Chapter 16

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(Y/n) pov

I wake up to find Ichigo snuggled with me in his arms. I giggle and kiss his cheek remembering last night I had fell asleep waiting for Ichigo to come back from Hollow duty.

I gently kiss him awake as he slowly opens his brown eyes to my (e/c) ones. "Morning handsome~"

Ichigo smiles and quickly kisses me back. "Ditto to you miss beautiful~" I giggle as he ruffles my hair. "I also got something to show to you silly."

I cock my head to the side. "What is it?"

Ichigo smirks. "You'll just have to wait until tonight to find out~"

"AWWW! No fair!" I pouted as I punches his chest while he laughed.

"You look so cute when pouting~"

"But you look cute when you smile~ It's like a godly smile~"

Ichigo roared with laughter as it fills his room. "R-really? That's a kind of smile?!"

"Yep~" I said with a smile on my face.

Ichigo stared into my eyes as he gently picked me up bridal style. "Let go down stairs and see what's for breakfast."

I nod as he toke me down stairs with him. The kitchen was empty. It was only 7 in the morning on a Saturday so no one was going to be up until 10. My stomach growled as Ichigo smiles.

"I'll try to make something for you."

My eyes shined. "I would love that~!"

Ichigo quickly kisses me before he set me down at the table seats. He tried making pancakes but failed as he grabbed some strawberries from the cupboard.

"I hope you like strawberries (y/n)."

"Why wouldn't I? I'm dating one aren't I?"

Ichigo chuckled at my joke as he lifted me up and sat me down on his lap. "Hah very funny (y/n). Want me to feed you?"

"Yes please!" I open my mouth as he plopped one in there. He kept giving me many until by the last one he sneaked a kiss in there. I giggle before I start kissing back. Are lips moving in sync, titling are heads just at the right angle. Are tongues making a fiery fight inside are mouths. Ichigo won dominance as I pout but let him explore. Moaning for more until a cough broke the silence air.

I quickly pulled away to see Issin by the stairways glaring at Ichigo.

Ichigo groans. "What is it now dad?"

"Nothing." He said in a cool tone. "Just making sure I get to have grand kids early."

My face flushed with colors as Ichigo turned redder than a tomato. "DAD!!!"

Issin broke out laughing. "I'm just joking you two! But, I wouldn't mind grandchildren from (y/n)~"

Ichigo blushed deepen. "GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I KILL YOU OLD MAN!!!"

Issin left cracking up like crazy. I lift my face up to met with his.

"I'm sorry about my dad."

I gave Ichigo an ensuring smile. "It's okay. Lets just go outside and have fun while the day still bright."

Ichigo smiled down at me as he went up to get changed. The whole day was fun. I walked with Ichigo around the park, went down by the river to skip some rocks, And played some good old soccer with him as I know he let me win.

Night time came around as Ichigo toke my hand and was leading me up a big hill.

"Ichigo." I said out of breath, "where are we going? *huff*"

"We're almost there (y/n). Just hang on tight just a tiny bit longer."

I sigh and gave him his word as he continued to up the hill.

"Were here!" He shouted as I gasped at the sigh I was seeing. All of Karakura town was shining making the river by it shine with a bright heavenly light. It was breath taking until my eyes landed on the night sky. I smiled and stared up at natures beauty. The stars bright glow making the whole night sky leave the darkness.

"You see that?" Ichigo pointed to a shooting star, it's tail beside it made a beautiful line of blue as it shoot right above us, "That's a shooting star. Make a wish and your dream will come true."

I smiles at him as I closed my eyes. "My.. wish is...-"

"I wish were you dead and gone for good because I never loved you in the first place (y/n)."

I stopped and gasped. I know it wasn't Ichigo's voice saying that. I felt my stomach sink to the ground as I opened my eyes to see, Akio, my brother their staring into my (e/c) eyes with his deep ocean like blue ones.

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