Chapter Eleven

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Hey everyone!

First off before we get to the chapter I just want to give a HUGE shoutout to my new best friend on Wattpad, silverthornes!

This buddy of mine has been a HUGE help to me, giving me advice and tips on how to make my story sound more like a story and not drag so much like in the beginning! ^^

I also want to give a HUGE shoutout to my best friend from school who is reading this as well!

They have helped me so much by giving me their own opinions and help!

I know that you are all enjoying this story, and I thank you for that because I actually almost deleted this one and started over on it XD

Anyway, a huge thing that I got dinged on by readers, though, (not naming anyone), was the dream that Kalda had in Chapter Nine.

I went back and added in the warnings for future readers, and there will be another warning in this Chapter so that you can skip this one as well if you want :)

Sound good?

Great! ^^

Again, I really am sorry.

The last thing that I could EVER want to do is hurt my readers.

I love you and care about you, my peeps.

You are special not only to me, but to others as well, even if you don't know it or realize it yet.

God bless you all! ^^

Well...onto the story....?


It was finally Halloween day, so Britain and Kalda were getting ready for the party that was being held later that night.

He was way too kind, meaning that he took Kalda to a salon where they professionally did their makeup, their hair, their nails, and many other things.

"You really don't have to do this," Kalda told him amongst getting her hair curled.

"I can and I have," Britain grinned.

Kalda looked over and noticed that he was getting his hair trimmed, and she tried to ignore the rapid thumping of her heart.

Don't be that awkward stalker again, Kalda, she told herself. It's not nice to stare, either.

Kalda tried to respond, but she came up short.

"Well...yeah?" Kalda stammered, but she started blushing as soon as she said the words.

The hairstylist cutting Britain's hair giggled.

"Aw, don't be so red in the face, sweetie," she said. "Mister Arthur Kirkland here just loves to tease the ladies whenever he wishes or visits places."

Kalda snorted, putting a hand over her mouth as she began laughing her head off.

"Your-your real name is...Arthur?" Kalda howled in laughter.

Britain blushed a shade so red, Kalda didn't think that there was even a name for it yet.

"Well, now that's not very nice," Britain stammered out, still red as, well, something red. "I never laughed at your name, so why are you laughing at mine?"

Kalda calmed down as she ended her laughing fit.

"I'm sorry," she said, still snickering. "It's just, I never expected you to have a name like that. You don't look like an Arthur to me at all, to be quite honest."

Then, something inside Kalda's head tugged at her, and a flashback suddenly came to her mind.


"I love you, Arthur Kirkland," Maria smiled softly, her voice just barely a whisper.

"And I love you as well, Maria Jackson," Arthur smiled back, his voice and smile just as soft.

He looked so familiar to Kalda, but she couldn't place it.

Who does he look like? she wondered.

The couple hugged each other, and then kissed.

Kalda tried not to swoon at the love between them, and something pulled at her heartstrings.

Before Kalda could say something or watch the couple any longer, she began to disappear like she did in every other dream of hers.


Kalda had that dream long before she had her nightmare.

She looked over at Britain, well, Arthur now, and ran his name through her head again.

This is probably just a coincidence, Kalda calmly assured herself. There's probably a ton of Arthur Kirklands out there. Britain can't be the person in my dreams. He just can't be.

After Kalda pulled herself together, she honed back into reality.

"Well then who do I look like?" Britain asked her, a smirk on his face despite his blushing.

The person from my dream, Kalda thought to herself, but she didn't even dare to say that out loud.

"I don't know," Kalda answered, not really caring about the conversation anymore. "Certainly not an Arthur to me."

Kalda suddenly got pulled out of her chair and into a different room.

"I'm just going to wax your legs and eyebrows okay, sweetie?" Kalda's hairstylist said with a smile.

Kalda saw her holding some tape, and could only guess that it was the waxing tape.

"That's not going to hurt, is it?" Kalda questioned, looking at the woman.

"Not much," the woman grinned.

She put a piece of grey tape on Kalda's right shin, and started to count to three.

