Chapter 12

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(y/n)'s pov

I woke up in Ichigo's arms in the next morning. I couldn't remember the reason why, until it hit me like a tile wave as my cheek flushed with embarrassment. I quickly shake my head to rid of the thought as I touch Ichigo's forehead. It still felt a bit warm. Ichigo's eye opened up sleepily as I toke my hand away from his head. 

He coughed a tiny bit as he sat up. "Hey (y/n)... I see your awake now..."

I nodded my head slowly as I look him up and down at Ichigo, see if this body was shaking bad. "Yeah... are you feeling better?"

"A-a tiny bit... but good enough to get out and get into bed.... I'm not sure if I can go to school today...."

"Don't worry about having to go today. I'll tell the teacher you just came down with something bad."

Ichigo gave me a weak smile as he laid back down in bed carefully. "O-okay... just make sure you go to school safe and come back too."

I gave him a bright smile back as I pulled the covers over him and tuck in the sides. "Get some rest. I'll see you after school Ichigo."

Ichigo nodded his head sleepy as I closed his door and when to school

Lunch was boring without Ichigo... class was boring without Ichigo... the whole school day was boring without Ichigo! Today was the most boring day of my whole life! I didn't even think something like that was possible! I tried to focus in class... but.. my mind only when to Ichigo and how he was doing at home

The bell rang making me snap out of my thoughts. I get up and grab my stuff going out the door. I started walking home to the path I normally do, but the road was closed because of an accident. Two peopled died in it

A mother and her son. I saw the body bags as it ran shivers down my spine to see a dead body... even thought I was a soul reaper who is somewhat like dead. I cried a bit as I saw the family of the two run up too them yelling and crying their hearts out... then... that's when I felt something inside me made me... shake so bad....

The world started to spin. I gasp for breath, but I couldn't breath for any air! I fell too the ground, gasping like a fish out of water as dark spots danced on the edge of my vision. That's when I saw a quick flash of a mask.... it was a hollow mask... the feel of seeing it made my temper boil.... I tried to focus myself as it didn't work.... I was starting to see light.. I was dying.... fear ran threw me... I couldn't die! Not like this when my life just gotten better! I tried one more time and breathed with all my strength and gasp up air. I choked at it as I started to breath in and out... 

I sit up, shaking everywhere.... what just happened?... that has never happened before... I cry a little as my lung burned with so much fire.... I coughed a bit as I manged to get up. I lean on a light post near by... looking at the scene of the accident as they lowed the body's into the cars and toke off.. leaving the crying family alone...  

I felt pity for the family as people who were around came and started comforting them.. I don't remember why... but... I just feel like... something in my past... was like that... I shake off the thought as I started walking the other way around home which was pasted up a big hill and down to the other side of town to avoided traffic. 

I started to feel better as I toke a sniff of the fresh air as I walk up the steep hill. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be to climbed.  I felt good... until... I felt I wasn't alone... I turned around and saw no one.... I wasn't going to take the chance as I toke out a mod soul and swallowed  it down my throat as I came out of my body. I told my mod soul to stay put as I checked the area... 

I toke off into the air and checked for any signs of spirit pressure. Their was on one but me hear.... I shrugged to myself as I start to go down into my bo-

I gasp for breath as my chest was slashed opened right out of no where. I scream in pain as I when down into the ground. Pain flared my chest.... the wounded wasn't big... but it was big enough to cause pain. I cough out a tiny bit of blood as I see a shadow come down and land near by me. It walked towards me as I toke my sword out and used too hold me steady.

As the shadow came into the moonlight my heart stopped. I saw the face I loved and remember all too well... the face I though I never see again but only in my dreams...

My brother... Akio... his dark blue hair ruffled in his eyes as the wind picked up on his back. My eyes widen in hope and happiness to see him... Akio.... I though he was dead... everyone did.... he comes up to me in a pace I didn't know if was friendly.... or hate...

I shiver as I stand up holding my wound. "A-aiko.... brother... w-what... how... are you...?"

"Alive?" He asked with a bitter tone. "I was always alive (y/n). Your just the idiot who never notice and was too weak to do anything."

I wince at his comment. This wasn't the Akio I knew and loved. He always had a smile on his high cheek bone handsome face that would always get the girl in the school to fall for him. Now.... he just.... said I was dirt...

"Aiko.... b-br-"

"Don't call me that" Akio said as he interrupted me "I was never your brother. Nor are you my sister."

My heart felt it just got stabbed threw the whole thing... Akio.... would never say that....

"A-akio... what is the matter with you?!"

"Nothings the matter with me (y/n)" He quickly slashes my chest hard as I gasp for breath. He kicks me in the head, making the world spin "Your the one who doesn't matter to no one. Not to even me"

I try swinging at him until he grabs my hand and breaks it. I scream in pain as he kicks my gut. I cough up blood on him as he looks down at me with disgust

"Gross... I don't want your blood on me!"

He kicks me in the face hard as I cry a tiny bit. I try calling for help, but who can help me?... I'm all alone here to die with my powerful brother trying to kill me!

I try to run until he grabs by the hair and pulls down on it

"Don't you run away from me! I want to see you die in front of my eyes~"

Before I could scream for help I felt something stab me in the chest... I look down and see a sword threw me...

Akio look at he with blood lust in his gray eyes "I hope you go to hell for what you did to me (y/n)"

I couldn't question him before I see darkness take over me as I feel nothing.... nothing as be drops me too the ground... and blood goes everywhere...... I close my eyes slowly as the last thing I see is my brothers blood lust eyes starring down at me as the light leave my eyes slowly....

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