The first meet! (MahiRat)

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"I hope I'll fit in well" Prayed virat silently as he was finally making his debut in international cricket after winning U-19 World Cup.

"This way, sir, please come", Said the manager of the hotel leading Virat to his room.

"Umm.. Yeah", Virat hesitated for a moment before following him.
He wanted to ask with whom was he staying but ofcourse he didn't.

Why hasn't he seen anyone from the team yet?
Was he there at wrong time?
Was he at wrong place?
But then ICT was staying here and manager was leading him to his room.

All these kept revolving around Virat's mind. But he couldn't do anything but follow him.

Manager showed him the room saying it's his,"This is your room"

"Thank you",Said virat,"Why isn't anyone here?" He asked hesitantly.

"Everyone has gone for the practice. They will be back soon I guess" He left.

Virat entered the room and stood there for a moment.

Finally he was living his dream!
He is there! In ICT!

His happiness knew no bounds. Although he has captained U-19 team and even won the U-19 world cup but this was different. Entirely different!

He smiled to himself, kept his luggage and went to freshen up.

When he came back, he was surprised to see someone in the room. The person was facing opposite side so Virat couldn't see his face. He became very nervous. He didn't know with whom he was staying with.

I should have asked!
Thought Virat.

The person was talking to someone on the phone. Virat didn't dare to ask or see who the person is so he waited for the person to respond.

"Okay", The person finally disconnected the call and turned to see Virat staring at the floor nervousness etched all across his face.

"Hi, Virat!", He said with a smile walking towards him.

Virat instantly looked up and he was surprised to see his caption smiling at him. "Y.. Yes, sir", Virat found himself replying.

He had expected some other junior team member to be his roommate but to his surprise it was his captain, MSD.

"Welcome to the team, Virat", said Mahi with a warm smile which put Virat at little ease.

"Thanks.. Thank you, Sir", replied Virat in a hesitant tone.

"Don't call me Sir",said Mahi in a little strict tone which managed to increase Virat's nervousness 100 times.

"Oh.. Okay.. I mean Sorry", replied Virat nervously.
"What should I call you?", He asked again.

Mahi smiled seeing him nervous.
"Mahi or anything else you prefer", he said, "Doesn't matter. And make yourself comfortable. It's your room."

"Bhai... Mahi Bhai?", Virat asked in a low tone.

Mahi looked at him and Virat instantly regretted to speak without acknowledging.

"I.. I'm.. Sorry", He stuttered feeling extremely stupid.
But to his surprise Mahi just laughed seeing him and put his one hand on Virat's shoulder before saying "Ofcourse! And don't be so nervous. Be comfortable"

Virat sighs and smiles for the first time in all the while. Mahi's gesture has finally managed to put him at some ease.
"Thanks.. Mahi Bhai" He spoke with much comfort now.
"Ask me if you need anything. Okay?" Said Mahi.
"Okay..", Virat was cut off by a call which was from her mother.
"Yes, Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry." Said Virat on phone while Mahi excused himself giving him space.
"Mom, I promise I'll take care" Said Virat. "I'm staying with Mahi Bhai, mom. MS dhoni! The caption!" Said Virat in a childish excitement.
"Yeah, I'll take medicines. Okay, bye. Take care." Virat cut the call and started unpacking.
"Shit! I think I forgot to take any medicine with me", Said Virat to himself annoyingly.

"What happened, Virat? Do you need something?", Asked Mahi sitting on sofa.

"No.. Nothing, Mahi Bhai", Virat lied. He was having little fever since last night and he forgot to take medicine with him even after being reminded by his mother many times. But he definitely couldn't say this to his caption.
What would he think of him?!

"Are you okay, Virat?", Said Mahi as he saw Virat pressing his head a few times.

"Yeah.. Ahh", Virat hissed as his head was now paining severely. He knew he always gets this kind of headache whenever he gets fever still he decided to ignore it.

"Virat, are you fine?", Asked Mahi instantly moving towards him and making him sit holding his shoulders.

"Headache", Virat mumbled.

"You're having fever, Virat", Said Mahi as he touched his body.

"Haan.. A little", replied Virat still holding his head.

"You're having high fever, Virat", said Mahi as he touched his forehead to check and his tone instantly became stern, "You knew you are having fever. Why didn't you take medicines?"

"I.. I'm sorry, Bhai", replied Virat terrified as he had managed to piss off his caption at first meet itself.

Mahi felt guilty for a moment seeing him scared and spoke in a warmer tone,"It's okay. Wait, I'll get the medicines"

Virat was surprised to say the least. He had always seen the formal side of MS and he was every sort of delighted to see the other side.

When Mahi returned with medicines he saw Virat smiling to himself. "What are you smiling at, Virat?", asked Mahi while filling the water in glass.

"Huh.. Nothing", Virat said and Mahi gave him medicines.

"You should take rest. I'm sure you don't want to miss the very first day of your practice with team.", Said Mahi.

"Yeah...", Said Virat.

"Then go to sleep. You can do other things tomorrow", Said Mahi and turned to go.

"Mahi Bhai", Virat called suddenly catching MS, "I'm your very, very big fan", said Virat slowly while looking at MS with utmost respect and admiration.

It drew a genuine smile on Mahi's face."I'm more than glad to have a world cup winning captain as my fan.",said Mahi, "You are... Cheeku",he added and laughed while ruffling his hair.

Virat grinned at his statement. He was well aware that they had nicknames in ICT but he hadn't thought he will get one on his first day itself, that too from his caption.

No, not from his caption!
From his Mahi Bhai!

"Now, sleep" Said Mahi while checking his temperature one last time.

And little did they know this was the starting of one of the most beautiful journey of their life to become MahiRat!


I'm new to the fandom and this is my first try to write something. I know it could have been a lot better and I'll try to make it better next time.
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