Chapter Twenty-Two

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More screaming.


More explosions.

Kalda looked around, seeing five bomber planes dropping bombs in the city that she was in.

She saw a little girl kneeling on the ground, her eyes closed and hands folded.

"Mein Gott," she continued to pray through her tears, "bitte rette uns."

Kalda looked up at the planes again, clenching her hands into fists.

Don't those pilots know what they're doing to these poor people? she thought in anger.

Before Kalda could run to save anyone, her awful world started to crumble.


Kalda gasped when she came back and into reality, breathing in the air around her.

She heard someone get out of a chair to run over to her, and Kalda sat up in her bed, hyperventilating.

"Are you okay?" Switzerland asked, his cold eyes full of concern.

Kalda nodded a little, calming down.

"Y-yeah," she stuttered. "J-just had a bad dream."

Switzerland nodded, sitting on the side of the bed by Kalda's feet.

Switzerland knew all about Kalda's dreams, and Kalda knew all of his deepest secrets as well.

"Your cheek looks a little infected," he said, changing the subject. "You should see a doctor."

Kalda felt the scab where the cut was healing itself on her cheek, shaking her head in disapproval.

"I think it's fine," she smiled. "My body knows what to do."

Switzerland sighed, looking away from Kalda.

"Why don't you ever smile?" Kalda wondered. "You're always so serious. Did you ever smile growing up?"

"I'd rather not talk about that," he replied.

"Where are the others?" Kalda questioned, changing the subject once again.

"They went out for a while," Switzerland explained. "They'll be back soon, I'm sure."

"How long was I out?" Kalda asked.

"Mmm, about a day or so," Switzerland answered, thinking about it.

"Ugh," Kalda sighed, leaning against the headboard of her bed. "That's not very cool."

"Well, you did get hit on the head pretty hard by that ball," he explained. "I wouldn't be surprised if you were still out."

"Well, it was America's fault," Kalda blamed. "He kicked the ball too hard."

"You do realize that you were supposed to catch it, right?" Switzerland questioned.

"I kind of forgot because I was more scared of being hit in the face with a ball," Kalda told him with an awkward smile.

"Well, then I'll teach you once you're all better," he agreed.

"How come you didn't play?" she asked.

"I just didn't feel like it, that's all," he said. "Besides, they wouldn't have stood a chance against me."

"Hey, Switzerland?"


"Why did you come and check up on us, anyway?"

Switzerland sighed, going into deep thought.

"I don't know," he replied. "I just heard all of the yelling, and I just wanted to make sure that you were all right, I guess."

"Well," Kalda giggled, hugging him, "I'm all right, thanks to you."

"I know," he answered softly, "I know."


"Everyone all right?" Britain asked through the com-link.

"Why don't you go down and into zhe city to ask zhem zhat?" France retorted.

"Yeah, I don't know how you can do this with a straight face, Britain dude," America added on.

"I don't know how long I can follow your orders, either," China replied.

"When I asked "Are you all right?" I wasn't expecting-" was all Russia heard Britain reply with as he turned his com-link off for a while, not wanting to listen to their bickering.

He looked out of the window and into the ocean, happy to be flying above it.

He saw the rising sun reach a little farther into the sky, realizing that it would be noon in a few minutes.

Lunch time is near, he thought to himself with a grin.

The waves of the ocean were beautiful at noon, the ocean a dark blue.

Russia could see why Britain liked flying in peace so much, for looking at the minimal scenery was quite calming, the hum of the plane's engine being the only noise if one turned off their com-link for a while.

As Russia continued to admire the sunrise, a big shadow loomed over his plane.

He saw a plane in front of him, the machine apparently flying backwards.

Russia noticed that a very angry Britain was sitting in the cockpit, clearly glaring at Russia.

"Turn on your bloody com-link!" Britain mouthed, and Russia did so with an amused smile.

"Hello, Mister Britain," he said happily. "Is there something you need?"

"I've been calling your name for five bloody minutes!" Britain yelled at Russia. "Why did you shut your com-link off?"

"Wanted peace and quiet," Russia replied. "Was also tired of arguing."

Britain sighed as he maneuvered his plane to fly the normal way and not backwards anymore.

"Please just focus," he told Russia. "We have a long flight back."

"But ocean is beautiful at this point of day," Russia answered. "Want to keep flying."

"What are you, a child?" America snapped.

Russia felt guilty, but France immediately came to his rescue.

"Leave zhe poor man alone, Alfred," France scorned. "I am actually enjoying zhe view myself."

"I just hope that we didn't do too much damage like we did the first time," China piped in worriedly.

Russia had been wondering that himself, hoping that most of the people in the city of Berlin had escaped.

After all, this was already the hundredth time that the Allies had done the bombing raids since the middle of the previous year.


"Are all of you okay?" Germany asked as they walked up the stairs and out of the bomb shelter in his basement, a worried look on his face.

"Hai," Japan replied in his quiet voice.

"That was so scary, Germany!" Veneziano said, hugging onto his friend.

"Ja, it vas," Germany agreed, lightly patting his shoulder.

"Ve really need to make zhem stop," Prussia pointed out.

