The Fairy Tail

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3rd Person Pov

A train chugs along the tracks towards the port town known as Hargeon. Many of the passengers were going for different reasons, some for shopping, some for business, but one person on the train had a different objective. In the third train compartment, a young boy looked out the window with the sun shining on his face. The boy had short blue hair with a small portion over his right eye and more to his right side of his head and blue eyes. A spear leaned against the seats next to him as the metal blade shined in the sun. The boy was known as Y/n L/n, a members of the Fairy Tail guild and a powerful Wizard, though not strong enough yet to join S-Class. Y/n looked out the window towards the port town as small footsteps came towards him as he looked to see his exceed, River.

River: We are nearing Hargeon.

Y/n: I can see that, River.

River nods as she hops onto the seat and goes into the small bag Y/n had next to him. The exceed pulls out a map of the land and opens it with multiple small X's on it indicating the towns and cities they had visited to find information about Y/n's mother, Licita. They had began their search when Y/n came to the age of 15 and continued by looking everywhere and asking everyone they came across. So far, they couldn't get any information that helped them get a lead of Licita's whereabouts or anything that could lead to where she was or where she was heading. Y/n never gave up on his search and continues to look for any clue to find his mother as well as the dragons that raised him.

Y/n: Hopefully we can find something here not only in order to find Mom, but to see if the information we got to find Igneel for Natsu as well.

River: Well, most of the information we come across in order to find Licita has led us nowhere. We will have to see if we can find anything here.

Y/n nods as he looked out the window once more as the train grew closer to Hargeon. Once the train stopped, Y/n stood up and put his spear on his back as he and River exited and looked at the town.

Y/n: Let's see if Mom stopped by here at all.

River nods as the two begin to look all over Hargeon looking for any information on Licita. The two went from shop to shop asking if anyone had seen her before coming to a small magic shop. Y/n reached to open the door before it opened as a girl walked out and bumped into him as she looked at him after backing up. The girl had brown eyes and shoulder-length blonde hair that is usually tied by ribbons in a variety of colors in a small ponytail to the right side of her head with the rest of the hair loose. She wore a white and blue top with a short blue skirt that holds Celestial Spirit keys and a whip with a heart-shaped end.

Girl: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see where I was going.

Y/n: No, it's no problem.

The girl looked at Y/n as he walked into the shop without another glance towards the girl. Y/n walked over to the counter seeing the shop keeper as he turned and looked at the young wizard.

Shop Keeper: Hello, how can I help you today?

Y/n: I'm looking for information on this woman.

Y/n places a photo of his mother on the counter and slides it to the shop keeper who looks at the photo and looks in realization.

Shop Keeper: Oh, that's Licita, she is one of my best costumers.

Y/n looked at him as he put his hands on the counter as River looked at him as this was the first they found someone who knew Licita and could give information on her whereabouts.

Y/n: She comes here? Do you know where she is now?

Shop Keeper: I can't say for sure, she only comes every few months to get supplies and leave things to trade. She did however leave a gift for a boy named Y/n, but so far he hasn't come to get it.

Y/n: My name is Y/n.

The shop keeper looked at Y/n before reaching under the counter and grabbed a small thin box that looked like it could hold a book as he placed it on the counter. Y/n looked at the gift as he slowly opened it as River looked at it before seeing a note as she grabbed it and read it. Y/n was more focused on what was in the box as he opened it it revealed a blue grimoire with a six leaf clover as he looked at it.

River: Y/n, take a look at this note.

Y/n looked at River before she handed the note to him as he took it and began to read it.

"Y/n, my precious little boy, if your reading this then you finally got your gift I always meant to give you, but couldn't due to my magic. I know that you have grown into a strong young man and that you have made a lot of friends. I hope that this grimoire can give you an extra boost to your powers and overcome any obstacles you come across. Remember this, I will always watch over you and we will meet again soon. I love you. -Mom"

Y/n read the letter as a tear falls onto the paper in his hand before he wiped it away. River looked at him as she put her paw on his side as he looked down at her and rubbed her head before looking at the grimoire.

Y/n: Let's see what this so called grimoire can do.

Y/n took the book out from the box as he opened it before a bright blue glow surrounded it with spells that he knew as well as new ones appear on each page. Y/n looked in awe before closing the book and used the book pouch in the box as he strapped it to his hip. The two would leave the shop as they walked through town.

Y/n: We'll, at least we found information on Mom, now we just have to look for this so called "Salamander".

