Supporting Each Other

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Naturally, the tensed atmosphere in both India and Australia was building up. The covid-19 situation didn't seem to make anything any better.

The much awaited series was just around the corner leaving every cricket fan bubble with excitement.

Although the pressure was on both teams, the Australians seemed to have performed decently well during the IPL. But the Indians were no less making both teams pretty confident.

Unsurprisingly, there were a few people in respective teams who were openly worried about the series.

And others who were less vocal.

Namely a certain Hardik Pandya, KL Rahul and Mayank Agarwal

The three of them witnessed the younger, more newer additions to their family being naturally terrified.

Witnessing their senior's (Virat) plate full of worries and own stresses they decided to let themselves drown themselves in their worries unwillingly.

Rahul was lost in his own world (worries) when Mayank burst into his room, laying his head flat onto the bed groaning

"I'm tireedddd..." Mayank drawled out.

"Well then sleep," Rahul retorted rather harshly.

Used to the tone, Mayank rolled his eyes and the two sat there making meaninglessness comments about each other.

On the other hand ,Hardik had been drowning himself in a pool of negativity. Even talking to Agastya didn't seem to help him..

He desperately wanted - no needed someone to share the thoughts pulling him down.

How he wished for Bhuvi or Mahi Bhai's presence.

He didn't want to trouble his best friend either, well aware that he was worried too.

Nevertheless, he set off to Rahul's room, even if to not talk about his own tensions, but to cheer his best friend up.

Harry flung the door open in a very typical Hardik manner.

Much to his dismay, he found Mayank lounging on Rahul's bed.

He couldn't help but frown and think that he had more right to be in Mayank's place, considering that the two of them had the whole IPL together.

"Oh, sorry..." He whispered dismayed and turned to leave.

"Since when do you say sorry Harry?" Rahul retorted in attempt to stop him from leaving.

And his trick seemed to have worked out well

"Excuse me-" Harry started off aggressively ready to prove that he can say sorry too quite ironically.

"Yea shut up and sit yourself down." Rah bossed smugly.

"Bossy, meanie pants!" Harry whispered under his breath while Mayank stifled a laugh.

"I can still hear you know," Rahul teased back laughing, causing Mayank to laugh too.

"Humph" Harry grumbled as he flopped onto the mini sofa stretching his legs out.

The three of them sat in an awkward silence.

Rahul gazed at the ceiling, Hardik was examining the walls very seriously and Mayank was staring out the window like a lovesick puppy.

Although three of them tried to start a conversation (failing miserably each time) neither of them where willing to break the silence.

As it was said confrontation is scary.

They would've probably fell asleep in that position if it wasn't for Harry's phone buzzing with the most random reminders.

They all let out a chuckle and Harry and being Harry blurt out,

"You're being boring, can we atleast do something?"

Rahul sighed, Mayank giggled.

"For the first time, I agree with you Harry," Rahul said groaning.

"Good decision Rahuliya!" Harry said joyfully.

Rahul groaned loudly at the name and opened his mouth to retort back not before quickly shutting it again knowing very well that the two of his best friends would do anything when it comes to teasing him.

"Why'd you come here in the first place Harry?" Rahul voiced out the question that had been bugging him.

Well you see, Harry specifically told Rahul that he was going to have a virtual party with Agastya earlier that evening so when he turned up at his door it was kinda concerning.

"Urm ... yes... that," Harry stuttered sheepishly.

"Can you just speak," Rahul bossed yet again.

"You see I wanted to cheer you up, and motivate you so..." Harry said leaving the sentence hanging.

"Then why didn't you do so," Mayank asked cheerfully, quite glad that he had found another partner to help melt their stubborn best friend.

"Well....." Harry said gazing at Mayank and the message was heard loud and clear.

"Oh." Rahul stated.

"Rah, don't lie to us now atleast," Mayank pleaded.

With that Rahul had a mini breakdown.

"I don't deserve to be vice captain! Why couldn't it be someone else like Shiki Bhai. Why me? I'm going to fail as vice captain!" He ranted out on the verge of tears.

"And which idiot told you so?" Harry questioned back fiercely.

"Nobody needs to say, I just know it," Rahul muttered.

"And what kind of logic is that?" Mayank asked puzzled.

