Chapter Thirty-One

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One rule that every country in the world had always forgotten about France was to never make him angry.

On the outside he may have looked slightly harmless, but on the inside he was a raging storm, waiting for its next victim.

If someone was France's enemy, they would be forever the victim of the storm that never went away.

Britain had obviously forgotten about that rule, and Kalda knew firsthand the dangers of France's anger.

"I seriously cannot believe zhis!" France continued on. "Why did you two share a bed togezher? I zhought zhat you hated each ozher!"

"In my defense, Kalda came to me."

"In his defense, I came to him."

Kalda and Britain blushed once they realized that they had admitted their answer in unison, earning even more shock and anger from the Frenchman.

"If you zhink for one second zhat I am going to believe you, you are sadly mistaken!" France kept on yelling. "Also, I made breakfast downstairs if you want some."

Kalda rolled her eyes at the sudden change in France's attitude at his second sentence, so she just got out of the bed and walked downstairs.

"I'm still in my pajamas!" she called to him. "If we did the thing, my clothes would be off!"

Britain busted out laughter at France's horrified face, getting out of the bed as well.

"She got you there," he said, walking out of the room.

"I swear, if you gave her even half of a kiss," France threatened, "you are a dead man." 

"Oh, and like you know anything," Britain replied with an eye roll. "Weren't you the one who was trying to persuade me once to get her into my bed with me in the first place?"

"I was just teasing you!" France answered. "I wasn't actually serious! I would never put my niece into a situation like zhat!"

"You did when you were drunk," Kalda stated, grabbing some breakfast.

"Zhat was one time!" France defended. "I had no control over zhat!"

"What's going on?" America asked, joining the conversation.

"Kalda and Britain slept togezher!" France accused again.

"WE DID NOT!" Britain and Kalda answered in unison.

"Yeah, I'm leaving this conversation," America stated, walking into the kitchen as well.

"I think that I'm going to eat outside where I don't have to hear you two arguing and America yelling "Shut up!" over and over again," Kalda explained, walking outside with her breakfast in her hands.

She closed the door, all three men just staring at it and expecting Kalda to come back in, but she never did.

"Yeah, I'm also gonna' go outside," America stated. "She'll need someone out there to protect her."

He walked outside as well, leaving France and Britain alone in the house together.

That was, until Russia appeared.

"What happened?" he asked. "I heard yelling."

"Nothing," France and Britain flatly replied in unison, looking away from each other with crossed arms.


Kalda sighed, not really caring if she was still in her nightgown or not.

She was sitting in the field, eating her breakfast and drinking her tea in peace.

She suddenly felt arms around her waist, someone's chin placing itself on top of her head.

Kalda also saw a pair of legs sprawl out beside her, and she thought of the weird scenario that she was about to go down a tube slide at a waterpark with this unknown person behind her.

"Hey, babe," the voice said flirtatiously, and Kalda instantly knew who it was.

She elbowed them in their stomach, smirking with pleasure as she took another bite out of her biscuit.

"Babe, huh?" she chuckled. "I suppose that's a new one."

"Why did you hurt me like that?" America groaned, lying on his back as Kalda stood up to sit beside him instead.

"You invaded my space," she replied. "You also touched me, held me in a position that made me uncomfortable, it brought back bad memories, shall I continue?"

"I think I'm fine," he smirked, sitting up. "Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"Fine," Kalda drawled awkwardly, not really seeing the point of the question.

"Cool. Was just wondering," America replied.

"If this is about the whole bed thing that those two were arguing over, it wasn't what it looked or sounded like," Kalda explained abruptly.

"Dude, even I would date my brother," America grinned.

Kalda punched him again, and he cried out in pain.

"That's not respectful to your brother," Kalda scolded him. "Britain just let me sleep in his bed because I had a bad dream and I wanted his protection and comfort. That's all."

"Oh, come on," America said with an eye roll. "Please tell me that you at least kissed him once."

Kalda thought about it, but nothing came up.

"Not that I know of," she answered slowly.

"Sheesh," America scoffed. "Have you ever made out with anyone?"

