Chapter 10

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It's been a week or so after getting your zanpukto. Killing hollows has been easier with Ichigo by your side. you were still a beginner, so your sword skills were a bit rusty. When Ichigo fought to kill hollows with you he kept his distances a bit. You didn't know why, and that's what has been bothering you all this past week.

Your sitting in your desk at school as Rangiku comes up to you.

"So (y/n), I heard you liked Ichigo."

You face blushes a deep scarlet red "W-what?! Were did you hear that?!"

She bursts out laughing "I was joking! So you do like Ichigo! I think you two would be cute together!"

"S-shut up Rangiku!" You hide you face in your math book as Rangiku takes it out of your hands "G-give it back!"

"Nope~ I'm going to tell Ichigo about this!"

She runs out laughing as you chase after her "RANGIKU!!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!!!!!!"

Everyone in the hall stared at you two. You saw Rangiku as was almost close to Ichigo as you put on a full burst of speed and tackled her.

She was laughing like crazy as Ichigo turned around and saw you two.

"Umm.... (y/n).... what are you doing with Rangiku?....."

"Ichigo! (y/n) li-"

You slap your hand over her mouth and drag her into the girls bathroom, leaving a confused Ichigo staring at the two of you. She licked your hand making you pull back from disgust. She was laughing like a mad women.

"Shut up!" You started kicking her as that only made it worse

"A-a-a-alright!!! S-s-s-stop!!! I'm s-s-s-sorry!!!"

You stopped kicking as she stands up clutching her stomach

"That was too good! The look on your face when I almost said it!"

"Shut up Rangiku! It's not funny! What if he rejected me in front of all those people?!"

"Honey, if he did, then he's missing out on a beautiful women he failed to catch at."

You blushed "Thanks Rangiku.... But please don't do that again! I want to tell him myself when the time is right!"

She gives you a motherly look "I understand (y/n). I'm sorry if I did that." She grabs your arm "Let's go back! I bet Ichigo wants a word with you!"

You give her a smile "Yeah.... let's!"

You both head back to the classroom as everyone stares at you, well..... mostly Rangiku because of her..... yeah..... mostly boys thought....

You sit down in your desk chair as Ichigo slowly comes up too you, like he afraid or something

"Hey (y/n). What was Rangiku going to say earlier before you drag her to the bathroom?...."

You blush a little and cover your face with you hand to the side "N-nothing... You know how Rangiku can be!"

Ichigo chuckles "Yeah. That's true!"

You both sit in awkward silence and blushed a little each time you both looked up at each other.

"At you two going to talk or blush all day?"

You snapped your head to the direction of the little white hair kid.

Ichigo gave him a growl as you turned away and blushed even more, making Rangiku chuckle from where she's looking at you.

"What was that Toshiro?"

"It's Captain Hitsugaya for you! And I was saying if you two are going to blush all day then talk or something because this a school! Not a blushing one!"

You got mad at this Toshiro charter, who does he think he is talking to Ichigo like that?! Captain my butt! He can't just go around say that to other people too!

You stood up and faced him "If that's how you think then I will leave. School ending in 15 minutes so I best be on my way. Goodbye little kid " You sneer the last part as you walked out, You could feel his cold dead eyes staring at you, even from the wall. Ichigo came running out from the room and caught up with you.

"I didn't think anyone could talk to Toshiro that way! Your amazing (y/n)! I thought you were dead for sure on that last part!"

You laugh a little before turning to him "Like a little kid like him can hurt me! I'm twice his height!"

Ichigo laughs with you "I know right! He acts like he's the boss of the class room! It's annoying!"

You both laughed until you were the only one laughing still. You stopped and open your eyes to find Ichigo's face close to your's until Orihime voice called out to you

"(y/n)! Kurosaki-chan! Are you two heading home too?!"

Ichigo pulled away fast enough just when Orihime came from a round the corner

"Y-yeah Orihime... Come on, Let's go home (y/n)."

Your face was redder than a tomato as you turned away form Orihime. Ichigo face was red but was going back to normal as he was facing Orihime.

"Y-yeah.... I'm coming!"

You ran down he hallway to catch up to the two. Still think about what just happened with you and Ichigo....

Ichigo's pov

I was laughing with (y/n) until I saw how cute she looked while laughing. I couldn't help myself as lean down to her face.... and almost kiss her until Orihime camed and ruined it.... out of all the time Orihime could have come it had to be now..... great.....

We both waved goodbye to Orihime as we walk home together, keeping are distance.

After dinner we when upstairs for bed until (y/n) stopped me

"Ichigo.... why were you down to my face earlier until Orihime came?..."

I started panicking, she couldn't know about my crush on her! "I saw a bug on your shoulder and toke it off." REALLY?! Is that all I got to come up with?!

"Oh okay! I thought you were going to kiss me!" She had on a strait face, but I could tell the sadness in her voice. "Well goodnight!" She goes into her room and closes the door as I get into bed sighing

"Real nice going there Ichigo..... REAL nice!" I couldn't tell if (y/n) like me or not. Which was driving me mad! I sighed myself to sleep thinking about (y/n) 


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