The Playback

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(Reality A)

The alarm system went off, baring the red lights on every single screen in the district. Alerts went off in every phone, sirens in almost every street and heroes scrambling across in every possible corner they could be found.

Every few seconds, a shockwave shuddered the very ground of the city. And with it, jumped up vehicles and beings alike.

The threat came to them. It was too soon. Too much. And definitely too big.

'Colossus', as the codename suggests is a behemoth of a monster. Was he an experiment of humankind or of nature herself was left to the imagination of the mind to conclude but what stood before the district was a dangerously grave opponent to face, even with the finest offense and defense.

But it stopped.

Out of a sudden surprise, the booms ceased, as if a higher being stopped it in its destructive path. But no. It wasn't.

It was the devil.

A noise too deep but too potent broke through the air in a roar. The sound barrier broke in sonic booms, emanating from someone, something that could possibly not be faster than the lane at the court.

It defied all laws of physics. But this was caused by a human.

Because no one saw it clear enough. The buildings that crumpled like paper from the waves didn't fall down. They flew back at it. To where they once were. As if something turned back the calamity bit by bit.

But it was someone.

A sassy, narcissistic masochist who was screaming at the monster. The walnut skinned opponent to the skyscraper arrived on the scene and got to work. First at awe at the beauty of the being in front of her bright brown eyes. Shadowing everything within its radius which spanned a few hundred metres, towering above the local cell phone towers was the so called Colossus.

She looked at her hair, in a mess as she yelled at the top of her voice, knowing well enough it will be nigh impossible for to be heard. But the sweet, sweet coverage on the news was tantalizing.

The sirens hummed faintly as a fire engine clocked by, startling Kaye as a familiar figure at the wheel waving excitedly. The red blob slid to a halt as the window rolled down.

The grey haired man pondered for a few seconds and came to a conclusion.

" Taunt and let it rage, kid. Use it's attacks against it. Make sure you don't die."

Tossing a megaphone at his student, the elder whirred the vehicle off into the heart of the city, maneuvering through the debris littered around.

" This is gonna take time to fix..." He sighed.

Kaye Wiscon, the ever ecstatic masochist flicked the switch on.

A deep breath inhaled right after.

" DO HATH ANY CONSCIENCE OF THY ACTIONS?!" Waving her hands, worthy enough to be signalling aircrafts to land. Highly sophisticated stuff was one of the talents of hers.

Right beneath stuffing muffins in her mouth at an inhuman rate.

" O foul mouthed creature who hasn't been talking! RIGHT FOOT BACK AND YOUR LEFT AS WELL! REPEAT UNTIL YOU GO BACK TO WHATEVER PIT YOU CAME FROM!" But no, there came a building at her. Like an irritated human swatting a bug leeching off blood.

" Oh sh-" And it came down harder than a stoner on a week without their high.


Pain. Plain agony was what took over Kaye's senses as she came back from her blackout. Fortunately, seconds had passed but on the counter side the pain stood as a figure unable to cross.

Stuttering to breathe, hearing her own bones crack as clicking sounds vibrated inside her, the woman laughed.

A squeal. A little shriek of happiness. A chuckle escaped right after as she opened her eyes to the ominous darkened haze. Broken only by streaks of sunlight between cracks of the fifty floor tower.

Kaye tried to move, only to be stopped by beam piercing right out of her chest. The thirty first floors sidebeam to be precise.

Which led her to believe she was pinned down. And then, she heard echoes from the rumbling the Colossus shot out.

Another booming wave rounded up the threat as a few more chunks of broken walls of this tree in the concrete jungle fell apart on its path.

Blood sputtered out of her arms which had been severed clean off, holding the fact that it was gruesome. She curled up but in vain.

Her mouth opened as she laughed.

" sad." Kaye took a little breath with pain still stinging her numbing body.

" Ow. Well this went far enough..." Getting ready to retaliate to the acts of the Colossus, the jumpy gal lifted her hand up ready to grasp the heavens.

" For all that's left,
Shall it be dust or grime
Retake ashes fallen behind;
Retell, river of onset

Rewrite the flow
Let it unwind "

Kaye Wiscon slowly closed her palm.

The room became a hazy cloud as the dust stirred off the ground of a random floor.

Let's say 69 for the sake of convenience. Don't mind that this is a fifty floor elevation.

A low rumbling sound. A hymn of the broken floors of the building shook the ground. Kaye took to a crooked smile as the rebar dug deep into her chest for a moment, shooting out the second she closed her palm.

Light burst into the area but the enormous looming shadow lasted for a mere moment, disappearing into the sky. Kaye looked at the Colossus, walking firm where the edge of the building was before it.

" hold." Remembering to reopen her palm and hovering it steady, Kaye waited while unconsciously holding her breath. The Colossus took a step forward as it metered forward. The back of her palm took in pain but she didn't flinch for more than a second.

The song of her memories harmonized with the beating of her heart. Every beat echoed in her body, echoing in her ears. A sign she won't be standing for too long. A smile faded into her face, her eyes closed behind the memories that she wanted to hold for so long. Till eternity if necessary.

But no, this was something she couldn't change.

A wave of nausea crept up her throat that forced her to snap back, lifting her head to look that the time had come. The smile changed.

Into a full on grin.

She closed her palm, as if attempting to capture the very stream of time. But all she could do was hasten it then. The building shot down like a bullet out of a gun, spiraling towards the Colossus which rudely took it's place, ready to take back what was it's just after Kaye collapsed to the ground.

Within the next few moments passing, a shockwave fractured the foundation of the entire city.

The target was neutralized and the city went back to what it used to be, like nothing happened. Within a couple of days, the damages were negated and the city came to it's former glory. It would be a few months before the second Colossus would attack. But only a few knew what happened that day and why the city wasn't levelled.

Kaye Wiscon woke up, 27 days later of the impact she had caused to detonate.

" Look who's up." Her mentor laughed. 

So did she.


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