Chapter 5: Aftermath

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Kaoru's POV:

When I woke up the next morning, I noticed I'm in an unfamiliar place. Instead of me laying on the hard desk in Toshiro's office, I was in a soft and warm queen sized bed in a regular sized bedroom. I yawned, rubbed my eyes and got out of bed to explore the rest of the new place, which I assume is my new house.

The first room I looked at was the bedroom, the walls were painted with a light blue color and with dark brown hardwood flooring. The bedroom had a little bit of furniture, such as a queen size bed, with two bedside tables on either side and a medium sized dresser. When I looked to my right, I saw a closed door that leads into somewhere. My curiosity got the best of me as I walked over, turned the knob and as I open the door, I look to see it was a simple bathroom with a shower, jetted bathtub, double vanity sink, and a toilet.

Once I took a shower and got dressed to get ready to go into Toshiro's office, I walked out of my bedroom which leads me into a living room that had two white couches, a coffee table, fireplace, and a flatscreen TV that was mounted on the wall.

Feeling hungry, I walked into another room which leads me into the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful with white granite countertops, a simple stainless steel stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and a microwave.

Finally walking out of the kitchen with my breakfast, I walked into another doorway that leads me into a decent sized dining room, with a table that can fit at least six people, and a chandelier hanging right above it.

'This new house in Squad Ten is beautiful, but is this really my new house I don't remember coming here by myself, though? So somebody must've brought me here last night when I was asleep' I thought to myself. Then, I suddenly remembered what happened.

'I remember that I did hours of paperwork last night with Toshiro and fell asleep when I was almost done with the papers. I remember somebody, I was too asleep to know who it was, picking me up in their arms and carrying me out of the office.

About fifteen minutes later, I remember hearing a door open and being laid down in a bed.

I tiredly woke up, curious to see who it was that brought me here. I look up to see that is was Captain Hitsugaya, he probably thought I was still asleep because he turned around to leave and out of instinct before Captain Hitsugaya could walk away, scared that he was going to leave me again, I grabbed ahold of his haori and begged him not to leave.

Then the last thing I remember before completely falling asleep was Toshiro kissing me on the forehead and whispering to me, "Goodnight Kaoru, I'm so happy to have you here in my life again, I missed you so much, sleep well." before I drifted to sleep'. I smile and blushed with the fact of him kissing me and saying those words because I thought it was cute and sweet.

Pulling myself out of my thought's, I checked the time on the clock and it said 6:15 AM, "Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late!" I yelled at myself as I put my plate in the sink, grabbed my zanpakuto and raced out the door to Toshiro's office.

Toshiro's POV:

(Meanwhile in Captain Hitsugaya's office)

I'm in my office trying to focus on my paperwork, but every minute, my thoughts of me kissing Kaoru last night keep flashing back into my mind, making my face heat up.

"Damn me, why did I do that? I know the words I said were true but why did I have to kiss her? I feel so stupid right now, I hope that she was asleep when I kissed her on the forehead because if she wasn't, I don't know how she would've felt about it. I couldn't help myself and I did it without thinking." I said, sighing with my face down on my desk.

From the other side of the room, I hear Rangiku who is slacking off on the couch giggle at me, " Captain, are you okay? Are you struggling other there? That's the tenth time that you've been sighing this morning. And do my eyes deceive me that you are blushing?!!" she says in a chirpy voice.

I try to hide my face by looking down at my piece of paperwork that I'm writing on, " I am not blushing Rangiku, I'm fine! Now get back to work!!" I growled at her trying to change the subject.

"But Captain, I swear that I saw you blushing and I heard that if someone is blushing, it means that they are thinking about someone that they like!",Rangiku says turning around and resting her chin on the back of the couch to look at me.

A vein pops out of my head while I stand up from my seat at my desk. I was about to protest again but before I could say anything, the office door slides open to reveal an out of breath Kaoru standing in the doorway.

"Good morning Captain," Kaoru says as she catches her breath.

Concerned wondering why she was out of breath, I walk over to her, " Good morning Sakura, you seem like you're out of breath, are you okay?" I stand in front of Kaoru placing my left hand on her right shoulder.

She stands up and nods, "mhm, I'm alright Captain, I ran to the office from my house so that's why I'm out of breath and I'm sorry if I'm late," Kaoru answers apologetically.

I smiled and then slightly chuckled with my signature scowl on my face, "You ran all the way from your house to hear? That's impressive, and no you are not late, you're right on time but just make sure you get here a little earlier so you don't have to be so rushed, okay?" I said teasing Kaoru a little, but at the same time reassuring her.

"Hehe, well good because I didn't want to be late and make a bad impression on my second day here, and I will definitely get here earlier next time when I come in, Captain." Kaoru cheerfully smiles and laughs.

I was about to say something else but I hear another person clear her throat and I turned to see that Rangiku was still in the office with us.

Kaoru's POV:

I turned my head to the right to see Rangiku sitting quietly on the couch. I smiled and waved at her, "Good Morning, Lieutenant Matsumoto!" I said while walking towards her.

Rangiku stands from the couch and walks up to me with a devilish look on her face. I stop in my tracks, feeling nervous for why she's looking at me like that.

"Good morning to you too Miss Sakura," She says 'innocently' as she pounces on me again but this time manages to knock me over on the floor because I was caught off guard and couldn't react in time.

"Ouch!! What the heck was that for Rangiku, that really hurt?!" I yelled with a tick mark on my forehead.

"Rangiku!! Why did you jump on Kaoru like that?! You could've just given her a proper good morning!!" Toshiro scolds and smacks her on the head before he comes over and offers me a hand to stand up, which I gladly took.

Rangiku rubs her head while she sticks her tongue out at me, "Well, that's payback for making me fall on my face when I was trying to hug you yesterday, so now we're even!" She smirks at me.