"One, two, three," she said, yanking the tape off of Kalda's shin.

"OW!" Kalda screamed in pain, clutching her leg to her chest.

She saw that a red line of bare skin from where the woman pulled the tape off of her shin was forming, and Kalda got angry at woman.

"Why the heck did you do that?" she yelled. "That hurt!"

"Well, it's not ladylike to have hairy legs," the woman replied. "Please, let me finish your legs. Your eyebrows will be easier. Just trust me, okay?"

Kalda sighed, hesitant.

She slowly put her shin back into the woman's grasp, biting her lower lip to keep herself from screaming the next few times the woman waxed her legs.

Dang this hurts! Kalda thought to herself. Why must beauty come at such a painful price?

The woman finished Kalda's legs and her eyebrows got waxed quick.

"My legs are so red," Kalda whimpered in pain.

"They will heal, my little darling," the woman tapped Kalda's cheek. "They won't stay red for long."

The woman then proceeded to do Kalda's makeup.

Kalda's face was painted sapphire blue and white, with little jewls glued onto her cheeks and above her brown eyes.

"You look beautiful, dear!" the woman cheered happily. "Now, come! Your outfit awaits you!"

Kalda got pulled into a dressing room, a dress getting thrown on top of her.

She stepped into a pair of sapphire blue high heels, and they were so shiny and sparkly that Kalda honestly believed that they were made of glass.

Kalda was handed a sapphire blue mask as well, but she didn't put it on.

Britain walked into the room just then, asking in his polite voice,

"Do you need some help with your mask?"

Kalda looked up at him with a confused look, blushing madly.

"Yes," she said, carfully handing him her mask, "thank you."

"Turn around," he smiled, and Kalda did just that.

Once Britain was done tying the silky, black ribbon behind Kalda's head, she looked in the mirror and noticed that he also had a sapphire blue mask on.

The duo stood side by side, and Kalda was sure that she was swooning right there in front of him.

I look so beautiful, she started off, and he looks so handsome.

"Are you ready to go, Kalda?" Britain asked her.

Kalda smirked, following him out of the salon as she linked her arm with his.

"Of course, Arthur," she snickered.

"Will you stop that?" Britain yelled at her. "It's not that funny!"

Kalda just laughed harder as they made their way to the location of the party, Britain sighing in an annoyance.


Quick A/N:

Kalda and Britain's outfits.

Kalda and Britain's masks.

Don't own the pictures.

They belong to the models and the designers.

Plus Pinterest because all of my book ideas for outfits and other things like this come from Pinterest ^^


"We're here," Britain said calmly. "Are you sure that you still want to do this?"

His green eyes looked concerned under his sapphire blue mask, but Kalda nodded in agreement.

"I'll be fine," Kalda answered, a smile on her face. "Just as long as we stick together, I'll be okay."

"Well, if that's what you want," Britain said reluctantly, opening up the door without even bothering to knock, "but I hope that you don't make me regret this."

The duo walked in, the two of them getting immediately greeted with the strong smell of alcohol and cigar smoke, and Kalda tried her hardest not to gag.

"See," Britain sighed, seeing the pained look on Kalda's face, "now you look sick. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," Kalda stammered out firmly. "It's just...I didn't anticipate on being one of the only girls here. That's all."

Something about this conversation seems familiar, Kalda thought to herself, but I can't place it right now.

Kalda was secretly hoping that this was all just deja vu like the psychologist had told her, and not her dream becoming reality.

"That's right," Britain replied, looking around them. "You're still not introduced to everyone here, yet."

"You're not going to leave me, are you?" Kalda whimpered, looking up at him.

"And why would I do that?" he asked, brushing some hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.

Kalda didn't reply, so he went on.

"I promised you that I would look out for you," he concluded with a grin, "and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Well, don't you want to go and talk to people?" Kalda questioned, suddenly feeling like a burden to him. "I don't want to keep you from having your own fun."

"Oh, please," Britain scoffed playfully. "All of these wankers are drunk wasted. The only ones who aren't drunk are us sensible ones like Japan, myself, you, your brother Veneziano, those three girls over there, the Baltics, and a few others."