"Rah, tell me who was it that led KXIP from an almost lost position to 5th position, winning 5 games in a row?" Harry asked knowing that Rahul had no escape from that question.

"Urm well...." Rahul whispered.

"Exactly!" Harry and Mayank said in perfect sync. The two of them looked at each other and laughed.

"Well, I suppose you're right, Virat's still there as captain. But what about me being chosen under RCB quota?" Rahul asked meekly.

"Are you mad? Have you seen your performances recently. Is there any way that the selectors could even drop you? " Harry asked slapping Rahul on the head making sure he got it in his thick skull that IPL has nothing to do with this.

"And to hell with all those idiotic people who stay stupid stuff like that" Mayank finished.

Rahul's gloomy face looked much much brighter now and he slapped Harry back indicating he was better now.

Mayank pulled the two away before their slapping fight could escalate any further.

"Harry, firstly you don't need to be awkward around me. We both love this idiot and that automatically makes us friends cause we have to deal with him." Mayank quickly spat out while dodging an incoming punch from Rahul.

"What do you mean you have to deal with me? I'm the one dealing with your stupidity. Mainly your's Harry!" Rahul retorted back pulling a scowl.

"Ok whatever, then Monku if I'm your friend then tell me why you looked sad too?" Harry asked smirking.

Mayank pulled an "I don't know what you're on about face" making Rahul roll his eyes.

"Monku, you know I know that you're worried." Rahul stated causing Harry to ponder over his sentence for a minute before making a big OH expression.

"Yeah tell us, or...or I'll tell the entire team to call you Mayo. Even bhabhi can't help you out." Harry warned.

"Harry don't you dare!" Mayank screamed back.

"Then go on..."

"Ok fine," Mayank said sighing. "It's the first time I've been selected in all three formats and I'm scared that I won't live up to the expectations." He finished letting out all his worries.

"Mayu, I know how you feel and I'll tell you what Virat and Mahi Bhai told me," Harry said with a hint of maturity.

Rahul knew what was coming along too and just smiled at Harry.

"When it was my first series where I played in all three formats Mahi Bhai and Virat told me one thing. Always do your best. Everyone has bad days and good days but what matters is if you think you performed well enough. And after every match, you look to improve. All that matters at the end of the day is that you've tried your hardest and wake up the next day with the ambition to improve." Harry finished and let out a deep breath.

"But-" Mayank started.


Rahul burst out into splits of laughter soon followed by the other two.

"Never did I think that I'd see a day where Harry was being mature! I should've recorded it!" Rahul teased.

"And I would've slaughtered you!" Harry said back glaring at him.

"Well then Harry, your turn," Rahul stated casually.

"What do you mean?" Hardik questioned back in a so called innocent voice.

"Don't lie, you just haven't been yourself lately. And today you just proved it." Rahul voiced out.

"Urm mines something really silly," Harry said sheepishly.

"I promise you we won't laugh," Mayank said responsibly glaring at Rahul.

"Yeah yeah we won't," Rahul said slightly disheartened. "Go on."

"I've had one too many injuries lately, and I just feel like an injury prone human. What if I get injured again? I know I can't do anything to stop that but I'm scared that in order to keep myself fit I'll let the country down," Hardik vented out.

"And you call that a silly concern." Mayank asked disapprovingly. "Your health matters first Harry. If you feel like you can't do it then tell Virat, he'll understand."

"And secondly, was it not you who scored 158*? You won't let the team down Harry." Rahul completed with a sense of pride for his monkey like best friend.

"I agree!" Mayank put in.

Harry just flashed a toothy smile and took the two of them into a huge bear hug.

"Can we do something now!" Rahul whined.

"Sure COD?" Mayank asked.

The room resounded with laughter for the rest of the evening, their worries having flown out the window. It's true when they say talking it out helps.

The three of them knew that they'd be there for each other.

Because that's what brothers do.


Ok first things first, Neha di asked for a Mayank-Rahul-Hardik one shot so bleedblue2011 this is for you.

Secondly I really wanted to do something out of the box and show Mayank and Harry's friendship a bit more. Also showing a different personality trait of Harry was something I wanted to try.

Thirdly, thanks Mahiro457 for proof reading this.

Hopefully this makes up a bit for the loss today...

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