Chapter Nine

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Quick thing.

Later on in this chapter, I mention sexual assault.

If this makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this chapter and move on.

I'll add in another warning later on, but this is just a heads up.


Kalda had never thought that she would be hearing about a party so soon, just three days before Halloween, and straight from Russia's mouth, too.

Kalda supposed that Halloween was a very big deal for him, but she just wanted to know where the party was being held.

I mean, not that I would go to it, or anything, Kalda lied to herself.

"I don't want to sound dumb or anything," Kalda started awkwardly, "but what exactly is "Halloween?"

"The only holiday of the year that Russia actually decks out for," came a flat reply from Latvia.

"Well, what about Christmas?" Kalda wondered. "And Thanksgiving?"

"Russia doesn't believe in Christmas, and Thanksgiving isn't really a big deal here," Lithuania explained, tucking some strands of his brown hair behind his ear.

"Who doesn't believe in Christmas?" Kalda questioned with a smirk. "That's just crazy talk."

"Russia?" Latvia scoffed in annoyance.

"It's just the way some people are," Estonia stated wisely, looking up from his book as he situated his glasses. "I'm just confused as to why some people make such a big deal out of the holidays."

"I don't," Kalda said. "I was just asking. I don't get to celebrate my own country's traditions at all, mainly because I'm the only citizen, and who celebrates things on their own?"

"What kind of traditions does your country have?" Latvia asked.

"Well, I had a dream one night when I was little," Kalda answered, sitting down and stroking the soft feathers of the duster.

She smiled, thinking about the memory.

"This big group of people played this game with these little wooden circles," she explained. "They looked like checker pieces, but they didn't use a board or anything."

Kalda grabbed a checker piece to show them how the game worked.

"They would toss the checker pieces across the floor like rocks," Kalda added on. "They had lines, and whoever's checker piece went the farthest won."

"What was the game called?" Lithuania asked with a smile, wanting to play.

Kalda put her hair in a ponytail as she tried to remember.

"I can't remember," she replied, "but it sure looked like fun. They also played instruments and made beautiful music together."

"Are dreams the only that way you can remember your family?" Estonia quietly wondered.

Kalda sighed, closing her eyes as tears formed in them.

"Yeah," she responded. "The dreams started coming back a few weeks ago."

"You mean they stopped once?" Russia inquired, joining the conversation.

Kalda would have normally jumped at his sudden presence, but she didn't this time.

His voice was too soft and comforting for her to be scared of him at that moment.

"They didn't necessarily stop," Kalda started off. "They just...stopped coming so frequently."

She sighed, pushing some of her bangs out of her eyes.

"Now, though?" Kalda continued. "Now they're coming more frequently than they should be."

"Are they from your past or predicting the future?" Russia questioned.

"Past," she answered. "If they were for the future, I don't know what I would do."

That was a good question, Russia, Kalda thought to herself. I'm glad that you have the courage to think about those things instead of me.


Kalda sighed as she crawled into her bed.

Talking with her older brothers usually made Kalda feel calm, but right now, she just felt anxious.

Kalda didn't know why she was so scared, and she realized that if she didn't calm down and go to sleep soon, she would stay up all night.

Russia told Kalda that he didn't need her to work for him during the rest of the week, so now there was only two more days before Halloween.

Kalda was nervous and excited.

Kalda really wanted to go to the Halloween party that America was setting up, but she also didn't.

"You'll get too scared," Romano had told Kalda at supper. "Halloween is full of more tricks than treats."

"Halloween is actually really scary," Veneziano had justified, trembling.

"No, you're just keeping me cooped up," Kalda snapped, stomping up the stairs to go to sleep.

Kalda sighed as she stared at the ceiling while lying on her back, trying to the count invisible sheep that were jumping over her.

She felt her eylids get heavy once she counted her twentieth jumping lamb, her eyes closing for rest.

Kalda felt sleep overtake her, and then she succumbed to the darkness.


(A/N: Trigger warning. If you get uncomfortable by sexual assault, I suggest that you skip this chapter and move on to the next one. If you aren't bothered by it and want to continue reading, then you can do that as well.)


"We're here," Britain said. "Are you sure that you still want to do this?"

His green eyes looked concerned under his sapphire blue mask, and Kalda suddenly felt so lost in them that she went into deep thought.

Kalda had practically begged Britain to take her to America's "lousy" Halloween Masquerade Party at France's house that evening.

She knew then that it wasn't fair of her to do that to him, and she still knew that it was wrong now, but Kalda had reminded him earlier that he owed her for making Kalda save him from France a while back.

He had owned up to his deal, and had somewhat willingly agreed to accepting the invitation.

They got their costumes, making sure that they matched according to Britain's rules, and made their way to the location of the party.

America had asked France to plan the party with him this year, and so Kalda was hoping that there were more treats than tricks tonight.

"I'll be fine," Kalda answered, a smile on her face. "Just as long as we stick together, I'll be okay."

