One: Her story

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POV - Lee Jinah

"How long, doctor?"

"At most, I'd say one year."

One year. 12 months. 365 days. That is how long I have left on this planet. I thought, recalling my recent visit to the hospital.

I made a cross on the box of today's date on my calendar and let out a sigh as I put the pen back into its holder.

Two whole days had passed since I was given my death date and those two days was anything but peaceful.

News had spread like wildfire and everywhere I went, the only eyes I met with were ones filled with pity. It made me feel disgusting the way people looked at me. I hated the feeling of being weak and powerless but that was exactly how people thought about me now.

Before I could even come to terms with my fate, people were telling me to stay strong. I felt indifferent from the day before I went to the hospital. It wasn't like the look of a dying girl had hit me the moment I was diagnosed.

I trudged out of my room and went down the spiralling staircase. When I made my way into the dining room, I saw the usual sight. Mother was poking her food, lost in deep thoughts whilst the chef was busy laying out our huge lunch.

I sat on the seat opposite mother and she looked up, meeting her eyes with mine. Just one look at our eyes and you would know straight away that we were related. We shared the same cold dead eyes.

"Have you packed everything you will take?" she asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, mother."

"Hurry up and eat, we will leave straight after."

"Yes, mother."

Then we went back to silence, only the sound of my eating and dishes being washed in the kitchen accompanied us.

After I was finished, a maid handed me my luggage and jacket. Without even glancing back, I marched out of my house, following my mother.

It was probably going to be my last time walking out of my house because who knew when I would step back in. Yet I didn't care to miss that damned place.

Mother went into her black car and drove off, whilst I headed for my own. In front of the car stood Mrs Choi fiddling with her glasses. When she saw me walking towards her, she put on her glasses and beamed at me.

"Jinah darling! How are you feeling?"

I ignored her and opened the door, making myself comfortable in the passenger seat. Mrs Choi made her way to the driver seat and began driving. I could see her occasional glances through the mirror but I continued ignoring her.

"If it makes you feel any better, at least now you will see your mother less."

"That's literally the only positive part to this whole thing."

She let out a loud sigh, tightening her grip around the handles.

"Your mother loves you a lot. Try to learn and appreciate that before it is too late."

I flinched a little when she said 'love'. I was sure that my mum had none of that for me, or else I wouldn't have disliked her so much. Surely the way she treated me was no way to love your child.

Half an hour later, I found myself walking towards the reception where my mother was waiting. Mrs Choi quickened her pace to catch up to my mother as I took my time with walking.

I wrinkled my nose at the smell of disinfectant. It irked me due to the fact that sooner or later, I would have to get used to the hospital fragrance.

Patients were in their horrible gowns, some limping on crutches and others on wheelchairs. Paramedics were rushing around pushing hysterical people with stomach-churning injuries on hospital beds.

I stayed frozen, as I tried to take in the atmosphere I was engulfed in. That was when it finally hit me. Reality had hit me so hard that for the first time in a long time, I felt scared.

As I stood there staring off into space, it felt like I had been thrown back to my childhood. The times when I was small and vulnerable. The times where I actually felt and thought like a human being, not the cold robotic mechanic I was today.

Suddenly, the impact I felt when someone bumped into me, caused me to stumble forwards. My palms collided with the hard floor and I winced at the slight pain. I cringed further at the sound of a baseball bat meeting the ground.

"Oh God! I am so sorry, please forgive me! Please!"

I looked up to see a young guy in a baseball uniform repetitively bowing to me. When he acknowledged my silence, he stopped and met my eyes.

"I'm so silly. Here, let me help you up," he said, extending his hand out.

I looked at his hand and his face before rolling my eyes. I picked myself up and wiped my hands free from the dirt that I had accumulated.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Let me see your palm."

I frowned as he grabbed my hands and closely examined both sides before I pulled them away from his touch. At that point he should've understood that I didn't want his help due to my rudeness, like any normal person would have realised. But instead he continued with his examination as he looked at my body up and down, a look of concern plastered across his face.

"You can stop now. I am fine, honestly."

I frowned at him one last time before turning my heels and walking up to Mrs Choi and mother, who was signing a piece of paper.

"Hurry up and sign this part. I have a meeting to attend soon," she said, impatiently tapping a box on the paper.

Whilst I was signing, I almost jumped at the sudden outburst of the receptionist.

"Hoseok! How was the match?"

"It went awesome, we won again!" replied the guy who had bumped into me.

I interrupted their little conversation by handing the piece of paper to the receptionist. He bowed to me and pointed to the left.

I glanced back a little and was taken aback when I met eyes with the baseball guy. I quickly looked forwards and followed a doctor who was guiding me to my death bed.

A/N Here is my attempt at writing an angst fanfic. 

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