Nine: Guilty

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Her heels smacked against the marble flooring, the sound bouncing against the walls of the corridor. Every so often it would make an uncomfortable screech due to the pace she was walking in, impatient to reach the young man.

He was slouched on the plastic chair, head in hands. At the sound of the hurried footsteps drawing closer towards him, he glanced up. He instantly recognised her and stood up with his head lowered. He couldn't meet her deathly glare.

As soon as she stopped before him, her small hand drew up and it struck across his face, leaving a thin cut caused by her wedding ring. The impact snatched his breath out of his body, keeping his head facing the same direction she had forced him to look. Mrs Choi, who stood behind her as usual, tried to keep her composure but the slight widening of her pupils showed she too was not expecting that.

Jinah's mother wiped her hand on her pencil skirt since the tears on his face had transferred onto her palm. Her vision was blurry with the powerful mix of fury and anxiety, all caused because of the person in front of her.

"It's all your fault," she hissed. Her voice was quiet but stern enough to make him shiver with fear.

It is.

"If you hadn't taken her to that wretched place-" She sucked in her breath, unable to finish the sentence. She looked away, her chin wrinkled as they began to quiver. 

She wouldn't have fallen unconscious...if it wasn't for me.

He clenched his fists so tightly he could feel his nails digging into his skin. He had long stopped wiping his tears because no matter how many times he swiped his sleeves across his cheeks, they still rolled down like endless streams. He could taste their saltiness as they seeped into his lips. He could taste the regret, the fear, it made his stomach churn.

Jinah's mother looked at the door of the room where her daughter was being operated on. Hoseok had been waiting outside for almost three hours, the longest surgery she had ever undergone. He didn't have a good feeling about it and at that moment, all he could think about was how everything was his fault.

Her eyes darted back to him, her glare darkened to an even menacing look than before.

"I don't want you around my daughter ever again," she spat out through clenched jaws.

Even swallowing became difficult for him, it felt as if her words had trailed out of her lips and circled around his neck; suffocating him more with every word.

She is right, this is for the best.

"I am so-"

She lifted up her hand, her expression contorted into a look of disgust. "Don't you even...Just leave."

Hoseok wanted to do something to show how sorry he felt. He couldn't find the right words or action to truly express the anger he felt towards himself.

"Do me and Jinah a favour by getting the hell away from us. You have done enough damage."

With that, he finally turned on his heels and walked away. A few steps later he looked back and made eye contact with Mrs Choi. Her eyes were filled with sorrow and for a second he could have sworn she felt pity for him however her emotion was quickly concealed behind a cold stare.

That night he couldn't fall asleep. No matter how many times he tossed and turned his thoughts would still drift back to Jinah. So he sneaked out of his bed and went on a night jog around the local area. He wanted to clear his mind and get some fresh air.

But then he thought about her and how she didn't have the freedom to walk or run with ease if she wanted to clear her mind. She would be stuck in her bed, attached to all those tubes that she depended on to keep her alive.

How is she? Did the surgery go well?

He wanted to give her a call but remembering the frightening look and words of her mother, he knew it was best not to contact her. Instead he called Haneul.

"I'm not sure myself. She has been transferred to a VIP room."

The next time he went to the hospital, after visiting Haneul he lingered in the VIP corridor. He passed every door until he stood in front of one right at the end, it had her name written on it. He peered in through the thin slender window. Her eyes were peacefully shut and she was surrounded by more machines than before. He let his forehead plaster against the cold glass, his breath condensing the window. He hoped for her to open her eyes and look at him. 

Please Jinah. Look at me, I'm right here...

He waited but she never did.

A/N: Two more chapters to go till the end of this book!! I'm excited to finally call this a completed story soon.

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