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"So see the plan is....." said Vi to Ro explaining his plan

(And the plan is....


I won't spoil the surprise😉😉😉)

"You alright....Vi" Ro looked at Vi in a horrified manner after vi told him the plan.

"I am alright ,now you ready for the plan???" Vi asked with so much excitement , ro looked scared but nodded anyways...

" will start from now only" Vi said clapping his hands like a child (awww....kiddo)

And ro only nodded , perplexed by vi's antics.

"Hmmm...okay then Rohityaaa" Vi said sweetly.

"Gosh....that is so cliche" ro complained and looked at vi with a disgusted look.

"Come on you can't backoff now" pleaded vi.

"Sure i won't" ro said defeatedly.

"Thanks sweetheart" squealed Vi and Ro widened his eyes at that, but anyways said

"Sure buttercup" said ro said making faces and Vi smiled although even he felt weird , but anyways😤😤

(Got the plan guys😃😃😃)-- AUTHOR
Anyways back to the story

"Ro , Vi come for dinner" jinks called(surely , he takes care of them like a mother)

"Yeah...we are coming" said rohirat in unison and went downstairs for dinner.


After dinner rohirat went to sleep without any fight. And it was hard to digest for everyone

"Maybe accha mood hoga" suggested newbies like navdeep , but for others it was really weird , but they let it slip this time.

Meanwhile in rohirat's room....

"You think it worked" asked vi excitedly

"Ummm...yeah they were looking perplexed" ro pointed out.

"Okay..then we will continue it for sometime" said vi.

"Yeah....but don't you think that they will be worried about us" asked ro worriedly.

"Come on rohityaaaa its just a prank , plsssss, pretty please" pleaded Vi with a cute face and ro gaveup ( how can someone say no to their bff's pleadings???)

"Hmmm...okay then now lets sleep" said ro and they slept.


Everyone was awoke by now , except--'

(Any guesses who???)

"Virat...Ro abhi tak so raha hai, please wake him up" pleaded jinks.

"Bass itni si baat" said vi and went to their room to wake ro up.

Harry came running behind with a bucket of water and handed it to Vi, and Vi gave harry a look

"And why do i need this" asked Vi

"Cap , well you always wake Cap ro like that" said harry shrugging his shoulder like it was a universal rule and vi although would have done that with pleasure , but, remembered their prank!!!

So with heavy heart Vi shook his head dissaprovingly and said " no harry...what if rohityaa catches cold" said vi and pretended to be worried about his rohityaaa

"W......" harry just stared at Vi (jungshooked😲😲😲😲😲)

"Anyways , harry don't ever do that again, what if my rohityaa falls ill, i don't want him to be ill" said Vi and stared shaking ro gently to wake him up. As harry stood rooted to his spot and saw the exchange happen.


"Ro....sweetheart....rohityaaaaa...wake up bro...." vi said shaking ro gently and miracle happened as ro wake up with a jerk

'Hain!!! sweetheart?? Rohityaaa , what the heck is wrong with cap vi ' i thought

"Kyaa huaa" asked ro scared as Vi woke him up with so much care.

"Nothing rohityaaa" said Vi sweetly(and winked at ro , ro suddenly remembered everything and he too came into his character) and said "ohh...good morning Veer" said Ro smiling at Vi sweetly.

'Goodmorning , itna pyaar, and that too in the morning , Cap ro isn't mad at cap vi ,how??? I again thought

"Good morning Rohityaa, get up now and get freshed , then we will eat breakfast" said Vi and ruffled ro's hairs and made him stand up.

Okay, meri annkhe theek hai na- i thought and rubbed my eyes but again i saw the same view , okay i think that's because of hangover.

"Hmmm...sure i will go Veer then we will eat together" smiled ro and went staright to the washroom.

As i was about to go , i heard ro calling "arey veer" ,

"Haan.." said Vi

"Wo...i forgot my clothes outside" ro said.

"Haan...wait....hmmm...." said Vi and went to the closet and took out ro's clothes and towel and went towards the washroom door

"Ley....take this" said Vi handing ro his clothes and came back and sat on the bed.

"Are, you....ummm...okay cap..." i asked finally having enough of their lovey dovey moments

"Yeah i am harry. Why" Vi said

"Wo...ummm..nothing" i said and went out of the room m isse pehle ki mere dimaag ka short circuit ho jaye.


Uff!!! How can this idiot forget his clothes , but harry looked shocked , yeah , first time my plan is working - i thought.