"Und how exactly are ve going to tell zhem to stop, Prussia?" Germany questioned in irritation, wanting to know his answer.

He vas never really zhe smart one for being zhe oldest, Germany thought.

"Ve could always go to England und talk to zhem," Prussia suggested.

"Hai," Japan agreed. "Thart shourd wurk."

"Hm," Germany nodded in thought, looking down at Veneziano. "Zhat vould give you an excuse to visit your sister too, zhen."

The Italian looked at Germany, sadness in his amber eyes.

"I...actually don't know where she is," he admitted "After the argument, she just ran off with Switzerland. We haven't seen her in two months."

"Then ve vill find her," Germany promised. "Pack up, all of you. Once ve get our information on Kalda from Svitzerland, ve go to England."

They nodded as they started grabbing their things for a day or two, and Germany caught Veneziano on his way out.

He walked with him, starting a conversation.

"Ve vill find her," Germany assured him.

"Thanks, Germany," Veneziano replied.

Germany nodded, wanting to keep his promise to Veneziano.

Vherever you are, Kalda, I vill find you, Germany told himself. Zhat vay, you vill finally be safe.


Germany felt awful for not telling his friends and brother his plan about why he wanted to bring Kalda back with them so badly, but he knew that it had to be done.

Veneziano wouldn't quit fidgeting in the airplane seat beside Germany, but the German just left him alone.

He has Kalda to vorry about, Germany reminded himself. He doesn't need to know about my stupid plan.

Germany knew that there would be a chance that Kalda would not want to go back with the Axis, so he needed to prepare himself for when that happened as well. 

He knocked on Switzerland's door, wanting to be polite to his cousin so that he wouldn't freak out.

Switzerland gasped once he opened up the door, a cold and angry look in his green eyes.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly. "Come to attack me?"

"Nein," Germany calmly told him. "Is Kalda still vith you?"

Switzerland stiffened, putting his guard up even more.

"Who's asking?" he cautiously replied.

"Me," Veneziano told him, being a little firm. "You took her away from us the night of our argument."

"That wasn't my fault," Switzerland admitted. "She made me."

Veneziano gasped a little, his amber eyes widening.

"She...wanted to leave?" he asked in a hurt voice. "Why? And to where?"

Switzerland sighed.

"I'm not supposed to tell you," he replied, closing the door to a crack. "I'm sorry."

He closed the door all of the way, but Germany knocked on his cousin's door a second time.

"Why are you still here?" Switzerland asked as he opened up the door again.

He seemed annoyed, but Germany didn't dare to mention that to him.

"Because Veneziano is vorried sick for her," Germany answered harshly. "Can't you see zhat in his eyes right now?"

Switzerland didn't reply as he nodded his head into his house, his green eyes still fixed on the Axis.

They quietly followed him in, sitting down in his living room.

"She told me not to tell you, but I guess one of you is a part of her family," Switzerland reluctantly agreed.

He took a pause before continuing.

"I asked her where she wanted to go that night," he explained. "She said that she wanted to go to England, so...I took her there. If my sources are correct, she's still there."

Germany nodded, wanting Switzerland to speak more.

"I was taking care of her because she got hurt two days ago," Switzerland went on, "and I left her there this morning once Britain, Russia, America, France, and China came back from some training excerises in the back field."

"How bad was she hurt?" Veneziano quickly asked, worried for her sudden injury.

"Just a bump on the head," Switzerland calmly assured him. "She blacked out and didn't wake up until this morning, but she's fine. Anyway, if that's all, I want my peace and quiet back."

"So she's still at Britain's house, you say?" Germany replied as the four of them stood up to leave.

"I believe so," Switzerland answered. "If not, please don't come and attack me. She will tell you the truth if you ever find her."

"I promise zhat ve vill not attack you if she's not zhere," Germany told him as they walked away.

Zhat's two promises resting on my shoulders now, Germany thought in worry.

"Sor are wer stirr goring tor Engrand, Mirster Germarny?" Japan asked.

"Ja, Japan," Germany answered. "Ve are."


"You're doing better," Britain told Kalda as she swept the floor around them.

"I guess it seems that way," she replied with a sad smile.

"Is something bothering you, dude?" America asked, concerned. "You don't look happy like usual, or even mad."

"Hey!" Britain firmly scolded him.

America put his arms up in surrender, not bothering to say anything else.

Kalda just sighed, debating on whether or not to tell them what was bothering her.

"Well, it's just," Kalda started, sitting down on a little stool in the living room, "I had a weird dream before I woke up from my blackout. I didn't tell Switzerland, though, and now I kind of wish that I had. It's been bothering me all day."

"Care to talk about it?" Britain asked her.

The five men looked at her, waiting in anticipation.

"I can't really remember much," she told them, putting her hand on the side of her head. "It was just a little clip of something that was happening. All I can remember is hearing loud explosions and people screaming. Then, I saw a small girl praying. I only understood the first part of her prayer because it was in German, but it was so heartbreaking."

It was just as Britain had suspected; he didn't know how Kalda did it or how it even happened in the first place, but Kalda had just witnessed the five men doing a bombing raid on Berlin earlier that morning.