"Oh, hey, Britain!" Veneziano said cheerfully. "I didn't think that you came to parties like this!"

Kalda could just barely see her brother's outfit in the dim light; it was black with gold accents, and a black and gold accented mask with a black feather sticking out was tied to his face.

Kalda wanted to say something, but she knew that she couldn't.

"I don't," Britain sighed, "but my friend here wanted me to come with her."

Veneziano looked at Kalda, and she could feel her heart rate increase.

"Ciao, bella!" Veneziano answered, kissing the top of her hand. "You look gorgeous tonight."

"Th-thank you," Kalda said quietly. "I'm Lady Jane. It's very nice to meet you."

Kalda heard Britain snort beside her, so she elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ow!" he complained, rubbing his side. "What was that for?"

"For laughing at my name," Kalda told him politely, smirking.

"Well, I hope that you have fun at this party, bella," her brother grinned. "I hope that you'll save at least one dance for me?"

"Of course," Kalda promised as he walked away.

Perhaps my dream isn't coming true after all, Kalda thought in relief. Veneziano never talked to Britain and I in my dream.

Her eyes drifted off to all of the drunk men, the atmosphere becoming dark and uncomforting.

"I wonder how many drinks it took for them to get this way?" she wondered.

"Not many," Switzerland answered.

"Hello, Switzerland," Britain said politely, being very calm.

"England," Switzerland replied, not speaking much. "Is this girl your date?"

"She's just a friend," Britain answered, ignoring her.

He then looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Lady Jane, why don't you go and try to make friends with the people who aren't drunk while I talk to some of my own friends?" Britain suggested.

"Okay," Kalda nodded. "Just...promise me that you won't get drunk to get wasted either, all right?"

"Promise," Britain replied, grinning and making an "X" on his chest with his finger.

Kalda nodded as she started walking over to a group of girls, only to get pulled away and into a different corner.

This corner was much darker, Kalda realized, and she couldn't see much except for the person in front of her.

(A/N: Trigger warning. If you want to skip this part you can. No hard feelings. I just want to keep you happy. If you DO want to continue reading, though, you can.)

Kalda could see his red eyes sparkling with all sorts of mischief under his black mask, and his silvery white hair was shining like the moon.

He looked beautiful with his pale skin and black outfit with red accents, but he reeked of alcohol.

"You're a pretty lady," Prussia said.

When Kalda didn't respond to him, she could see him close the gap between them a little more.

Kalda pressed against the wall to give them more space, but she realized that she could only go so far.

"Th-thank you," Kalda stammered out, "but please don't get so close."

Maybe if I close my eyes he will go away? Kalda suggested.

"Aw, don't be so scared, mein liebling," he told her in a soft tone, and she could feel his hand tuck some hair behind her ear and mask.

"Please don't touch me," Kalda whimpered in a choked voice, looking at his red eyes again. "When I close my eyes, you're supposed to go away."

"Aw, but vhere's zhe fun in zhat?" Prussia answered, a sick and twisted grin on his pale face.

He tried to touch her shoulder, but Kalda didn't allow that.

"I said, don't touch me," she growled, getting the courage to tell him off now.

He lowered his head, some of his silvery white hair falling into his hungry red eyes.

He was not grinning anymore, and his eyebrows were furrowed together in anger.

"If you're not going to do zhis villingly," he started, pressing closer to Kalda, "I vill make you."

Kalda gasped, and she could feel a tug on her back.

Kalda started to escape him, but she stopped once she heard a long....


Prussia waved some skirt fabric in front of Kalda with a grin while someone else grabbed her from behind.

Oh, come on! Kalda thought in defeat, upset that she had let Prussia distract her. My dream really is coming true!

"Please don't fight us," she heard France say in her ear. "Just embrace it and have some fun."

Kalda tried to get out of France's grip, but she couldn't.

Prussia walked up to her again, the passionate hunger from before still in his red eyes.

Kalda trembled and got chills once he ran a finger down her neck and into her chest, clearly knowing what was going to happen next.