"Well, if that's what you want," Britain replied reluctantly, opening up the door without even bothering to knock, "but I hope that you don't make me regret this."

The duo walked in, and Kalda was immediately greeted with the strong smell of alcohol and cigar smoke.

Kalda wrinkled her nose, becoming sick from the two smells mixing together.

She saw that the majority of the party guests were men, and she suddenly started to feel like that this was all a big mistake for her.

First, I barge into that Meeting, Kalda thought, and now I'm going to a party where drunk men are.

"See?" Britain sighed. "Now you look sick. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," Kalda stammered out firmly. "It's just...I didn't anticipate on being one of the only girls here. That's all."

"That's right," Britain replied, looking around them. "You're still not introduced to everyone here, yet."

Kalda spotted some girls in a corner, and she wanted to go up and speak with them.

Kalda's better judgement got the best of her, though, so she just stayed by Britain's side.

"You're not going to leave me, are you?" Kalda whimpered, looking up at him.

"And why would I do that?" he asked, brushing some of Kalda's hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.

He smiled as he continued on.

"I promised you that I would look out for you," he concluded with a grin, "and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Well, don't you want to go and talk to people?" Kalda questioned, suddenly feeling like a burden to him. "I don't want to keep you from having your own fun."

"Oh, please," Britain scoffed playfully. "All of these wankers are drunk wasted. The only ones who aren't drunk are us sensible ones like Japan, myself, you, your brother Veneziano, those three girls over there, the Baltics, and a few others."

Kalda looked around and saw that he was right.

Her uncle France, America, Russia, and many others that she somewhat recognized were so drunk, that they were doing really nasty things.

"I wonder how many drinks it took for them to get this way?" Kalda wondered.

"Not many," Switzerland answered as he walked up to her.

"Hello, Switzerland," Britain said politely, being very calm.

"England," Switzerland replied, not speaking much. "Is this girl your date?"

Kalda blushed madly under her makeup, wondering if Switzerland and Britain could even see it.

"She's just a friend," Britain answered.

Something inside Kalda broke, but she ignored it.

I'm not really expecting him to treat me like his girlfriend, am I? she wondered to herself.

"Lady Jane, why don't you go and try to make friends with the people who aren't drunk while I talk to some of my own friends, all right?" Britain suggested, looking at Kalda.

Kalda sighed as she brushed some of her hair out of her face, adjusting her mask as well.

"Okay, okay," she relented before she could even put up an argument. "Just...promise me that you won't get drunk to get wasted either, all right?"

"Promise," Britain replied, grinning and making an "X" on his chest with his finger.

Kalda nodded as she started walking over to the group of girls, only to get pulled away and into a different corner.

The corner was much darker, she realized, and Kalda couldn't see much except for the person in front of her.

She could see his red eyes sparkling with all sorts of mischief under his black mask, and his silvery white hair was shining like the moon.

He looked beautiful with his pale skin and black outfit with red accents, but he reeked of alcohol.

"You're a pretty lady," he said, and Kalda could pick out a German accent in his voice.

He was an albino, and then something sounded an alarm in Kalda's mind.

This person is Prussia! Kalda quickly reminded herself. Britain told me to stay away from him at all costs!

When Kalda didn't respond to him, she could see him close the gap between them a little more.

Kalda pressed against the wall to give them more space, but she realized that she could only go so far.

Kalda started to tremble, hoping that he would leave her alone.

"Th-thank you," Kalda stammered out, "but please don't get so close."

She could feel her heart pound inside her chest, and Kalda didn't know how to calm herself down.

Maybe if I close my eyes he will go away? Kalda suggested.

She did just that, hoping that Prussia might reconsider flirting with her.

"Aw, don't be so scared, mein liebling," he told Kalda in a soft tone, and she could feel his hand tuck some of her hair behind her ear and mask.

"Please don't touch me," Kalda whimpered in a choked up voice, looking at his red eyes again. "When I close my eyes, you're supposed to go away."

"But vhere's zhe fun in zhat?" Prussia answered, a sick and twisted grin on his pale face.

His eyes drifted off to Kalda's chest, and she instantly knew where everything was going to go.

His hand moved away from her ear to her shoulder, so Kalda shrugged his hand off.

"I said, don't touch me," she growled, getting the courage to tell him off now.

He lowered his head, some of his silvery white hair falling into his hungry, red eyes.

He was not grinning anymore, and his eyebrows furrowed together in anger.

"If you're not going to do zhis villingly," he started, pressing closer to Kalda still, "zhen I vill make you."

Kalda gasped, and she could feel a tug on her back.

She kicked Prussia in his stomach, wanting to have an escape plan.

Kalda started to escape him, but she stopped once she heard a long....


She saw that the skirts of her dress were separated, Prussia holding up some fabric and swishing it back and forth like a handkerchief as he grinned in triumph.

