Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After what seemed like hours of thinking the bargain over and over again, Britain knew that he couldn't hand Kalda over to her psychotic brother, or even to the good Veneziano.

"I'm afraid that I have to refuse on your offer," Britain said in a calm, even tone, "and believe me when I say that we're not going to the party tomorrow night, either."

"I gave you your final chance," Luciano glared, getting ready to snap his fingers again.

Then, he put his hand down as he smirked, his eyes turning from blood red to violet.

"You're not going to the party tomorrow night?" he asked. "Boy, what a shame. Germany said that it's going to be quite grand, and I was really looking forward to dancing the night away with my sister, if you know what I mean?"

When the Allies didn't answer, Luciano continued.

"Oh, and Oliver was really looking forward to seeing you again, Alfie," he grinned, looking at the American. "He wanted to have a dance with you as well. If he didn't kill you first, of course."

"Tell him that he can suck it up," America snapped, not in the mood for the Italian's antics.

"Language, Alfie," Luciano laughed. "Oh, and all of your counterparts wanted a re-match after what happened during the last World War, if you can recall?"

Britain shuddered; he, as well as the other Allies except for China and Russia, remembered what had happened all too well.


It was a stormy day; rainy, muddy, cloudy, windy, and cold.

It was the First Players versus the Second Players; neither of them were winning, the two sides suffering many casualties.

Bodies were everywhere, dismembered limbs, blood, weapons, and many other gory scenes littered the battlefield.

"We have to work togezher!" Germany ordered the other European and American nations, shooting his gun.

"Easy for you to say!" America complained, firing his shotgun behind a tree. "We're neither losing or winning! We're just stuck!"

"America is right!" France panted. "We can't win against zhem at all!"

"We can if we form a plan!" Britain stated.

"Germany, they scare me!" Veneziano whined, clinging to the German.

"I know, Italy," Germany soothed. "I know."

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Luciano called in a maniacal, sing-song tone. "Won't you little boys come out to play with your beloved brothers?"

"I say we shoot zhem until zhey are dead!" France decided.

"I think that you are forgetting the fact that if we do that, we die along with them!" Britain replied.

"But we can regenerate, right?" America asked.

"Ja, but it takes a whole veek," Germany answered. "Ve hurt zhem, ve only hurt ourselves."

"Then how will we defeat them?" Veneziano wondered, on the verge of tears. "Luciano scares me so much! He thinks that we're friends, but we're not!"

"Oh, I do believe that I have found you, my lovelies," Oliver grinned, his blue eyes flashing to a dark pink.

He stood on a tree branch, many knives of many sizes attached to a black belt around his waist.

"And the fun never ceases to come," Britain said sarcastically, cocking his rifle. "Do you really think that kitchen knives are going to save you from a bullet?"

"Oh, these are actually way more useful in hand to hand combat," Oliver replied as he leaned against the tree trunk, "so if you want to shoot me, you'll have to catch me first."

"Ve don't have time for zhese stupid games!" Germany yelled in anger, seeing Oliver disappear into thin air. "Eizher you come out and face us like real men or leave us alone!"

"Oh, I think that you need to calm down," Luciano grinned. "Don't you want to have some fun?"

"Our ideas of fun are very different," France answered.

"Aw, I want Arthur to play with me like we used to," Oliver whined with a smirk, slinging an arm around Britain's neck.

"We never played games together," Britain answered in annoyance, pushing the strawberry blonde away from him.

"I thought that we did," Oliver replied, becoming hurt and sad.

"And now you've hurt the boy's feelings," Luciano glared at Britain, seeing Oliver get into the fetal position as tears streamed down his face.

"Oh, he'll get over it," Britain told the leader with an eye roll. "He's a grown man."

"Arthur doesn't love me anymore," Oliver sniffled. "Did he ever?"

"Zhere, zhere," Francois calmed the crying man. "I love you, and zhat's all zhat matters."

"Thank you, Franc-y pants," Oliver sniffled with a smile.

