The guy fighting lone battles! (Jaddu-Mahi Bhai)

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After getting done with returning all the appreciation and celebration of a very special win, Jaddu sneaked out to the terrace leaving everyone else undisturbed to continue with their celebration which didn't seem like coming to an end any soon.

Though he wasn't concussed, he was hit on the head and didn't feel like staying in there with the loud music when his head was already throbbing.

As he sat down and checked out his phone, he saw Mahi Bhai's missed calls... five missed calls! If Mahi Bhai was calling five times right away, there must be something really important.

And even Jaddu couldn't ignore that!

"Why isn't he picking up my call now?" Jaddu muttered to himself while trying again.

"Chachu!" Ziva exclaimed as she answered the call while Jaddu grinned at her as she switched to video call. "Hi, Zivu, how are you? Did you like that special clay horse I sent?" He asked and Ziva nodded her head a bit reluctantly.

"I knew you would love it!" Jaddu positively beamed at her. "I bought it in Jamnagar and you know, Zivi, jamnagar's toys are magical..." Jaddu continued his tales of how Jamnagar's toys can talk and how she could go on a horse ride on that flying horse of Jamnagar.

Ziva giggled listening to him and after a while, Jaddu asked finally recalling why he had called at first place, "Where is Papa, Zivu?"

"He is in his room. I saw it's your call so I picked up, Chachu." Ziva said who had already started walking to Mahi's room.

"Papa, see it's jad chachu's call." Ziva thrusted the phone into Mahi's lap who was sitting on the bed and ran away.

"Bhai, you saw today's match?" Jaddu grinned at him, evidently wanting some praise and clearly forgetting the reason why he had called him.

Mahi Bhai stared at him for one whole minute before answering calmly. "Yeah, I did."

Jaddu twitched his eyebrows. Mahi Bhai's extra calm tone after a nice, long stare at any of them is usually accompanied by a extra nice punishment of Mahi Bhai's.

"Don't worry, Jad. I can't punish you since I'm not there but I'd have if I was." Mahi Bhai said with a teasing smile.

"What? No.. How did you know?" Jaddu asked fearfully.

"I've spent quite a few years with you, Jad." Mahi Bhai said ruefully.

Jaddu made a snorting sound. "Why did you call me then?"

"I was worried." Mahi Bhai said. "Thought you're really concussed, are you?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Ahh.. Me and concussed? No, Bhai!" Jaddu grinned. "But you also thought that I was concussed? That means I did really good acting. Hmm.. I think I can play in movie too!" He added triumphantly, clearly proud of the fact that even Mahi Bhai was convinced of him being concussed.

"Yeah, sure! And here I was getting worried you that you're concussed." Mahi Bhai said shaking his head a little. "Actually." He added as Jaddu opened his mouth to protest and shut it again.

"You're not actually hurt, are you, Jaddu?" Mahi Bhai asked looking at him.

"I'm hurt. You saw that." Jaddu said dramatically trying to sound hurt and failing miserably. "But you're only worried about the concussion thing. My hamstring is genuinely injured."

"Is it.. Is it really serious?" Mahi Bhai asked, realising Jaddu was really genuinely injured, unable to keep concern out of his voice.

"No, it's not, Bhai!" Jaddu said at once.

He didn't feel like coming up with an exaggerated story and giving Mahi Bhai real worry so he replied simply while Mahi stared at him once again and was convinced that he was being truthful.

"Don't worry, Mahi Bhai, my hamstring is injured but it's not that serious. I'm Sir Ravindra Jadeja, you know!" Jaddu said reassuringly with a grin which Mahi Bhai didn't return.

"You shouldn't be careless about everything, Jad. India needs you. Take care of yourself. You don't know how important you're for the team." Mahi said in disapproval.

"I didn't get injured intentionally, Bhai." Jaddu frowned. "You aren't supposed to scold me when I played so well today. You were supposed to praise me."

"Ok, stop sulking now." Mahi chuckled. "You played so well, Jad. Your innings were really crucial for us." He said proudly.

"Only that much?" Jaddu said disappointedly.

"Tu hi bata de tujhe kya sunna hai? I'll repeat that for you." Mahi chuckled and Jaddu snorted.

"Bhai, I wanna ask something." Jaddu said suddenly in a grave tone.

"Yes?" Mahi asked attentively.

"Did I– Did I really do good enough?" Jaddu asked, his eyes averted from Mahi Bhai's and this time his voice was not the sort of wanting praise or anything but his voice had a seriousness which was extremely rare to be coming from Jaddu.