Kalda then felt two arms wrap around her waist, and she almost let out a scream.

Oh, come on! Kalda thought in defeat, upset that she had let Prussia distract her like that.

"Please don't fight us," Kalda heard France say in her ear. "Just embrace it and have some fun."

Kalda tried to get out of France's grip, but she couldn't.

Prussia came up to her again, and she could see him lick his teeth like a vampire licking blood off of their fangs after they had just killed someone.

Kalda started to tremble, getting chills once he ran a finger down her neck and into her chest.

It took all of Kalda's strength to kick him away, but it was no use.

Why me? Kalda screamed in her head. Why me, why me, why me?

"Save some of her for us, Prussia!" France yelled angrily over Kalda. "I want to have a go with her as well!"

Prussia just smirked as he ignored the comment, and Kalda suddenly felt so weak and limp that she didn't know what was going to happen next.

It was one thing to be held in a corner and to be held in someone's arms, but it was another thing to get sexually assaulted.

Kalda got surrounded by other drunk men, and she didn't know what to say, think, or do.

I'm dead, she realized. This is where it all ends for me.

Then, Kalda saw him.

Her matching partner for the party came up to her, a hungry look in his green eyes.

Kalda felt her heart rate increase to what felt like two hundred miles per an hour if that was even possible.

Kalda shook her head over and over again, continuously opening and closing her eyes, wishing and wanting for her to wake up and for the dream to go away.

She tried to kick, she tried to scream, and she even tried to sob her eyes out, but nothing worked.

I'm alone, Kalda thought sadly, feeling hopeless. Alone and dead.

Britain got so close to her, closer than he had ever been around her, and she could feel his cold breath on her face.

"Britain," Kalda said in a choked up voice, "please don't! I-I'm not up for this! I'm not ready for this! Please tell me that this is a trick? A stupid, dirty, scary trick? Please?"

Britain just grinned, his green eyes flashing with a passionate hunger.

He pressed his face closer to hers, and Kalda knew that her next attempts to get him to leave wouldn't work.

Still, she pressed on.

"Please don't do this!" Kalda begged, kicking him as hard as she could with her high heels. "I'm begging you! Don't kiss me!"

"Oh, I'm going to do a lot more than just kiss you," Britain said smoothly, his blonde bangs falling into his eyes.

Kalda knew what he meant, so she just started crying right then and there like a little girl.

That's all I am here, she thought sadly. A poor, lost, helpless, orphaned little girl.

"Please don't do this!" Kalda sobbed, thrashing and kicking in protest. "This is assaulting a lady! You could get arrested for this!"

Her protests were in vain, and Kalda could feel his lips press against her neck as her eyes closed in tears.

"Leave me alone!" Kalda screamed in anger. "I don't like you! I don't love you! I hate you, you hear me? I hate you all! Get away from me!"

Kalda kicked harder and screamed louder, hoping for someone to hear her.

"Please, let me go!" she shrieked amongst her sobs. "Someone, help me! Anyone, please, help me!"

Kalda felt his hands play around in her hair, and that set her on the edge.

"Britain stop!" Kalda demanded angrily, feeling his kisses deepen. "This isn't funny!"

"Oh, come on, love," Britain answered, looking at her. "Isn't this a wonderful treat for you?"

"No!" Kalda screamed in his face. "It's not! It's a violation of a woman's body, that's what it is!"

Kalda saw his face and eyes harden, and then everything suddenly blacked out.


"....Please, I beg you! Don't do this to me!" Kalda screamed, shifting around in her sleep.

She suddenly woke up, sitting up in her bed.

Kalda was hyperventilating, and her throat felt sore and dry.

She was hot and sweaty, and real tears were streaming down her face as she trembled and shook in her bed.

Kalda heard footsteps thud up the stairs and she sobbed harder when her two brothers hugged her.

"Are you okay, Kalda?" Veneziano asked her.

Kalda just cried in answer, hugging him as he hugged her back.

Romano hugged the other two in his arms, and Kalda just continued to bawl her eyes out.

"It was just a dream, Kalda," Romano told her calmly. "You're okay."

Kalda felt him kiss the top of her head, the side of his face just lying there.

"It was awful!" Kalda sobbed. "They attacked me!"

"You're okay, Kalda," Veneziano said softly. "We won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" Romano asked.

Kalda just nodded in answer, clinging onto Veneziano for dear life.

Maybe it was just a dream, Kalda supposed, but it felt too real for that.

It didn't feel like a dream that Kalda had dreamt in the past, about Maria and her husband named "Dear," or about her people and family who played the checker toss at Christmas.

No, this dream felt more...present.

It felt more...current.

It felt more...alive.

The dream felt....



Hey everyone!

I'm going to put a sexual assault hotline here so that you can use it if you have ever been assaulted.

Sorry if I made some of you triggered, but here's something that will help you out.

All of you men and women are beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

God bless you all! ^^


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