Britain tried not to freak out, and he could tell that the others tried as well.

Before any of them could speak again, though, a knock was heard at the door.

Britain got up, signaling for the others to keep sitting down.

He opened up the door, trying not to scream as he saw who was in front of him.

"U-uh, h-hello, G-Germany," Britain stuttered like a complete idiot. "W-what brings you here?"

He heard some quiet gasps from behind him, and he could tell that the others were listening.

"Is Kalda still vith you?" Germany asked as his cold, blue eyes stared straight into Britain's soul.

"Uh," Britain drawled awkwardly, trying to buy some time as he faked going into deep thought, "I'm sorry. I can't say that she is. She went home with France earlier this afternoon."

"But Switzerland told us that she was still with you because he took care of her while she was hurt," Veneziano piped in, suddenly seeming not so cheerful.

Britain saw that Kalda's brother looked worried and angry at the same time, and Britain suddenly feared for his life.

That filthy rat! Britain thought to himself, angry with Switzerland. How could he do that to us, especially to Kalda?

Britain didn't know who to be angry at right now; Switzerland for ratting him out, Germany and his Axis friends for coming to his home unannounced, or Veneziano for telling him off.

"Like I said," Britain answered firmly, "she went home with France. You want to get mad at someone, blame him."

"HEY!" France shouted, blowing their cover.

Britain growled, looking at France.

"France, you stupid and perverted git!" Britain yelled at the blonde from behind his shoulder.

France turned a bright red, knowing his mistake.

"Oops," he cringed.

"Zhat's it," Germany said, bringing Britain's attention back to him. "Search zhe house! Tear it upside down if you have to, but find zhat girl!"

Britain gasped as he got pushed aside, seeing that Kalda, as well as America, were nowhere to be seen.

Bloody hell? Britain cursed. Where could he have possibly taken her while I wasn't looking?

Germany glared at Britain as Prussia, Veneziano, and Japan split up into three different areas of the house, Germany staying in the living room.

"If we find her here, dead or alive, I'm going to kill you meinself once ve know you have lied," Germany warned, looking at the four Allies.

Britain gulped, nodding slightly in agreement.

"Yes, Mister Germany," he answered quietly, sitting down in his chair.

"She's going to be okay," France whispered to Britain, and the British blonde felt better by the sentiment.

Britain just nodded, showing France that he had heard him as Britain watched himself tap his foot on the floor rapidly.

Whether it was out of fear or anxiety Britain had no idea.

Please be safe you two, Britain thought to himself. I would never forgive myself if you two died today.


"Where are we going?" Kalda asked, her voice echoing through the stairwell. "I didn't know that this even existed."

"Yeah, there's a lot of things you don't know about this house, Kalda dude," America replied with a grin.

As soon as America had heard Germany's voice, he had grabbed Kalda's hand and had immediately taken her to his old room in the attic.

He had remembered that there was a secret staircase that was hidden under a trap door that was made to look like hardwood flooring, fooling the unknowing eye.

He also remembered that the staircase led into a cellar-like place, and that he and Canada would always play Hide-and-Seek down there whenever Britain was doing things on his own.

"Then how do you know about them?" she wondered.

"Me and Canada used to play down here when we were younger," America explained. "It was funny to hear Britain yell his lungs out whenever he realized that we were missing."

"You were little stinkers, weren't you?" Kalda giggled, ignoring America's improper grammar usage.

"You could say that," America replied.



"Please let go of my hand. It's making me uncomfortable."

"Sorry," America said, letting her hand go. "It's just...well, when we had to escape from up there, it was now or never."

"Why are they even here?" Kalda sniffled, and America could tell that she was about to cry.

"Hey," he told her firmly. "Don't cry."

"Everywhere that I go, trouble always follows," Kalda explained in a choked up voice, ignoring his statement. "Britain could die because of me, and then everything will crumble."

She sat on a wooden crate, putting her face in her hands.

America sat next to Kalda, wanting to make her feel better.

"That's how it is with me, too," he replied. "I was never kid that he could have taken in. He wanted me to be more like Canada, and a little"

"What's wrong with you?" Kalda asked through her tears, her sad, brown eyes meeting America's blue ones. "I think you turned out fine."

"No, I was more like that one toddler that they couldn't stand at a daycare or an orphanage," America answered. "Britain wanted someone more like him, more like Canada, more"

Kalda laughed as she sniffled, wiping her tears away.

"What's there to love about me?" she questioned, her voice still choked up. "I'm basically running away from my own brother right now."

"That reminds me," America realized as he helped her stand up. "We need to keep going. They might find us if we stay in one spot. The best strategy to keep in mind during a situation like this is to always keep moving."

Kalda nodded as she followed America, grabbing onto his hand for protection.

America blushed a little, not quite sure why she had grabbed his hand like that.

"Thanks, Alfie," she smiled. "You've helped me out a ton in the past minute or so. You are exactly like Britain."

America chuckled a little as he ruffled her hair.

"If only he was here to see that," he told her softly, leading her down a dark corridor.

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