"I'm nineteen," Kalda stated flatly. "Like I ever had a boyfriend."

"Not even as a kid?" America asked.

"Nope," Kalda smirked. "My brothers actually punched every guy that came up to me. It would be like, one guy just says "hi," and then boom! He'd be out like a light switch. Man, can Feli punch!"

"Well the Mafia did originate there," America commented.

"True," Kalda agreed. "Anyway, so no. I haven't been interested in anyone lately."

"Have you kissed another guy, though?" America wondered.

"One," Kalda said. "A long time ago. Deep into December of last year."

"Really?" America laughed. "Who?"

"Russia," Kalda casually replied, almost as if she had told that story to millions of people once before.

America gasped, practically losing all oxygen.

"Either I heard you wrong or something else happened, but did you just say Russia?" he asked, becoming fearful. "And did he go first?"

"I'll admit that he leaned in first," Kalda blushed, "but he didn't seem to mind that I let him kiss me. Basically, the kiss was all him. Ah, I remember the rest of that night. We went to a ballet, and then he gave me a gift."

"And apparently a kiss goodnight before you went your seperate ways," America concluded awkwardly.

"Are you done with your silly boy talk now?" Kalda asked. "Because I really want to be by myself."

"I actually told the two yelling men that I'd watch over you out here," America admitted.

"Ugh!" Kalda groaned, turning her back on him. "Fine, but don't talk to me. I want to feel like you're not here at all and that it's just me."

Silence fell between them, and Kalda started eating her biscuits in peace again.

"So, are you interested in Russia, or anything?" America asked just for the fun of it.

Kalda let out a high pitched squeal, making America cover his ears to block out the noise.

"What did I just say?" she yelled at him. "I told you that I didn't want to hear anymore of your boy talk!"

"Answer the question," America replied quietly, scooting closer to her and getting into her face.

Kalda could feel his warm breath on her face, and she didn't like it; she also didn't like the smirk that he was wearing on his face.

"Actually, no," Kalda stated, gaining her personal space again. "I'm not. I'm more interested in exploring the world instead of settling down with someone."

"What kind of an answer is that?" America laughed.

"A smart one," Kalda answered. "I've had dreams about my mother and how she went all over the world. I mean, literally! She went to libraries, museums, temples, churches, forests, rainforests, military bases, everywhere! That's what I want to do, too."

"And I get that," America agreed. "You're young, beautiful, you have your whole life ahead of you."

"Finally someone who understands me," Kalda smiled.

"But you want to settle down with someone some time, right?" America wondered.

"Well, of course," Kalda replied. "I want a family just as much as the next person. I just want to wait for the right man for me to come along. So, while I wait, I want to explore the world."

"Not the answer that I would have expected from you, actually," America told her honestly. "Although, I can see it now."

"My mom also met a ton of people during her visits to all of the cool places she had been to," Kalda went on. "I can't wait to travel once the War is over. Then I can get my life into gear again."

"Yeah, those Second Player jerks really take a toll on you, sometimes," America agreed.

"Well, what about you, now?" Kalda smirked. "You into anyone?"

"No one that's my type," America answered.

"That's right," Kalda laughed. "You did say that you would date your brother."

"I said that I would, not that I will," America grinned.

"But you want someone like him?" Kalda asked.

"Eh, it depends," America said.

"What?" Kalda nudged him. "You don't think the British are hot?"

"It's not that, it's just...I was really hoping that we could be a thing," America replied awkwardly.

Kalda gasped, shocked and guilty.

"Well, that's nice and all, but...I only want our relationship to be a friendship," Kalda answered. "I'm not ready for a relationship yet. I'm...I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay," America assured her with a smile. "I'm not going to push you into anything if you don't want to."

"Thanks, America," Kalda smiled back. "You really are a great friend."


Later that day, Kalda and Russia ran into each other.

It was awkward, if they were being honest with each other, but they agreed that it had felt nice to finally sit down and talk now that it was just them and no one else.

"This has been a crazy time," Kalda laughed.

"It has," Russia agreed. "Second Players are very scary."

