An Overwhelming Surprise

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Again this idea was given to me by Kumarishivani thank you again for it.  And Happy Birthday Rohit Bhaiya again 🎉🎉

Rohit had recently got the news that he was becoming a father and was overly jumpy and excited.

And just like any normal being does he went and told his teammates.

But to his surprise they all laughed at him.

"Seriously Ro, you're becoming a father!" Shikhar laughed.

"Yeah what's wrong in that?" Rohit asked offended.

"You...and father," Jaddu laughed

"Seriously," Rohit asked annoyed. "You didn't laugh at Jaddu why me?"

"Ro that just proves out point. We did laugh at Jaddu." Virat said in a matter of fact tone.

"I'm breaking all my principles and agreeing with Virat for this but Jaddu is more responsible than you Ro." Jinks declared earning a gloat from Virat and Rohit sulking.

"Rohit you're too forgetful," Shikhar said still laughing manically.

"You're too lazy," Yuzi said chuckling

"You're too sleepy," Harry put in just to create more chaos.

"That doesn't even make sense Harry," Bhuvi said rolling his eyes.

"When does he ever make sense?" Jassi said with sarcasm clearly dripping from his voice while high-fiing Rahul

"Wooooohhh Jassi on fire!" Yuzi cheered earning a glare from Bhuvi.

"Back to the point," Virat said. "You're too forgetful and too lazy to be a father," Virat said teasingly while Rohit still sulked.

"Don't forget the most stupidest too," Jaddu said laughing wickedly.

"Meanie pants," Rohit said childishly and pouted slightly.

Mahi Bhai completely fed up with their teasing interfered in their conversation.

"Rohit stop proving their point and everyone shut up right now or else," Mahi Bhai spoke above the mad house.

He left the threat open and nobody dared to disobey.

"Thank you, and now everyone stop teasing Rohit," Mahi Bhai ordered.

"Congrats Ro, you'll be a great father," Jinks started of the whole line of  congratulations with maturity while hugging him tight.

"Jinksy baby you ruined the fun!" Virat whined teasingly.

"Virat!" Mahi Bhai warned in a stern voice enough to shut Virat up for a few seconds atleast.

"Thank you Jinks, much appreciated!" Rohit said glaring at Virat, Jaddu, Shikhar and Yuzi.

Everyone else followed, also with Harry appealing for a dog pile and the team agreeing.

But Rohit still waited for that one wish.

Later that night Virat randomly pounced on to Rohit almost knocking the two of them onto the floor.

"You know she'll love me more than you," Virat stated proudly.

"And what makes you think that?" Rohit questioned annoyed.

"You see like father like daughter," Virat said gleefully.

"Yeah yeah in your dreams!" Rohit said rolling his eyes "Get off me you idiot!"

Virat just to annoy him more, clinged onto him more tightly (if that was even possible) while just Rohit just sighed knowing Virat wasn't going to budge.

"How'd you know it's surely going to be a girl," Rohit asked curiously. Clearly Virat was more excited than he was.

"I just do, I'm amazing like that you know!" Virat declared gloating.

"Stop gloating and move your fat self, I need to sleep!" Rohit yawned lazily.

"Who are you calling fat? Idiot!" Virat retorted. "Go back to your first love."

"Gladly," Rohit said and was greeted with a pillow in his face.

"You'll be the best father Ro," Virat exclaimed throwing his arms around his best friend. "I just know you will!"

"He's a kid himself!" Rohit thought to himself.

"Thanks Vi, now please let me sleep." Rohit literally begged looking at the time.

"Ok, ok go to sleep but you best wake up on time or else," Virat said

The empty threat was their routine that never worked anyway.

A few months later, Virat was completely on uncle duties. From buying baby clothes, to baby food, to toys to even diapers.

"What was the need Virat," Ritika said genuinely touched at Virat's gestures.

"Ritsyy I'm going to pamper my princess it champ, although I just know it's going to be a girl," Virat said unpacking another bag full of baby clothes.

"And what if it's a boy?" Ritika questioned.

"That's why the baby cricket set Ritsyy but princess can use it too!" Virat exclaimed.

"What are we going to do with baby food Vi?" Rohit asked examining a packet.