Right after finishing his sentence, the two hear a crowd of girls cheering as they mentioned the name Salamander as River and Y/n looked at each other before making their way towards the crowd. The two arrive behind the crowd as Y/n managed to look past the girls and saw a man in the middle. He saw a relatively tall and slim man with mildly short, spiky hair jutting outwards, with a long fringe left hanging over the upper left part of his face. He had a dark tattoo covering the right part of his forehead, just above his right eyebrow, this being highly reminiscent of a thin, stylized pair of tongs placed horizontally, with the "handles" pointing towards his right. He wears ornate clothing, with the most visible piece being a dark, high-collared cape almost reaching down to his knees, possessing a lighter inner part and light edges adorned by a pattern consisting of many rhombs, or possibly many "X"s, lined up one after the other. Such cape is closed some centimeters below his neck by a small fastener adorned by a stylized flame. Below his cape, he wears a simple, light short-sleeved shirt with outlined edges, paired with light pinstriped pants with visible hems, held up by a simple belt covered in elongated spots and largely hidden by his shirt,and polished dark shoes, with lighter soles and a light upper part going down from the ankle's front. He also sports three large metal bracelets around his right wrist and forearm. Y/n looked at him and could tell just by looking at him, he could be a full on fake. Y/n grabbed his spear from his back and tossed it high in the air at full strength before the weapon turns in the sky and dives down striking into the ground in front of Salamander. The mage jumps back in shock as he looked at it as the girls screamed out in fear as Y/n lands on the spear bending his knees as he held his chin and looked at him.

Y/n: Well, if they call you Salamander, I don't really see a resemblance for him in you.

Salamander looked at Y/n seeing how he had made a big entrance before hopping off of his spear and pulled it out from the ground and rests it on his shoulder. The girls around him had hearts in their eyes for Salamander as they growled at Y/n and would charge at him but would be stopped by an ice barrier. Y/n looked at them with an icy cold glare as they all jumped in fear.

Y/n: I don't know what your game plan is here, but I don't like you one bit and don't think your the real deal. So you best leave town now or I'll have to clip your wings.

Y/n places his spear on his back as he walks away with River following behind him as Salamander looked at him and growled. Y/n continued to walk as he had his hands in his pockets as River crawled up his body and sat in his shoulder.

River: How could you tell he wasn't Salamander?

Y/n: Cause I know who the true Salamander is and he's not that guy. He is actually someone back at the guild hall.

???: Hey! Wait up!

Y/n stops in his tracks as he and Winter turn towards the voice that called out to them as they saw the girl they had bumped into at the magic shop earlier running toward them before slowly stopping and hunches over slightly catching her breathe. Y/n looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow as she caught her breathe and stood up with a smile as she looked at them.

Lucy: My name is Lucy, I wanted to thank you from saving me back there from that guy.

Y/n: What do you mean by I saved you? I mean the girls around him liked him, unless...

Lucy: They were being controlled by a magic spell?

Y/n looked at Lucy who smiled after finishing his sentence. The three made their way to a restaurant in the two and sat together. Y/n had a simple bowl of ramen in front of him with a basket of bread while River ate fish with a fork and knife. Lucy looked at the two and smiled before speaking.

Lucy: So your names are Y/n and River?

Y/n: Yep.

River: A pleasure to meet you.

Lucy: It seemed that Salamander guy was using magic, a charm spell, to hypnotize the ladies in town into thinking they were in love with him.

Y/n: Well, they do have the power to do that on most occasions, hence why they've been banned for years now. He must have powerful friends to get something like that.

Lucy: I totally fell victim to his spell, but I snapped out of it thank to you when you showed up. I really can't thank you guys enough.

Y/n: It wasn't a problem at all, he just got in my way.

Lucy: What do you mean?

River chews on a piece of fish before swallowing and wipes her lips as she looked at Lucy.

River: We are looking for someone, Y/n's mother to be more precise.

Lucy: *looks at River* His mother?

River: *nods* Yes. At a young age, Licita, Y/n's mother, had given him to two dragons to raise him since her magic was draining his. She didn't want to be the cause of him losing his magic, but Y/n intends to find her nonetheless.

Lucy looked at River before looking at Y/n as he continued to eat with his eyes closed. She had never heard of someone that would go through great lengths to find someone they care about.

Lucy: I see. So, are you guys wizards?

Y/n: Yep, we are in a guild and everything.