Gosh really Vi , self boasting- AUTHOR


Yeah anyways back to the story😥😥

I was in my lalalala land where i was praising myself suddenly i heard a voice "if you are done self praising, then we should be going downstairs" ro said with an unamused expression.

"Hmmm....Oh haan" i said coming back to the real world, and we both went downstairs, there i heard a voice and i stopped ro and ro gave me a confused look , and i pointed towards everyone sitting and harry telling something and everyone listening quite seriously ,

(Hmmmm........ they are taking harry seriously , not good😓😰😰😰 -AUTHOR)

We stopped in our tracks and hid behind a pillar and heard their talkings


"so you are saying that Vi woke ro without spalshing water on him😲😲😲" asked jaddu , not being able to believe the fact😃😂😂

"Yes...and even ro didn't snap out at Vi for waking him up" harry continued and everyone looked shocked , "what????" They shouted as every single person present in the dinning room stared at all of them like they have gone mad, and out ict just gave them a sheepish smile and continued with their serious matter😂😂😂

"Okay....listen maybe, it was a hangover effect" rahul said suggestively as he knew his best friend very well

"Yeah maybe..." harry said.

"What??? Didn't i tell you not to drink, or party at the first place😡" jassi said glaring at harry and harry just gulped

"" harry tried to form words , but jass beat him to it

"1 week , no alcohol" ordered jass and harry just nodded scared as everyone laughed at their antics and bhuvi even patted jass on his head like a teacher, and said "good job, keeping him under control" and jass smiled "i have learnt from the bests only" said jass and mahi bhai ruffled his hairs smiling.

"Anyways...why haven't ro and Vi arrived yet" asked jinks

"We are here" said vi as everyone turned their heads in their direction and rohirat came and sat.

"What took you so long" asked jass innocently

"Nothing chotu actually i was showering" said ro and Vi nodded.

"Okay..then lets start" said tili staring hungrily at the food and they started eating.

As they were eating ro suddenly started coughing as the food was really spicy, vi hurriedly took a glass and made ro drink the water and rubbed his back and said "are you okay...rohityaaa" as everyone looked alerted at the tone of Vi , it was a kuliya like tone he was using and ro just nodded and said "i am alright veer, don't worry " in a chahal like manner.


"okay, this is some serious issue" i thought, as i looked at the exchange going infront of me, i turned my head to catch the eyes of jinks looking at me worriedly , i gave him a reassuring look and signalled him to come to my room afterwards and he nodded.

"You should take care of yourself naa" scolded Vi

"Yeah soollyyy" said ro in a childlike manner , okay i am feeling ill

"Okay then...are you finished" asked Vi caringly and ro nodded and vi took his and ro's plate and gave those to the cleaner and both of them stood up

"Okay then...we are done...we are going to play something..... you guys later" said Vi and rohirat went from there.

As they went away all of us turned to look at eachother with the same worried looks

"Okay guys...this is a serious matter" said jaddu sounding horrified.

"Yeah...i mean they are behaving like us" said kulcha together as everyone nodded realising the similarities,

"What must have happened" asked jinks equally horrified

"We have to think" i said and everyone started pointing out the reasons

"Maybe they got hit by something on their heads" pointed harry and everyone gave it a thought (yeah we gave it a thought , harry sounding reasonable, gosh whats with everyone today)

"But it is not possible that they both got hit" reasoned bhuvi and everyone again nodded

"Maybe its hangover" pointed harry as everyone gave him a look

"You want your punishment to be doubled" said jassi scaring harry and he zipped his mouth

"Maybe they did not get enough sleep" said tili and we thought bout it

" could be the they were fighting at 1 am, , even we also did not get enough sleep, and we are all okay" pointed jass sensibly and we nodded

"Then maybe koi aatma ghuss gai hai unme" said jaddu and everyone glared at jadd and he shut his mouth up. And everyone again started.

"Maybe they got kulcha virus" said harry stupidly as everyone sighed and jass slapped harry on his forehead,

"Shutup idiot" he said and harry just complained about jass being a meanie "you are so mean, why everyone calls you innocent and kiddo" he complained

"Anyways,..ignore harry and continue" said jass and we all continued

(Das saal baad- AUTHOR)

"Come on bhaiyas, its all good that they are not fighting anymore" said navdeel who was sitting silently till now,

"Yeah....maybe" i said as we all agreed.

"Sir...sorry to disturb you , but you are sitting here from two hours..." a waiter came and said and we all realised that and stood up suddenly

"Yeah,....we are really sorry" apologised jinks and we literally ran from there , gosh i am also turning to a kid.

Tobe continued

Thanks and bye bye
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