"You've no idea how good you were, Jad!" Mahi Bhai smiled complacently and Jaddu looked up at him. "You've no idea how good you always have been. May be because you never actually saw yourself as the savior you are, Jad. Whenever all our hopes seems to fade away, you come up as the only hope that survives till the end. How come you can even doubt how precious you are?!"

"Bhai.. I–I always wanted to do my bit for India. I don't know if I succeeded but I did all I could.. I really did!" He added in an audible whisper.

Jaddu knew he had done well. Extremely well. He even felt stupid asking this question to Mahi Bhai but couldn't be helped! He couldn't shake off the flashbacks coming to his mind, flashbacks of all the previous times when India had been in this kind of dire situation and Jaddu had come out to bat, given it all, tried his very best and yet had failed to lead India to win.
He had failed to keep the hopes of millions of people. He had failed to live up to the expectations of his teammates.

"You never failed, Jad." Mahi Bhai said. Apparently, he knew what was going on in Jaddu's head. That boy has always been so cheerful that sometimes, even he forgets that Jad had his ability of hiding own emotions, even when he was at his most vulnerable state.

"You always gave your best to India. And don't you dare think that you failed all the times India lost. You have always been fighting lone battles for us and you always made us win, Jad, even when India lost!" Mahi said sincerely with brotherly pride.

Jaddu could hardly express what he felt at that moment. Yes, his teammates has always said that to him. May be deep inside, even he knew all this but Mahi Bhai saying out all this to him hit different. He felt his heart bubble with unknown satisfaction and warmth and love towards Mahi Bhai.

"Bhai, I.. I'm.. just.." Jaddu tried to find words that would not describe his inner emotions.

"No need to say anything. I know!" Mahi said smiling.

Jaddu smiled too. Mahi Bhai had said everything. He always knew what to say. But still Mahi Bhai hadn't said the one thing that Jaddu wanted to hear. Didn't Bhai know what he want to hear? Didn't he always know what any of them wanted to hear?

Jaddu thought but before he could work out on them he heard loud cries coming from downstairs.




"why are they screaming?" Jaddu said in an irritated manner.

"May be because they have realised too that it's your birthday, Jad." Mahi Bhai grinned at him.

"What? Oh.. yeah!" Jaddu checked the watch and indeed his birthday has started.

"Happy Birthday, Kiddo!" Mahi Bhai said beaming at him. "You're one of the kids who has irritated me the most but undoubtedly, you're one the kids who are most special and close to my heart too! After all, you're Sir Ravindra Jadeja!" He added with a laugh.

"Thank you, Mahi Bhai! I know I'm very special!" Jaddu gave a Jaddu-like laughter.

"What am I, then?" Shouted Virat, who just came on the terrace with others and heard the last bit of Mahi Bhai's wish. "If he is most special and close to your heart, then, what am I?"

"You're no one!" Jaddu said coolly.

"You're supposed to wish him first, Vi." Rahul said giving a smile to Mahi Bhai and turning to Jaddu. "Happy Birthday, Jad!"

"Happy Birthday, Bro!" Mayank shouted hugging Jaddu.

"Answer me, Mahi Bhai." Virat said accusingly.

"Hello to you too, Cheeku!" Mahi Bhai said Virat sulked. "Rahul is right, Cheeku, you're supposed to wish Jad first."

"Happy Birthday, Jaddu!" Virat said in a speech giving manner and turned back to Mahi Bhai. "Now, answer me?"

"I hate you too, Virat!" Jaddu said turning the phone away from Virat making him sulk harder.

"Where's Jassi? I thought I would wish him too!" Mahi Bhai asked knowing it will take quite a while to explain Cheeku now.

"He slept. We will wish him in morning now." Virat said sulking harder than ever before because of several reasons. Firstly, Mahi Bhai hadn't answered him yet. Secondly, he had been royally ignored. Lastly, Jass had slept when he wanted to wish him the first.

"Let's go to Shreya's room now." Mayank said excitedly. "Mahi Bhai, we will call you in the morning when we wish Jassi."

"Bye, Mahi Bhai." Jaddu said grinning.

"Happy Birthday once again, Jad. I'm so so proud of you, kiddo! Bye, enjoy!" Mahi Bhai beamed at him.

"Bye, Bhai!" Jaddu disconnected the call. After a second, he realised what Mahi Bhai said and his eyes gleamed with happiness which he didn't even attempt to hide. He was right. Mahi Bhai always knew what any of them wanted to hear!

"Let's go now." Virat said as he dragged Jaddu along him.

This is one the best birthdays ever! Jaddu thought.


I wrote something after a long time. I know this wasn't anything with plot or something but wanted to write something for a start. Hope you guys liked it!

Love ❤️

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