Lucy: That's so cool! I know I may not look like it, but I'm a wizard too.

Y/n: Really?

Lucy: Yeah, but I haven't joined a guild yet or anything.

Y/n: Well, you still have some time before then. Thanks for the meal, but we should get going.

River nods as she finished her fish before hopping on Y/n's shoulder as he reached into his bag and pulled out a couple of Jewel placing it on the table. Y/n looked at Lucy as he smiled at her making her blush softly.

Y/n: Hope to see you around, good luck becoming a wizard.

Y/n starts to leave as he waves as Lucy watched him before looking at the jewel he had placed down and saw something intriguing. What she saw was a note and she took it and started to read it as it was the note that Licita left him with his grimoire. Lucy stood up and went outside to return it , but saw Y/n and River were no where in sight. Lucy looked around before looking at the note as she put it away and held onto it, making sure to give it back to them when she met them again. Night soon falls upon Hargeon as Y/n overlooked the port town and looked at the ocean in the horizon thinking about his mother.

Y/n: We're close, River. I know that she has to be around here somewhere.

River: Yes, but we still need more information, without any good leads, we won't be able to find anything.

Y/n nods before thinking about his encounter with Salamander earlier. Obviously Y/n knew it was a fake, but couldn't understand his true goal in Hargeon. The young wizard came out of his thoughts before hearing a small group of girls talking in the distance.

Girl 1: Oh my gosh! That's Salamander's yacht, isn't it?

Girl 2: I wish I could have gone to his party!

Girl 3: Who's Salamander?

Girl 1: Woah, you've never heard of him? He's a super famous wizard who's in town right now!

Girl 2: Yeah, and he's a member of Fairy Tail.

Y/n turned his head toward them before looking back at the yacht as the conversation peaked his interest.

Y/n: Fairy Tail, huh?

Y/n looked at the boat before looking at his grimoire as he pulled it out and opened it. Once the book opened, a light blue glow surrounds it as it floats in front of him. Y/n's eyes glow blue as he looked out to the yacht as he took a deep breathe. On the yacht, a large party of girls talked among themselves as they stood in dresses. Salamander had taken Lucy into his private quarters as she wanted to discuss his promise on getting her into Fairy Tail.

Salamander: It's Lucy, right? That's a lovely name.

Lucy: Yeah, thanks.

Salamander poured a bottle of wine into a small glass before setting the bottle down and looked at Lucy.

Salamander: I'd like to toast your beauty.

He would snap his fingers as the wine in the glass in front of him begins to float as small orbs as he closed his eyes and smiled. It was a type of levitation magic as Lucy looked at it.

Salamander: Now, open up wide, Lucy. Savor the taste of each flavorful drop as it enters your mouth.

(I nearly threw up writing this part cause it just sounded so weird hearing him say it)

Lucy looked at him with chills going down her spine as it sounded weird to her.

Lucy: Creepy!

Lucy closed her eyes and opened her mouth as she was still freaked out from his phrasing as the drops of wine drew closer to her.

Lucy: I'm strong. I can get through this.

Before the droplets could reach her, Lucy felt something was off and opened her eyes as she stood and swiped the droplets away. She looked at Salamander in determination.

Lucy: What do you think your doing?

Salamander looked at Lucy in shock as she looked at him,

Lucy: I know what you're up to. You're trying to use sleep magic.

Salamander looked at her before smiling as he held up his hand to his chin with his with his two rings being shown. One of the rings was the charm spell that Lucy had mentioned to Y/n earlier, while the other was a sleep magic ring.

Salamander: Very impressive, my dear.

Lucy: Look, I don't want to give you the wrong idea. Yes, I really want to join the Fairy Tail guild, but I'm not gonna date you to make that happen.

Salamander: *chuckles* You're quite a handful, aren't you? 

The curtains around the room slide open as his henchmen stood while carrying the girls from the party. He had used sleep magic in their drinks before they arrived as the henchmen all laughed evilly. Lucy gasped in shock as she looked around.

Lucy: What's going on here?

Salamander: Welcome aboard my ship. And you'd be wise to behave yourself until we make it to Bosco. Don't make me angry.

Lucy: We're going to Bosco?! You said you get me into Fairy Tail!

Salamander: Forget it. I just said that so I could lure you here and make you one of our slaves.

Lucy: How could you?! You're gonna kidnap all of these girls?

The henchmen all laugh as they looked at the two.

Minion 1: That's our Salamander, all right.

