Break Time #2

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So, before I continue on to what happened to me in my previous dream I talked about, I want 2 tell u guys y I dreamed that bug dream.  It is probs cuz My bro got a mechanical tarantula that looks realistic and he has a controler and stuff.  He would chase me with and I would go screaming and scrambling up onto couches cuz I knew that thing couldnt climb.  It was still scary.  Don't judge me.  The worst part is, our house's floor back then was hard floor, and the spider was plastic.  While it moved, it would also move it's leg so when it scuttled on the floor, you could HEAR IT.  To this day, me bro still has it in it's box in the corner of his room...

So, back to the ladder story: 

Waggy fell down, down, down................... and it seemed to never stop.  It gave Waggy the time to think and finally noticed the parachute strapped to her back that had materialized.  She pulled the cord, and the parachute unraveled.  Its bright, rainbow stripes streaked through the air.  The surface was smooth..... BUT THERE WAS A HOLE!!!  Waggy squeezed her eyes shut, to scared to scream. Wind smacked her face, her hair flapping back.  Waggy opened her eyes, just in time to see the floor zooming closer & closer.  She was about to hit the ground when--

I woke up.  Yeah.  The next dream I will tell u about is the most recent one.  In fact, it was during while i was sleeping at late in the night, 3/10/19:

Waggy was in a rollerblading rink with her friends, but in this dream, it was used for.... hockey!  So, one of Waggy's friends apparently knew how to... "hockey".  It was simple.  Get 2 hockey sticks, cross the in front of you, hold both with ONE hand, keeping the sticks crossed, and slice on the ice-like surface of the rol--hockey rink.  Waggy felt like a pro.  At first, she slid to fast since she was so excited, so she bumped into the walls.  After "hockying" around, Waggy was getting off the rink to have pizza, and saw her friends staring at her like: 🤨.  

Welp, I guess I'll never know why they were lookin' at me like that.  I think that's the most weird and random dream I published on here.  What do U think was the weirdest, coolest, or whatever? Comment!

On the next chapter, I will be probs continuing with all the random thoughts & ideas.

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