"Since there seems to be no plan in mind, I'm heading back home," Britain stated, grabbing his gear and starting to walk away.

"What?" America questioned. "No way, dude! You can't!"

"What's the point?" Britain asked. "Our other halves have already won, so there's no need to fight them anymore."

"So, vhat?" Germany snapped. "You're giving up? Vhat kind of a fool are you?"

"A smart one," Britain answered, looking at the leader of the dark sides. "We surrender today, and maybe that will haunt us later on, but I for one, am done with these mind games."

"You seriously von't let zhem quit, vill you, Luciano?" Lutz asked.

"As much fun as it takes out of this War, yes," Luciano sighed, crossing his arms. "If you want to surrender, fine, but you'll be sorry the next time that we return."

The Second Players disappeared, leaving the First Players alone on the battlefield.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" America yelled at Britain.

"I did what I had to do to survive," Britain answered, turning to face them. "If we didn't surrender today, this War would have kept on going for years to come."

"Zhe idiotic fool is right," Germany sighed, putting his rifle away. "Ve didn't stand a chance."

"They said that they'll be back," Veneziano said in a choked up voice. "What if we die the next time?"

"We won't die," France assured his brother. "I promise."

"In the long run, I saved us from heartache," Britain explained. "Whether you choose to agree with me is up to you."


"Aw, that was a fun time," Luciano grinned. "Well, up until the moment you decided to surrender."

"And who's fault was that?" America questioned.

Britain sighed, standing up.

"I don't see what your goal is," he stated. "What do you hope to gain?"

"Why must we be at War?" Luciano sighed. "It's been First Players versus Second Players for quite a while now. I mean, you would think that one of us would have dominated the other by now, hm?"

He stood up as well, walking up to the staircase.

"Anyway, I'll grab my sister and then I'll be out of your way," he smirked, his eyes flashing blood red again.

"Walk up those stairs, and you're a dead man," Britain threatened, pulling out a pistol from his belt.

"Where did you get zhat gun?" France wondered.

"I always carry one with me for these exact situations," Britain explained, cocking the pistol and aiming it at the Second Player.

"You wouldn't dare to shoot me," Luciano glared, pulling out his own pistol.

"You really want to bet on that?" Britain asked, shooting the pistol just above Luciano's head.

Everyone flinched as the gun went off, the bullet making a small hole in the wall as Luciano dropped his pistol out of fear.

"What was that?" Kalda questioned in fear, standing at the top of the stairs.

She gasped once she saw that Luciano was still there, a pistol at his feet.

She also noticed that Britain had his arm outstretched, a pistol in his own hand.

There was a small hole in the wall above Luciano's head, smoke from the bullet still coming out of it.

"You shot a hole in the wall?" was all Kalda asked.

"It was a warning shot," Britain answered, his green eyes still fixed on the Second Player's red ones.

"So you almost shot my brother, is what you're saying?" Kalda interrogated.

"How's your leg, my little Kaldy?" Luciano asked with a smile, looking at his sister. "It must be healing since you ran out here so fast, hm?"

"It's fine," Kalda replied. "No thanks to you."

With that, Kalda walked back to her room, slamming the door shut.

"I'm going to make a final offer," Luciano stated, picking up his gun. "You come to the party tomorrow night, willingly hand Kalda over to me, and then we'll be separated and live happily ever after. That's all I'm asking."

He walked up to the door, then, hitting Britain's shoulder with his own on his way there.

"If you cross me tomorrow night and refuse to give Kalda to me, well, I have a few consequences in mind," Luciano finished, walking out of the house and slamming the door shut.

"Great," America sighed. "Now what are we going to do?"

"Well, there's only one thing that we can do," Britain answered. "We go to that party."

"And hand her over?" France cried, appalled. "Zhere is no way on zhis earth zhat I am letting zhat happen!"

"Oh, we're bringing her with us, but we won't hand her over like they want," Britain explained. "America, I think it's time that we give Kalda that makeover you were talking about after all."

"And do what?" China sarcastically questioned. "Make her look pretty?"