I glared at her "Well I guess we are I'm sorry, but you didn't have to tackle me!!" I sighed in an annoyed way.

Rangiku grabs and pulls me into a really tight hug again like what she did yesterday, squeezing the life out of me, "Apology accepted and I'm sorry for tackling you but to tell the truth, I just couldn't help myself, you're so cute I just want to hug you," She says in a friendly voice while I'm flailing my arms to escape from her lethal weapons called breasts.

"Matsumoto, can you let go of me, please? " I tried to speak but she didn't hear me because I was loosing air.

Captain Hitsugaya growls at us both from annoyance and yells, "Rangiku, let go of Kaoru you're suffocating her again and get back to work. Kaoru I know you did a lot yesterday but would you mind working on some more paperwork please?"He scolds at me but mostly at Rangiku.

I breathe out a "yes sir", while Rangiku lets go of me startled by Captain Hitsugaya's scolding order and then looks at me apologetically, scratching the back of her head, "Oh, sorry Miss Sakura I must've gotten carried away, you should've said something," she says.

A tick mark pops out of my head, "Well I did try to say something but you couldn't hear me through those melons of yours because I couldn't breathe!" I yelled annoyedly at her.

Rangiku crosses her arms and sighs, " I said I was sorry, didn't I? How about this, since I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, you and I are going to be working together for a very long time and I would like for us to get to know each other more. How about later on tonight, you and I have a girls night out at the hot springs?" She genuinely asks me.

I thought of Rangiku's request for a moment wondering if I want to go or not and then smiled at the thought of the idea, "Yes, I would love to go, if that's alright with Captain Hitsugaya." I said while facing towards Toshiro, waiting for his permission.

Captain Hitsugaya grumpily sighs and then slowly calms down before responding, "Uhh, as long as you get your work done, I'm fine with you going."

Rangiku squeals while jumping up and down, as I'm smiling happily about the fact, that I get to go have fun with Rangiku later tonight. "Yay, Kaoru and I get to have some girl time together, I'm so excited! It's all settled then, we'll both leave for the hot springs at 7:00 okay, I'll see you in a few hours!" she winks at me and rushes out the door ditching out on paperwork.

"Grr, that lazy lieutenant, why can't she just do her own paperwork for once!!" Toshiro growls irritably.

I try to lighten up the mood a little bit by asking him if I could help, "Toshiro, would you like me to help by doing Lieutenant Matsumoto's paperwork?" I said kindly.

Captain Hitsugaya gives me a surprised and unsure look, "Are you sure? You did a lot yesterday, you don't have to do that, I could just make Rangiku do her paperwork later?"

I gave him a confident nod, "Thank you, but I am totally sure Captain, it's not that much at all and I will be more than happy to help out with the paperwork." I smiled and walked over to my desk.

Toshiro sighs in defeat and gives one of his soft glares at me, "Well then, I truly appreciate it but I still feel bad for letting you do all that by yourself, so how about I help you by splitting the paperwork with you, so that you and I will be even." he says as he takes two stacks of paperwork off my desk and puts them on his desk.

I slightly chuckled before I replied,"Alright, thank you, Captain."

"Yeah, no problem now let's get started," Toshiro says as he sits down at his desk and starts working on his paperwork.

I let out a silent"Okay," and with that, I also sat at my desk and started working.


Toshiro and I started working on our paperwork, for a while we would just work in silence, not awkward but a comfortable silence. It reminded me a little bit of us working last night and when I fell asleep. I feel kinda bad for doing that because I didn't get a chance to talk to Toshiro and for us to catch up with each other. I feel like I should apologize.

"Is everything alright, Kaoru?" I hear a familiar voice call out to me, breaking me out of my thoughts. I must have accidentally spaced out and stopped what I was doing because when I look up, I notice Toshiro looking at me worriedly from his paperwork.

"Oh, I'm sorry Captain, I didn't mean to space out like that, I'm ok!" I said and continued to work on my paperwork.

Captain Hitsugaya grumbles, "Kaoru, it's alright, we're both alone in the office now, just call me Toshiro. Anyway, you looked like you had something on your mind, are you sure you're okay?" He firmly asks me.

I looked down at my desk, "Well, it's just I feel like I should apologize for last night," I said as I lift my head up to look at Toshiro.

Toshiro looks at me confused, "Last night?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for falling asleep on you last night because I was looking forward to talking to you and for us to catch up with each other. I also felt like I made a bad impression," I explained, embarrassed with myself.

"There's no need for you to apologize Kaoru, I was impressed with how you did your paperwork last night, I could tell that you worked hard and I don't blame you for falling asleep because you arrived at my office right after your graduation from the Soul Academy and started working on the paperwork, so I totally understand," Toshiro says reassuringly nodding at me.

"I have an idea, once we're both done with our paperwork and before you go hang out with Rangiku tonight, how about we both go hangout out for a while, so you and I can catch up with each other?" Toshiro asks me in a friendly way as he looks at me with his chin propped up in the palm of his hand.

My face immediately lit up with Toshiro's request and I simply responded cheerfully, "That's a wonderful idea, that sounds like fun!"

Toshiro smirks and chuckles at my happy response, "Alright, as soon as we both finish our paperwork we can leave."

We continued working on our paperwork for a little while longer. Within a half hour later, we both finished our paperwork and left the office to go hangout for rest of the afternoon.

Authors Note:
Omg, omg, I finally just finished my new chapter! I'm super sorry for taking so long, I had a major writer's block and I have been busy working, and had a lot of family stuff going but I've finally got it done. I'm sorry that the chapter is so long but I hope that you enjoyed! If there is anything that needs to be fixed or changed, please let me know so I can make it better! Thank you very much and I hope you'll have a wonderful day/night!

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