"Except yours," Kalda said, sounding jealous for the others. "You two actually get along."

"Are you sounding jealous for others?" Russia laughed. "Thought you could not be jealous."

"Everyone gets jealous, Russia," Kalda smiled. "It's all a part of being human. So is...rampaging and attacking people with kitchen utensils and whatnot if we're still talking about the Second Players."

"That is true," Russia nodded.

"And so is war," Kalda went on. "This War won't go on forever, but it's all a part of life. It all happened once sin entered the world, and then...poof. War started happening."

"Since when did little Kalda get smart?" Russia asked, hugging her from behind and setting her on his lap.

His hands were around her waist, but Kalda didn't seem to mind.

She also didn't mind sitting on his lap and staring into his beautiful, violet eyes.

"Well, I'm more observant if anything," Kalda replied, putting the side of her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

"Kalda?" Russia asked softly.

"Hm?" Kalda hummed in answer.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Russia questioned, and Kalda looked up at him.

"Yes," she smiled, putting her head back on his chest. "Of course."

Russia grinned, a very happy and genuine one at that.

For once in his life, except for the snowball fight, the museum, and the ballet, Russia actually felt happy.

"That makes me very happy, Kalda," he told her, and Kalda chuckled.

"It makes me very happy, too, Russia," she whispered.

"Aw, now this is adorable," America grinned, the other three Allies walking into the room as well.

"Since when did you two hook up?" France wondered.

"Aw, relax," Britain calmed the Frenchman. "Let them be."

"At least he's not after me anymore," China stated with a smirk.

"Oh, I still am," Russia grinned, looking at China. "I just gave up for a little while."

Everyone laughed at China's horrified face, but they soon forgot about it.

For now, all they wanted to do was be one, big, happy family, and a very big, happy family they were.


It had been about three weeks since Russia and Kalda had hooked up, but no one really said a word about it.

Kalda wanted to keep it simple, and Russia had agreed to her wish.

Now, today wasn't an ordinary day, and Kalda had figured that out when she heard combat boots thumping on the floor downstairs.

Kalda had woken up from her sleep, running down the stairs to see what was going on.

Sure enough, she saw all of her friends and uncle wearing their military attire, and Kalda had seen this situation once before.

She immediately burst into tears, running up to the door and standing in front of it.

This time, she was going to make sure that the Allies never made it out of the door.

"Please, don't go!" Kalda sobbed, putting her arms out to stop them from walking. "You're going to die!"

Britain seemed to know what was going on, so he set his rifle down to hug her.

"It's going to be okay, Kalda," he smiled. "I'm not going to die this time."

"Yes, you are!" Kalda said through her tears. "My dreams for the future always come true!"

"That was just one time," Britain frowned softly. "This time, it's going to turn out differently, I promise."

Kalda calmed down a little, tackling him in a hug.

"Please, don't die!" she sobbed more. "If I saw you flatline again, I would...I would-"

"I know, Kalda," Britain replied softly, "I know."

The five men walked out of the door, leaving the sobbing Kalda alone.

When Canada got there to watch over her until the War was over, Kalda went up to her room after he had calmed her down.

Kalda cried herself to sleep that night, praying that they would be safe.

However, she was beginning to think that she was far too late.


As the end of the month had arrived, Kalda heard the front door burst open.

She ran down the stairs as fast as she could, hoping that what lied at the bottom wasn't so.

Kalda knew she that was wrong, however, when she saw the scene before her.

There he was, in France's arms bridal style, bloody and still bleeding, green and brown military outfit torn and ripped, was Britain.

His shoulder injury looked a lot worse in real life than it did in her dream, and she didn't want to believe it.

"We have to go to zhe hospital," France told her, his voice solemn and angry.

Kalda just nodded, grabbing her jacket and following them into the car.

They got to the hospital, and just as Kalda had predicted when they had gottten there, Britain was put into immediate surgery.

Kalda paced outside the room that Britain was put in, waiting to go in.

"I'm sure zhat he is fine," France tried to assure her.

"No," Kalda shook her head, looking at them as she kept on pacing. "This is where he flatlines in my dream."