"We're going to make sure that they don't recognize her at all," Britain smirked. "Gentleman, I think that it's time that we make Kalda a German."


"This dye is temporary, right?" Kalda asked as America poured the dye onto her brown hair.

"I bleached my hair once, and Britain got so mad," America laughed. "Anyway, yeah. It comes out in about two weeks or so."

"Two weeks?" Kalda shrieked. "I can't be a stereotypical, blue-eyed blonde chick for two weeks!"

"But you'll be a beautiful stereotypical, blue-eyed blonde chick, which is a plus, right?" America replied.

"That's not necessarily the point," Kalda said with an eye roll, "but whatever."

"How's the dye coming along?" Britain asked, walking into the bathroom.

"Kalda doesn't want to be a stereotypical, blue-eyed blonde chick for two weeks," America blurted out.

"I didn't say that," Kalda assured the man.

"Yes, you did!" America told her.

"Well, he didn't need to know that," Kalda replied.

"And now I do," Britain sighed. "This is twenty seconds of my life that I'll never get back. Anyway, you need to look as German as possible. Here, take these blue contacts."

"My eyes are brown," Kalda stated. "Will they even work?"

"Only one way to find out," Britain told her, putting in the contacts for Kalda.

"I didn't think that colored contacts existed," Kalda smiled, admiring her now very beautiful, blue eyes, "more or less how much I resemble France instead of Germany."

"It'll have to do for now," Britain replied. "Now all we have to do is crimp your hair before you get dressed."

"The dye has to dry first," America told him.

"Yes, America, I know that," Britain answered him, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

America and Kalda laughed at Britain, and Britain just left the bathroom to save his pride.


"You look great," Britain smiled, crimping Kalda's now blonde hair with a crimping iron.

"Thanks, but I'm a little nervous," Kalda answered. "What if they know it's me?"

"How's your German accent?" he asked.

"Not great," she sighed. "I can speak it fluently, but I have no accent."

"Well, let's hear it," America grinned.

"Uh, now?" Kalda replied. "You actually want me to speak in German now?"

"You have to practice anyway, so zhe best time is now," France nodded in agreement.

"Ugh, fine," Kalda rolled her eyes. "Guten Abend, Herr Deutschland."

(A/N: Translation: "Good evening, Mister Germany.")

There was silence except for a quiet, "Damn, that was good." from America.

"See?" Kalda sighed. "No accent. I can speak the language like a native, I just don't have the gruff, heavy accent that's needed for the act."

"Well, perhaps the more you say things, the accent will come naturally," Britain assured her. "Now, come on. We have somewhere to be soon."

The group walked outside, and Kalda groaned once she saw that there was only one car set up.

"Please tell me that I get the front?" Kalda begged.

"Too late!" America laughed, opening up door for the front passenger seat and getting in.

"One zhing zhat you should know is zhat America always rides in zhe front," France sighed.

Kalda groaned as she, France, China, and Russia shoved themselves in the only back seat.

"Ugh, scoot over!" Kalda said in a strained voice. "You guys are squishing me."

It was a long four hours, but the group had finally arrived at the place for the party.


"Now, remember," France told her, "pretend zhat you can only speak German."

"Yes, I get it," Kalda replied with an eye roll.

"German mode in three, two, one," Britain counted, looking at Kalda as he knocked on the door.

The door was immediately opened up by the two German brothers.

The enemies put on fake smiles, all of them knowing that they were fake.

"Hello," Germany greeted calmly, clearing his husky throat. "Come on in."

The group silently nodded, Kalda being pulled in by France.

"Who is zhis beautiful lady?" Prussia asked with a flirtatious wink.

"Gilbert, Ludvig, I want to introduce you two to my cousin, Miss Margaret Schneider," Britain answered with a smile.

Kalda immediately felt her face get hot, but she cleared her throat as she replied with, "Guten Abend. Ich bin Fräulein Margaret Schneider."

(A/N: Translation: "Good evening. I am Miss Margaret Schneider.")

