The Jump

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Alina's POV:

I wanted to kill myself. Rather I'm going to kill myself.

No one loved me. No one hated me. I wanted to just...disappear. Off the land of the living without a trace left behind.

The cold wind of dawn approached, passing through my hair indicating the crack of day. A bit ironic, it being the time I wanted to end mine.

I heard people yelling behind me as they tugged on the steel fence, trying not to step on the broken glass from my bottle.

" Don't jump! It's not wuh-worth it! I...I know how it feels!" Someone around a little over my age shouted on top of her voice, something holding her lies back. Trying to convince me otherwise.

How does anyone truly understand what any other goes through? But while the though lasted, while it all happened, there was something strange below.

There was someone at the foot of the building...a man.

He was being strangely happy. He leaped about in joy. He waved at me.

Then pointing to the ground.

" Is he making a gesture to jump?!" I remember a chuckle escaping me as I saw him asking me to turn around in very innovative moments.

Who is he?

And I heard him.

" Jump! I've been waiti-" It was cut short by the rattling bangs on the fence and the blowing wind, dreadfully bringing my back from the slither of confused elation I had.

The people would never know my pain. They only look at you when it concerns them. They only look at you when your scars peel off, revealing a scared little girl beneath.

That's how selfish we are. As living creatures.

I started to inch forward as I was beginning to feel a bit of panic creeping up-to my throat, clutching it in its bony fingers. Was I actually gonna go back this last moment?

" End the pain" A part of my heart ached.

"Breathe a bit more" A part of the soul whispered in a plea to discover something worth living for.

But, hey. We need to listen to the heart, right? My eyes turned back and downside.

The guy downside was kneeling with one knee on the ground as he went scurrying around and doing train signs before stomping the ground a couple times, nodding to himself as he threw me a thumbs up sign with a grin.

As if checking if the ground will provide sure death.

I couldn't help chuckling, to his funny actions. It was...

Something I wished I'd seen before I reached this point. For some reason, my heart ached a bit more for him to do more of those things.  I wanted to laugh a bit let the freedom hold a bit more weight.

But I held my shirt in my chest, holding out any hopes for the afterlife.

" Sorry, guys. But this train just took off."

Third Person POV:

" Hey, if I die, I'd rather not die with a frown but a genuine smile, for this world for giving me a life" Her lips folded after the words left them, pursing themselves and walked off the world who had no choice but be tainted by people.

Seeing his plans fail as he saw the girl fall before his eyes, Haden knew he had to act when he heard the siren. Folding himself back and springing from his position, he dashed forward.

And when the time was just right, he threw himself forward into her path, a tenth of a moment deciding the factor of life or death and betting on the losing side that his inability to perceive depth doesn't screw him over .



Alina felt a tremendous force slam against her ribs as she bit the edge of her lip, flinching from the pain.

But once she felt herself falling sideways, she zapped to life as a choke came out instead with the second impact.

" AURGH!" Opening her eyes as she found herself in a cushony embrace of the school grounds.

But she felt two pipes on her, realising what happened when the pain stopped flooring her neural system.

" Yu-you..." Haden had a grin on his face, mumbling with his face on the dirt.

" You're heavy, you know that?" A muffled voice.


Jumping from his arms which held her, Alina raised her legs and brought them down on his back which let out a pain filled yell from the guy.

She had no control over her own body as she slammed her leg on him again, only just targeting different parts.


But only this time, Haden knew to roll over and kick flipped back up, catching her by her lime green shirt and yanked her to support his own sudden change in balance.

" Hey Angel, did it hurt when you fell from HE-YEEEEEOOOOOOOUUUUUU!" Haden clenched his stomach and yelled as the Police got off the car, pacing towards them but all the girl saw was his pained face.

Wondering how he even caught her firsthand. And then why he did the aforementioned.

Playing it off like nothing really happened, he scratched his chin, holding it and trying to put it back where it was from planting the ground.

" From the place that's about a million feet from real heaven?"

He smirked at her, even if all he had was excruciating agony in his body from taking the impact and directing the least onto her.

His eyes shimmering.

" I told you I'd catch you." And blatantly lied. He had less hopes of that succeeding than the chances of him creeping her out to not jumping off the four story building.

" Madam are you all right?!" An officer called out, as Haden nodded to him in a wavy manner.

For Alina, a piece of her she thought was long dead, was set back to live. To hope for something like this, someone like this to happen.

Of course he police had to arrive to the conclusion that they had to arrest them.

" You do know that forty feet doesn't always kill you right genius? God that's a flawed plan. I'll teach you later." Haden nudged Alina with his shoulder since unlike Alina who had one hand cuffed to the support on top of the door, he had one one stuck there and another one to his back.

But hey, he listened to the heart.

" You have nice eyes." She acutely observed he was talkative.

-How to Stop a Suicide in Simple Steps : Illustrated-

" Me? No I'm out of order in my left eye."

How is this guy still talking?

" Nah it's just a perception of the mind you see buddy, I could have spoken long before or long after but in the end it's all up-to how you conceptuali-" It ended with the officer taping his mouth shut for hallucinating.

-The End-

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