Minion 2: We got a big haul this time.

Lucy: Why you!

Lucy reaches behind her as she grabbed her spirit keys from the strap on her leg. Salamander chuckles and snaps his fingers with his magic seal appearing in front of him as purple flames emerge and slap the keys out of Lucy's hand as she gasps. Salamander catches the keys as he looked at them with a smile on his face.

Salamander: Hmm. These are Gatekeys. So you're a Celestial Wizard. Only the wizard who is contracted can use this magic. So these are absolutely useless to me. Whoops.

Salamander tosses the keys out the window as the fall to the ocean below, but are grabbed by a small shadow as it glides over the water. Lucy whimpers softly as she was now defenseless as Salamander and his henchmen all chuckle at her as tears filled her eyes. She looked up at Salamander with rage as she clenched her fists.

Lucy: You used magic to take and at age of others. You're the worst wizard alive!

Tears fall from Lucy's face and onto the ground, but instead of hearing a small splash, there would be a small clink sound. Salamander looked in confusion as he looked at the ground seeing the tears turned into little ice droplets. The floor would be covered with a almost see through mist before ice would form around their feet and would grow into glaciers as they yelled out. The ice grew up to their knees as they tried to get free.

Minion 1: What the hell is this?!?

Minion 3: It's so cold!

???: Ice Magic, Glacier Lock Restraint.

Lucy looked behind her towards the voice in shock as she had heard it before as she turned to see Y/n with River on his shoulder. Y/n exhaled softly with frost leaving his mouth as the color of his eyes were glowing as his grimoire floated in front of him.

Lucy: Y/n? River?

Y/n: I knew something was off about this guy.

Y/n walked forward as he looked at Salamander who struggled to get free before looking at Y/n.

Y/n: You're not the true Salamander, matter of fact, you're real name is Bora the Prominence. And your not part of any guild last time I checked, especially Fairy Tail.

Bora looked at Y/n in shock seeing how his identity was now revealed truthfully as Y/n out his hands on his pockets. River hopped off of Y/n shoulder and walked over to Lucy giving her back her Gatekeys as she looked in shock and took them. Bora growled as he threw his hand forward.

Bora: Prominence Ty-

Y/n punches Bora in the face before he could finished sending him flying into a wall and out through it. The fake Salamander groans as Y/n walked over to him and grabbed him by his coat and held him up slight looking into his eyes. Bora looked in shock as he saw a dark blues eyed glare coming from Y/n with a menacing blue aura.

Y/n: Freeze Coffin.

Bora looked in horror before ice surrounds his body and encases him with his horrified expression being seen clear through the ice. Y/n dropped him with a loud thunk as he closes his grimoire and holds his hands out as the water around the yacht slowly began to turn the ship around and back to Hargeon. After clearing up what happened with the local authorities, the girls on the yacht were all taken in for questioning as Y/n watched them before looking over at Lucy who sat on a staircase looking out to the ocean.
Y/n walked over to her and sat down next to her as she looked at him before looking back out at the ocean.

Lucy: I can't believe I actually thought he could get me into Fairy Tail.

Y/n: Well, that tends to happen with people that take someone's name for their own personal gain. Luckily I came when I did. I've heard about people trafficking girls to Bosco, it's not really a nice place to go, especially with bad type of people.

Lucy nods as she looked at Y/n as she held onto her knees.

Lucy: Yeah, thank you for that by the way. If you hadn't shown up, I couldn't imagine what would happen to me.

Y/n nods as he looked at her before she looked out to the ocean once again. After hearing Fairy Tail from her and how she wanted to get in, Y/n looked at her.

Y/n: So, you want to join Fairy Tail?

Lucy nods as she continued to look out to the ocean.

Lucy: More than anything. They are always talked about in Sorcerer's Weekly and have some of the strongest Wizards.

Y/n looked at her seeing how Bora toyed with her emotions and made an empty promise to get her into the Fairy Tail guild. Seeing her passion, Y/n sighed as he stood up and began to walk away. Lucy looked at him thinking he didn't care about what happened or her goals before he stopped and looked toward her.

Y/n: Are you coming?

River: We are from Fairy Tail and we can get you in to the true guild.

Lucy looked in shock before Y/n lifted his shirt to show his Fairy Tail symbol as it was a light blue color and rested on the right side of his stomach. River moved her jacket to show her symbol as Lucy looked at them before smiling as she ran over to them as they began their way to Fairy Tail.

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