"Put it on my head," Virat said sarcastically.

"We don't need baby food just yet Vi, it'll expire till then," Ritika interfered not wanting them to start again.

"Oh..." shrugged Virat sheepishly.

"I still can't believe Rohit's becoming a dad!" cried Virat for the 20th time that day.

"He's too lazy, too forgetful, too stupid I know," Rohit completed in a complete deadpanned tone.

"But you are!" Virat yelled back.

"Am not!" Rohit whined

"Are too!" Ritika and Virat exclaimed.

"Now don't you both gang up on me!" Rohit warned while Virat just stuck his tongue out at him.

It was nearing Ritika's due date and Rohit was 90 percent of the time on the phone on the tip of his toes and the team was in Australia.

He had requested the rest of the series off and was pacing around the room worriedly.

For once, Virat had taken up Rohit's lazy behaviour and was lounging lazily on Rohit's bed munching some eatables watching Rohit.

"Calm down Ro," Virat called out causing Rohit to stop mid way.

"Calm down! You want to me to calm down! How do you want me to calm down? What if they don't accept the request" Rohit started ranting.

"Ohh shut up, they will!" Virat said casually.

"And how are you so sure?" Rohit questioned.

"Dude your best friend is literally the captain," Virat claimed proudly.

Immediately calming down, Rohit flopped down beside Virat saying, "You're the best!"

"I know I am!" he responded proudly. "Just don't forget any of Ritika's belongings at home," Virat teased.

"Shut up!" Rohit retorted back.

"And for your information, I've already booked your tickets. Check your phone." Virat said sleepy.

"I love you so much vi!" Rohit exclaimed in a sudden burst of happiness.

"I know I know, I love me too. Now let me sleep. I'm the one who has to drop you back tomorrow morning." Virat grumbled

Rohit smiled heartily, dazed by his best friend's antics.

30th December 2018

Rohit's child was born. His princess. Virat had turned out to be right, it was a girls afterall.

After informing his family first, the first person he called was his best friend.

After the very first ring Virat picked up.

"Are you literally waiting by your phone?" Rohit teased.

"Oh shut up and tell me what happened, you fully rushed to the hospital 2 at night and expect me to be calm," Virat literally shouted.

"Shush calm down, Samaira will wake up."

"What do you mean Samaira will wake up?" Virat screamed annoyed and then instantly realising his mistake screamed "IT'S A GIRL!"

"I told you so, I'm going to pamper her so much. She's going to be my little princess! Samaira Sharma sounds so perfect!" Virat said jumping around the room making Rohit sigh at his childish best friend.

"Calm down you idiot, wait go on the group. I'm messaging there." Rohit said hanging up.

The group then had a usual mad like conversation with each of them congratulating Rohit in different ways, some being extremely bizarre.

Rohit cursed his fate for getting such teammates, but nonetheless he still loves them.

6th January 2019

Rohit had just posted a picture of him, Ritika and Samaira and now Virat was dying to see her and immediately texted Rohit

Virat: I demand to see my niece right now

Rohit: No

Virat: Whyyyyyyy 😭😭😭

Rohit: Bwahahhaha 🤣🤣

Virat: meanie👊

Rohit: Ouch🤕

Virat: Stop distracting me!! As captain and your best friend I order you to show me my precious niece.

Rohit: No, payback.

Virat: For whaaaaaatttt? I'm crying 😭

Rohit: Shut up! Samaira's the baby not you.

Virat: I don't care, I won't be able to see her till IPL. She needs to know her favourite uncle, video call right now!

Rohit: No

Virat: Please😩

Rohit: No

Virat: Pretty pretty please!!

Rohit: No

Virat: I promise I won't throw water on your head🤕


Rohit: No

Virat: you said no so I'm taking that promise back

Rohit: No, now go talk to someone else. I need to play with Samaira.

Virat: stop distracting me! Payback for what?

Rohit: For teasing every hour of the day, the entire nine months.

Virat: Oh🤕🤕😩

Rohit: Now go!!!!!

Virat: Humph meanie, I don't want to talk to you anyway 👊👊

Virat threw his phone and did go talk to someone else. A certain Jadeja and a certain Pandya.