"Please don't say that," America replied in a choked up voice. "He won't die. He can't die. He-he just can't."

"But he does," Kalda whispered, hearing the door open.

The doctor walked out, a clipboard in his hand.

"He's still out, but he'll be fine," he said, walking away.

Kalda ran into the room, the Allies following her.

She eyed the heart monitor, the steady beep...beep...beep...beep seeming to be normal.

For now, Kalda thought.

Kalda took his hand in both of hers, sitting down in the chair beside his bed.

She brought it to her lips, kissing the back of his hand as tears streamed down her face once more.

"Oh, Britain!" she sobbed. "Please don't be dead! This is why I told you not to go!"

"He will be fine, little Kalda," Russia told her, trying to give her a hug.

Kalda just cried more, France stroking her head.

"He's going to be okay, my little niece," he said. "Angeltarre is a strong fighter. He's been zhrough a lot worse."

"But-but this is where he flatlines in my dream," Kalda stuttered. "You don't understand!"

"Perhaps we should stay here for the night," China suggested.

"I'll stay with them first," America volunteered quickly. "He's my brother. I'd never forgive myself if I left him and Kalda here all alone."

The other three nodded, walking out of the room.

"Be careful you two," France stated. "Update us frequently."

Kalda and America nodded, letting them leave the room.

"He's going to be okay," America assured Kalda, seeing her stare at Britain's face.

"I hope so," she whispered, holding onto his hand even more.


It had already been a week, and Britain was still unconscious.

Kalda was becoming restless, and the other four Allies could see it clear as day.

"Please, Britain," Kalda begged the bedridden man. "You have to wake up. You just have to!"

She was greeted with silence, and Kalda screamed as she stood up; she didn't care if she was alone, or if anyone else had heard her yell. 

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Kalda screamed some more. "Did I do something wrong to make you go and hurt yourself? I know that you've always said that you wanted to die, but I thought that you were just being sarcastic! I didn't think that you actually meant it!"

Kalda began pacing around the room, feeling upset and distressed, and since she was always such an animated talker, she needed to move to calm herself.

"Come on, Mister Britain!" Kalda begged, getting on her knees at his bedside. "You wouldn't actually do this to me, would you? You wouldn't actually leave me alone like this, would you?"

Silence passed, and Kalda knew that she had to rant on; somehow, some way, Kalda was going to wake him up, and if guilting him would do so, Kalda was going to take the risk.

"Who will snuggle with me the next time I get a bad dream?" Kalda went on. "Who will put me to bed with beautiful stories about balls, princesses, and princes? Who will agree with me on everything I say now? Who, Britain, who?"

Kalda swallowed, looking at the unconscious Brit.

"Who will love me like a father?" Kalda asked softly, sniffling and wiping her tears away. "Who will comfort me when all I need is a hug? Who will cook for me, and bring me tea with a smile?"

Kalda took his hand within both of hers, a gesture she had used quite often during her hospital stays.

"I love you," she said, kissing the top of his hand and standing up.

She leaned into his neck, nuzzling him.

"I love you, Mister Britain," Kalda whispered into his ear. "I love you with everything I have."

Britain opened one eye, looking at her with a smile.

"You...really feel that way?" he asked softly. "About me?"

"Of course I do, you old geezer!" Kalda yelled at him, looking into his beautiful, green eyes.

Then she did a double take, not sure if she was dreaming or if he really was awake.

"You're...alive?" she answered, shocked.

"Well, of course," Britain laughed. "I have been for quite some time."

Kalda punched his arm, his bad one, and Britain cried out in pain.

"Ow," he groaned. "What was that for?"

"For playing that dirty trick on me!" Kalda replied. "You made me pour out my heart and soul to you, and I feel violated on so many levels!"

"In hindsight, I actually thought that what you said about me was sweet," Britain smiled, "and...I feel the same way about you."

Kalda just sniffled, hugging him as tight as she could.

"PLEASE DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN!" she sobbed, and Britain just smiled bigger.

He stroked her head with his good hand as she cried in his arms.

"I won't, Kalda," he told her softly, "I won't."

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