The brothers were shocked by the formal greeting, but they each took their turn bowing and kissing the top of her hand like the secret gentlemen that they were.

"Say, Mister Kirkland, your cousin vouldn't mind hanging out vith zhe awesome me, vould she?" Prussia questioned, holding out his hand for Kalda to take.

"I would suppose not, would you, Margaret?" Britain answered, looking at Kalda.

Kalda smiled with a nod.

"Nein," she smirked, linking her arm with Prussia's.

"Hold up," America interrupted, taking Kalda back with him. "She's with me."

"Uh, no, Alfred, she's not," Britain told him through clenched teeth.

Kalda didn't know what to do, so she got out of America's grip and went back to Prussia.

"Ich bleibe bei Herrn Beilschmidt," Kalda told America with a glare.

(A/N: Translation: "I am staying with Mister Beilschmidt.")

Prussia laughed, amused.

"You must be lucky to have men fighting over you left und right," he grinned as he took Kalda away with him and onto the dance floor.

"I better go und keep an eye on mein older brozher," Germany told the Allies. "He can be quite zhe idiot around vomen. Enjoy yourselves. I promise zhat zhere isn't any trouble here, just enjoyment."

Germany walked away after that, leaving the five Allies alone at the door.

"What was that for?" Britain quietly yelled at America.

"China, dance with me," Russia smiled, pulling the terrified China away with him and onto the dance floor as well.

"I'm just...going to go over zhere," France stated awkwardly, leaving the two men alone.

Once the three men were gone, Britain continued on with his lecture.

"Seriously, America," he sighed. "We're here to keep an eye on the Axis, not just on Kalda."

"I just don't want a repeat of what happened yesterday," America replied in worry.

"And I promise that there won't be," Britain told him. "Now, come on. Act like you actually want to be here."

The two men walked away from each other, talking up some of the other guests in attendance.

America kept taking secret glances at Kalda and Prussia, but nothing had seemed to be escalating.

If he hurts her again, I'll kill him, America told himself, making that a promise.


"They brought her," Oliver said with a twisted grin. "When shall we strike?"

"In a little while," Luciano replied. "I want to have a dance with my sister first."

"Und how are you going to do zhat?" Lutz wondered.

"A little manipulation goes a long way, my adorable German friend," Luciano grinned, turning into his counterpart.

"Oh, a disguise!" Oliver laughed, rapidly clapping his hands. "How wonderfully wicked!"

"Kuro, I want you to order the others to get into position," Luciano instructed. "We're going to attack in about...two hours."

"Of course," Kuro nodded, running to tell the other Second Players about their plan.

"Well, my dear friends, if you will excuse me, I will be with my sister," Luciano grinned, walking down the stairs and up to Prussia and Kalda.

"Two dollars says zhat she vill find out it's zhe wrong one und he gets punched in zhe face," Lutz bartered.

"Oh, a bet!" Oliver smiled. "You are on, my dear friend. Prepare to owe me two dollars by the night's end!"

While the bet took place, things weren't going swimmingly for Prussia downstairs.

"Vhy do you vant to take her avay from me?" Prussia demanded. "I only danced vith her once!"

"Germany says that it's nice to share the women!" Luciano in disguise argued.

"Luddy!" Prussia called over to his brother.

"Ja, big brozher?" Germany sighed.

"Tell your lazy minion zhat I vant to keep dancing vith Margaret!" Prussia answered.

"Vell, I vould if she didn't already valk avay to start dancing vith Austria," Germany replied, and the three men saw that Kalda and Austria were dancing together.

"Ugh," Luciano growled under his breath.

He walked up to Austria, tapping him on the shoulder.

The man was confused, but allowed Luciano to dance with Kalda anyway.

"I know you don't speak German," Luciano laughed, looking into Kalda's now blue eyes.

"What gave it away?" Kalda asked, faking her best British accent now.

"Oh, so you're British," Luciano grinned.

"Well, Arthur is my cousin," Kalda replied with a smile.

"That makes sense," he nodded. "Besides, Margaret doesn't sound very German. That was another thing that gave you away."