He needed special advice you see.

"Rohit's being a meanie and not showing any of us a picture of Samaira." Virat whined.

"Who said it's only you?" Jaddu said just to burn Virat a little bit more.

"Huh huh what do you mean!!!" Virat screamed.

"Well he might have sent someone else a picture you know," Hardik said playing along.

"Shut up right now! I'm leaving!" Virat said frustrated.

"Tussi ja rahe ho? Tussi na jao!" Hardik cried dramatically causing Virat to smack his head.

"Oww!" Hardik cried.

"I wanna go to Mumbai!!" Virat moaned.

"Then go," Jaddu said far too calmly.

"You sure?" Virat asked suspicious that Jaddu wanted to get him killed.

"You said you wanted to go then go," He repeated.

"Right then," Virat declared and left dramatically.

It turned out that Virat had takenn Jaddu a bit too seriously which never ended well.

He sat there fidgeting the entire flight, doubting his life choices.

As soon as the plane landed Virat literally ran out the airport, thank god it was at odd hours and there were not many people there.

He immediately hired a cab and drove straight to Rohit's house. He somehow managed to knock the door even with full hands.

"VIRAT!" Ritika screamed shocked

"Ritsy what on earth are you on about? Why would Virat be here?" Rohit asked confused.

"Come see for your self!" She screamed back.

"Oh my goodness! You're actually here!" Rohit said ecstatically.

"Thanks for the welcome Ro!" Virat said sarcastically.

Rohit literally jumped on to him hugging the life out of him.

"Urgh move yourself. Where's my princess?" Virat said squeezing himself out Rohit's hold.

"She's inside sleeping," Ritika said quietly seeing that Virat was scanning the room.

"But I'm so glad you're here!" Rohit exclaimed enthusiastically.

Rohit had dragged Virat in and sat him down, when he realised that India has match the day after tomorrow.

"Wait! Don't you have match on 9th?" Rohit said jumping onto Virat again.

"Yeah why?" Virat asked shaking Rohit off.

"You absolute idiot!" Rohit cried.

"What's your point!" Virat said

"My point is how did Mahi Bhai let you come here if you have a match in literally two days?" Rohit asked slightly worried.

"Ohh... yeah...that!" Virat stammered

"What oh yeah that? Don't tell me nobody knows that you're here!" Rohit cried in dispair.

"Hehe.." Virat said sheepishly.

"You really are impossible Vi! Now atleast call someone and tell them." Rohit spoke with mild maturity.

"Noooo, they'll tell me off!" Virat whined childishly.

"Yeah what else did you expect!" Ro said rolling his eyes.

Meanwhile Mahi Bhai had walked into Virat's room considering it was still day there and found the room empty.

He went to check if anyone had seen him and found that nobody had seen him.

Initially, Mahi Bhai started to get extremely worried that Virat had just disappeared.

And then to make it worse, he had to handle crying kids who had somehow believed that Virat had been kidnapped or disappeared into thin air. (Courtesy Hardik)

Then suddenly it struck him. He knew his Cheeku well enough to understand where he was.

So he simply left a text to Rohit that read

"I know he's with you, just tell him that he should have told me."

Rohit chuckled at the message and told Virat that Mahi Bhai was angry and that he was in so much trouble.

"Stop scaring me Ro!" Virat whined.

"Stop scaring me Ro!" Rohit imitated in an attempted Virat voice.

Fortunately, Samaira has just woken up and Virat's excitement had bubbled up again.

He immediately bobbed off into the room to meet his niece.

"She's perfect!" He whispered kissing her forehead lightly.

Rohit's happiness had no bounds. His best friend holding his daughter more excited than him was the most beautiful thing he'd seen.

It was just picturesque!

Virat had to return the next day, but not before he had promised Samaira he'd visit her again.

In the span of a day, she had managed to get so attached with someone other than her mother and father.

Rohit had successfully managed to scare Virat to his wits and now Virat dreaded going back.

But it didn't matter to him now.

He'd met his best friend and his niece he was far too happy now!

A/N Just because I love this picture so much. Also this wasn't as good as the first one in my opinion but still. And again Happy Birthday Ro 🎉!!

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