Craving my Best Friend

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Requested by Niyati25 and i_am_the_best_panda. Happy Extremely Late Birthday Ishuu❤️❤️


It was seen by the entire world how Virat was casually sitting next Kane Williamson having a blissful time. But only the one others there knew what a mood he was in.

You could say Kane Williamson and the great MS Dhoni are alike in one aspect.

The art of concealing feelings.

And that very day whoever sat near the two captains could clearly see that Kane Williamson was slowly losing his cool.

And what made that happen?

Virat constantly jibing him on something Rohit was doing wrong.

And as if God was planning this, Rohit's injury happened.

Rohit fell to the ground in pain and Virat sprung up ,almost knocking Rishabh over, in horror.

"I told you, I told you so he would get himself hurt. He doesn't want to listen to me. Doesn't want to work out, drags me away from doing so too and now look he's got himself injured. Great. Mr Rohit Gurunath Sharma catch me talking to you ever again." Virat started rambling to himself grumpily.

It took Rishabh a couple of seconds to steady himself, and then immediately pulled Virat down breaking his ongoing rant.

"Virat Bhai, calm down Rohit Bhai will be -" Rishabh started before getting cut short.

"Can you not see that he's in pain. I don't think he's fine Rishabh. I should have played today." Virat started his rambling again and was in no mood to stop nor was anyone going to stop him.

Amongst all the ongoing rumours the simple sight of the captain going berserk for his best friend the vice captain was enough to shut up some people for a while.

Rohit being a true man of the game continued his play only to further annoy the already fuming Virat.

"What is he doing? Why? He's hurt he could walk off but no. He's being a complete idiot." And with that he started rambling again.

So inorder to get his mind of things Kane started talking to him. But the name Rohit never left any sentence that Virat managed to form through his anger.

However soon after, Rohit was declared as retired hurt and walked off the field.

He tried to make eye contact with Virat but on instinct Virat turned his head round with such force that you would expect some kind of neck injury.

Rohit passed a look to Rishabh which meant something along the lines of "what happened to him now".

And to add to Rohit's confusion Rishabh just laughed.

The match was eventually over and Virat's foul mood has slightly lessened. Firstly, they won the match and secondly Rahul had displayed such excellent skills that he was proud see this.

But his happiness was short lived as the team returned to the dressing room and had to face Rohit again.

Within seconds, he scowled stomped his feet for some reason only know to God and walked out to talk to someone else.

The entire changing room stated at each other in confusion and Rishabh burst out in laughter.

"What even happened out there?" Rohit questioned genuinely confused.

"Ohh that" he started to say before he had another laughing fit. "You guys should have been there!"

"What happened?"

"Yeah what?"

"Go on then!"

"SHUT UP AND LET HIM SPEAK!" Rohit bellowed suddenly.

"Well he's angry..." Rishabh hastily cried. "He was going on about how badly you were playing Bhai and how he just knew that you were going to get injured."

"Oh." Rohit said in a complete deadpanned tone.

"Oh and he also said that he won't talk to you." Rishabh put in.

"I'll see how that works 😉" Rohit completed.

Just then the physio popped in and asked to speak to Rohit for a minute. The physio had suggested that Rohit should take time away from the game and not play for the next two series.

As disappointed as he was Rohit knew it was for his own health and obeyed the orders given to him.

As soon as they got to the hotel the team was staying at he started packing completely forgetting that Virat was angry at him.

Virat on the other hand was still annoyed. At this point even more annoyed because Rohit hadn't come to talk to him yet.

But all in all Rohit was still his best friend and he was still worried for his health so he went to talk to the physio.

"How is he Bhai?" Virat asked calmly. "He hasn't injured himself severely has he?"

"Not that severely but I would advise that he takes rest during the next two series. It also gives a chance to build a new team" the physio spoke not missing the utmost care in the captains voice.

"Oh," Virat said dismayed. "So is he leaving?"

"Yes tomorrow morning," he said confused. "I suppose he has already started packing."

"Oh," Virat said for the second time with slight anger.

"What happened now?" The physio questioned. "Don't tell me that he hasn't told you."

"No he hasn't and thank you Bhai I'll be thinking about the team too." Cried Virat.

Saying this he literally stomped out the room sulkily like a toddler and went straight to his room and flopped straight onto the bed.

"First he doesn't talk to me and then he was about to leave to Mumbai without even telling me personally. Humph" Virat grumbled and went to sleep in anger.

Rohit had somehow managed to pull himself together and pack his essentials. It surely was a task to do in only 4 hours because in his words:

"I need 8 hours of sleep before I wake up in the morning to board a flight and get another 8 hours of sleep."

And with that he completely forgot to talk to Virat.

Rohit's flight was early in the morning so he left for the airport and boarded the plane when he realised that he hadn't talked to Virat.

"Well done Rohit, he was already annoyed at you but you had to go and forget to even message him. Great." He mentally cursed himself.

For the first time he couldn't fall asleep on a plane. He literally counted the minutes till the plane landed.

There was one point where he stared out of a window looking almost like a depressed lover that the passenger beside him had to tap him to make sure he was ok.

According to Rohit the plane ride felt like 3 years and as soon as it landed he rushed out.

He was greeted by his family and was immediately overwhelmed and that lead to him forgetting to message Virat again.

He was playing with Sam lying lazily on the floor ignoring everything Ritika was saying about his calf when he got a message from Jassi asking him if he had reached.

(Chat between Rohit and Jassi)

Jassi: Hi Ro Bhai. Have you reached?

Rohit: Yes Jass I have, dw tell everyone too.

Jassi: btw did you manage to talk to Virat Bhai last night?