"You're very smart," Kalda giggled. "And here Gilbert was telling me how lazy and annoying you could be."

"I only do that to get attention," Luciano chuckled, twirling Kalda around.

As Kalda and Luciano danced, Prussia was still fuming on the sidelines.

"He just came up to me und glared," Austria complained. "I can't believe zhat he had zhe nerve."

"He did zhat to me too," Prussia replied.

"Oh, calm down you two," Germany sighed. "Zhis is a party, so ve all have to take turns."

"Ve, Germany, have you seen Kalda around yet?" Veneziano asked.

"Oh, hello Veneziano," Germany greeted the Italian, "und nein, I haven't."

Then, the three Germanic States did a double take.

"I zhought zhat you vere dancing vith Margaret," Austria said.

"I did, too," Prussia agreed.

"Who's Margaret?" Veneziano wondered in confusion.

"Vhat zhe hell?" Germany cried. "If you're here, zhen who's-"

He cut off, seeing Kalda and Luciano in disguise dancing together.

He grabbed a hold onto his pistol, just to be a few seconds too late; gun shots that weren't from any Allies or Axis gun rang throughout the ballroom, eerie whoops and hollers following.

"Ha, ha!" Oliver laughed, running down the stairs with knives galore on his belt. "Death time is near, my poppets!"

"Here come zhe Nazis!" Lutz shouted with glee, the other Second Players following close behind.

Screams erupted from the guests, and Germany instinctively tackled Veneziano to the floor in a protective way.

"Germany, what are you doing?" Veneziano wondered.

"Just stay quiet," Germany ordered the man.

Then, he helped Veneziano stand up and pushed him into Prussia's arms.

"Keep an eye on him," Germany ordered his brother. "I have to go und find someone very important."

"But, Luddy-" Prussia cut off, seeing his brother run away from him.

"I have to go," Kalda told Luciano, trying to walk away only to have him grab onto her hand.

"Oh, no," he grinned, turning back into his true self, "you're staying right here."

Kalda gasped, still trying to keep up her act.

"Who are you?" she cried as she tried to rip her hand free. "Help, help! Someone, help me!"

Germany heard the call, running up to them.

"Let zhe voman go!" Germany ordered, pointing his pistol at Luciano.

"Another gun?" Kalda wondered. "Seriously?"

Then she saw the other Second Players fighting their counterparts, and they didn't look well.

Britain was currently being held to the wall by the knife-wielding Oliver, America was being threatened with a nailed up baseball bat, and many more gory scenes littered the ballroom.

"Hand her over," Germany told Luciano. "It's not zhat hard."

Luciano didn't hesitate; he started to run, bringing Kalda with him.

Germany growled, running after them.

He caught up to them, hitting the back of Luciano's head with the bottom of his pistol.

Luciano fell to the floor, unconscious, same with First Player Veneziano.

"You knocked your minion unconscious!" Prussia yelled at his brother.

Kalda gasped, seeing that her brother, as well as his dark side, were out like a light switch.

She looked up at Germany, and something in his blue eyes showed Kalda that he had recognized her from a long time ago.

"Go," he told her softly. "You are free."

Kalda looked at her friends, seeing that they weren't saved.

"What about my friends?" she asked. "Can you save them?"

"Ja, Kalda," Germany smiled softly, saying her true name, "I can."

With a battle cry Germany knocked the other Second Players and First Players unconscious, with some help from Hungary and her skillet, of course.

"Zhey vill be knocked out for a vhile, but zhey vill be fine," Germany told her. "Prussia vill take you home. Have a good night, und...I am sorry zhat zhis happened."

"It's all because of me," Kalda smiled as if nothing had happened. "Guten nacht, Herr Deutschland."

(A/N: Translation: "Good night, Mister Germany.")

"Guten nacht," Germany nodded, walking away from her to properly dispose of the Second Players.

"Come on, Kalda," Prussia smiled, helping Kalda and her friends into the car, "you have a long ride home."

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