be my friend and hang out with me?" he asked. If I could see it just right, I could see a little hint of pink forming on Toshiro's cheeks.

I chuckled and said, "What?! That's not a stupid question at all, I would love to be your friend and hang out with you!" I replied back in a happy voice with a warm smile.

"Good, because you know what?" Toshiro said smiling at me, placing a hand on my left shoulder.

"What?" I answered smiling back at him.

"I think you're awesome too," he said to me in a friendly voice.

"Thanks," I said looking at him sweetly.

"So, Toshiro, what do you want to do?" I asked Toshiro figuring out what we want to do.

Toshiro looks away from me for a moment, like he's trying to think of something and says, "Would you like to come over to my place, we can both hang out and I can also introduce you to my grandmother?"

"Okay, I would love that," I smiled cheerfully at Toshiro's request.

Then he smirks at me and says as we both stand up,"Okay, it's not that far, I'll race you!"

I smirked back at him and I yelled, "sounds like a plan!".

"Ready, set, go!" We both yelled in unison and took off running on the way to Toshiro's house.

To Be Continued!!

Author's Note

Hey guys, what did you think? I'm sorry if it's a little long if you have any questions or comments for me about the chapter or the story please tell me and I'll be happy to read. I'm also letting people help me with the story so if you have any ideas for me please write in the comments below or message me anytime and again I'll be happy to read. I'll be working on my second chapter right now and I'll publish it when I'm finished. I hope you guys have a fabulous day/night and Happy Readings! :)

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