Rohit slapped his head in frustration and bit his tongue.

Rohit: umm well I kinda forgot.

Jassi: huff Bhaiya, now that means Virat Bhai is still mad at you. Go text him immediately.

Rohit: yes boss. Okie baiii.

Jassi: Go😂😂

Rohit immediately called Virat ready to hear some new slang words that he could add in his dictionary.

But surprisingly he hung up. Rohit tried again only to face the same thing. He tried again and this time Virat did pick only to stay completely silent.

"Thank god you picked up vi. I was starting to get worried. Umm..why aren't you saying anything."

"Well what do you want me to say?" Virat questioned slightly sarcastically.

"Umm I don't know," Rohit replied uncomfortable at how Virat is talking to him. "I guess I'll hang up then."

"Ok then bye."


They hung up with Virat feeling dejected and Rohit realising that Virat was giving him the silent treatment.

Virat only does this when he's really mad and there is actually a reason for it.

Days passed with Virat not talking to Rohit and both of them suffering badly because of this.

Rohit luckily had his family to distract him but for Virat it was as if criticism had taken over.

The team had overall not performed the best during all the matches and Virat was overall in a foul mood.

He missed his best friend far too much and was mentally cursing himself for pushing him away.

But he was also mad that Rohit hadn't once called him during this time. But had still managed to wish them luck on the group chat and also call Jinks to see if he had landed safely.

But in all this he had forgotten as to why he was angry with him in the first place.

The team could sense the displeasure that Virat was facing throughout this period but didn't want to interfere. They knew what that ended up like.

Currently Virat was staring at Rohit's contact trying to muster up the courage to call Rohit.

Just then Kuliya barged into his room and flopped onto Virat's lap.

"Hey Kuliya. What happened? Everything fine?" Virat asked lovingly.

Kul happy to see Virat smiling after a long period of time hugged him and said "I'm fine I just missed hugging you."

Virat laughed heartily and said "Kuliya I was with you in your room 20 minutes ago when we were all playing FIFA."

"I know but I missed you," Kul replied adorably.

Virat just chuckled and ruffled his hair affectionately.

"Wanna play PUBG?" Virat asked and Kuliya immediately jumped up and got his phone out.

Virat too got his phone out and it was on Rohit's contact. Kul knew that his Virat Bhai was angry at To Bhai but he was unsure as to why they were dragging it so long.

And in a sudden instance Virat questioned "Kuliya I know you don't fight with Yuzi much, but what do you do if you happen to?"

"Well....that was random bhaiya but either Yuzi it me would make it up to the other person. I mean depends on what we started a fight on." Kuliya replied sensibly.

"Oh, but what if this time two friends fight but they didn't really fight but one was being really stupid and was keeping his anger and being an idiot and is missing his bestie and doesn't know what to do?" Virat cried all in one breath.

"Woah woah calm down bhaiya. All I think is that you should talk to Ro Bhai." Kuliya said pointing at Virat's phone screen.

"You sure Kuliya?"

"Absolutely, I don't know how you and Ro Bhai stayed away from each other for so long!" He exclaimed " Call him and I'll leave the room."

Unable to disobey the orders he received from his brother he picked up the phone and dialled Rohit's number.

Unfortunately for the both of them Sam was playing on Rohit's phone and had accidentally disconnected the call.

"Oh, seems like he doesn't want to talk to me. I'm a terrible friend aren't I? But I'll try one more time he's my best friend after all," he told himself and called again.

Luckily this time Rohit saw the call and picked up.

"Umm hi..." Virat started awkwardly.

"Hi..." Rohit replied.

"Just say sorry!" Virat said to himself.

"Just say sorry!" Rohit also said to himself.

"Sorry!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

"Why did you say sorry?" They both said again.

"Ok you first," Rohit said.

"I'm sorry because I treated you like an idiot. I big one. I am the real idiot here. I was angry at you for not taking care of yourself. I was angry because you didn't tell me you were going to Mumbai. I was angry because you didn't message me. But all I know is I missed you throughout all this. And I still miss you." Virat spoke dreadfully close to tears.

"And I'm sorry because I am a forgetful idiot. In the rush I forgot to text you and then you were so mad at me for some reason. And then you were giving me the silent treatment so I thought you should be left alone for a while." Rohit cried also close to tears and sniffled loudly and Virat happened to hear it.

"Now stop crying dramebaaz!" Virat laughed.

"Same goes to you!" Rohit retorted back.

"How's your calf by the way?"

"Getting better and you don't take much stress too. I know you're missing me too much but you don't need to lose your game for that!" Rohit sniggered mischievously.

"I am NOT missing you!" Virat cried.

"Says the one who was crying two minutes ago!" Ro put in

"Humph I love you idiot!" Virat cried defeated.

"But I hate you!" Rohit cried back. 

"See this is why we are best friends!" Virat laughed.

"I love you anyway idiot. Meet you soon! I need my beauty sleep now. Bye!" And he hung up.

Virat was immediately much happier. He ran into Kul's room only to be greeted with a glaring Yuzi because they were in a middle of some thing only known to them.

Ignoring Yuzi he went straight to Kul and hugged him.

"I don't know what I would've done without you Kuliya." He exclaimed.

"No problem Virat Bhai. Now you promised PUBG." Kul replied.

It was as if the team sensed a gathering about to happen and everyone barged into Kul's room to play PUBG.

Deep into the night Virat was evidently much more cheerful and everyone was happy because their captain was happy.

And two best friends slept that night in the blissful thoughts of the other.


Hoped you both liked this. I know there's not much Rohirat. Sorry about that. I was sick and that's why the update is delayed too.

I'll try to update the next one quicker though.

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