"Save some for us, Prussia!" France yelled angrily over her. "I want to have a go with her as well!"

Kalda knew what the next part was, her matching partner for the party walking up to her.

A look of hunger was shining in his green eyes, just like in her dream.

Britain got close to Kalda, his breath cold instead of warm.

"Britain," Kalda began, "please don't! I-I'm not up for this! I'm not ready for this! Please tell me that this is a trick? A stupid, dirty, scary trick? Please?"

Britain just grinned, his green eyes searching her scared, brown ones.

He pressed closer to her, and Kalda started to shake.

"Please don't do this!" Kalda begged, kicking him as hard as she could with her high heels. "I'm begging you! Don't kiss me!"

"Oh, I'm going to do a lot more than just kiss you," Britain said smoothly, his blonde bangs falling into his eyes.

"Please, don't do this!" Kalda sobbed, thrashing and kicking in protest. "This is assaulting a lady! You could get arrested for this!"

Her protests were in vain, and Kalda could feel his lips press against her neck as her eyes shut in tears.

"Leave me alone!" she screamed in anger. "I don't like you! I don't love you! I hate you, you hear me? I hate you all! Get away from me!"

Kalda felt his hands play around in her hair as his kisses deepened, his lips moving from her neck to her cheek, and Kalda sobbed harder.

"Britain stop!" she demanded angrily. "This isn't funny!"

"Oh, come on, love," Britain answered, looking at Kalda. "Isn't this a wonderful treat for you?"

"No!" she screamed in his face. "It's not! It's a violation of a woman's body, that's what it is!"

Kalda saw his face and eyes harden, and she was scared to see what would happen next.

I blacked out in my nightmare at this point, but what about now? Kalda wondered.

Kalda suddenly felt so limp, tired, stressed, and scared that she fainted.

Well, what do you know? Kalda asked herself before she lost all consciousness. I guess that I did black out after all.


(A/N: Trigger scene is done. For those of you who skipped, you can just continue reading the rest of the chapter now that the uncomfortable scene is over.)


Kalda woke up in a dark room, not quite sure where that dark room was located.

It looked slightly familiar to her, but the previous night ended in a blur, so she was still a little woozy.

Just like in my nightmare, Kalda confirmed.

Suddenly, memories from the night before came back to her.

I was sexually assaulted for real, Kalda realized. My nightmare, it...actually happened!

Kalda gasped a little as she sat up in the bed that she was in, and she tried not to scream once Kalda saw a very deep sleeping Britain beside her.

She trembled and shook, trying to hold in her screams and tears of terror.

Pull yourself together, Kalda! she snapped at herself. He hasn't done anything. Just go back to sleep.

Kalda decided to lie back down, lying on her left side and hoped that he wouldn't hug her or anything weird like that.

Kalda knew that she had hoped for the opposite scenario way too soon because she felt Britain hug her around her waist and pull her close to him like she was his stuffed animal.

Kalda tried not to groan and wake him up, so she scowled to herself instead.

And now he's done something, she thought angrily. How did this even happen?

She carefully and discreetly unwrapped his arms from around her waist, quietly getting out of bed.

She was still wearing her dress, mask, makeup, and shoes from the night before, and her hair was all messed up.

Kalda grabbed one of Britain's white undershirts and pants, putting them on after she took off her dress and shoes just because she could.

She quickly walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make some breakfast for herself, trying to calm down.

Kalda saw that the morning paper was lying near the front door, so she picked it up to read the headline.

Sure enough, it was about the night before:

"Eighteen year old girl getting Britain's love at America's Halloveen Party, October 31st."

Prussia stalked us last night? Kalda thought in fear, feeling violated on many levels. Why would he do that? Especially telling the whole world that we slept in the same bed together?

Kalda put the paper on the table, hoping to show Britain the article right when he woke up.

As Kalda started dishing up her breakfast, some biscuits, peanut butter, and apple slices, she heard massive, and quite exaggerated, moaning and groaning behind her.

Kalda turned around and that was when Britain literally came crashing into the kitchen, falling onto the floor.

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