Dream of Hide-n-Seek

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Yes, tis another dream.  I had this on the night of 11/29/19, two days after Thanksgiving🦃.  No, that emote is NOT a hen/chicken.  It's typically a turkey.  Now where was I... Oh, as I was saying, I had a dream.  It was about a game of hide-n-seek that almost everyone I knew were playing in this massive building--it was a pretty intense game.  The rules were that you could hide anywhere, and there would be a couple of seekers in the beginning.  All seekers had this red twinkle in their eyes, so you could tell seekers and hiders apart.  In the beginning of the game, seekers had blindfolds and hiders had time to find a hiding spot.  All players had a watch telling you your roll, and if a seeker tagged/touched a hider, they would become a seeker, too.  Last 3 hiders standing wins(gold, silver, bronze).  So, if you didn't know, @ 100 followers I did a name reveal.  Still, I like the name Waggy very much(idk why I'm attached to it) so it shall represent moi.

Out of the intercom, a voice is heard.

"LET DA GAME BEGINN!" Waggy follows some friends(who I happened to have dinner with irl that day) to this RESTAURANT in the building.  They pick out some food and eat(I forgot wht the food was :/ just know it's tasty :D) for like, and hour.  Waggy practically FORGOT about the game, until she heard thundering footsteps.  Her heart races as she thought AHH PANIC THE SEEKERS ARE RELEASED!!  One of her friends bolt off the way they came in and took two right turns.  Still panicking, Waggy follows.  At the second turn, there's a long hallway.  Waggy's friend kept running and the footsteps were getting louder, which is why Waggy immediately entered the closest room--the first door to the right of the hall.  @ the entrance of the room, there was a wooden door(duh) which was very wide.  Waggy frantically slipped behind it, which wasn't a good idea.  Everybody knows that hiding behind doors will either squish you to death, or people will find you immediately.  Her neighbor(they were playing too) comes in, and there's a fuzzy glitch noise coming from their watch.  Eggplant(new nickname 4 the neighbor =3) slowly closes the door behind her, putting Waggy in plain sight.  I hope she doesn't notice me and leaves!  Wait, that would make me feel sad & insignificant... Waggy thought.  Eggplant turns around and locks eyes w/ Waggy.  Eggplant's eyes twinkle red, become plain brown, and twinkles red again.

"Found ya!" Eggplant said cheerfully, proud of herself.

"-heh.  Hi." Waggy said.  She was between the door and the wall, and couldn't escape Eggplant's tap to the shoulder.  Waggy looks at her watch and expects it to state "Seeker", but no, the blue letters spelled out "Hider".  Waggy looks back up, and notices that Eggplant already left.  Her watch was probably glitchy... a brief memory of Eggplant's eyes flickering entered Waggy's head.  I guess I'm still in the game!  

"RELEASING COWBOYS" the intercom blared.

Yeah, I totally forgot, but here it is; a Cowboy is a handful(around 3 or more?) of people who are released at random times in the game for like, 3 min.(a very short time).  If they tap a seeker's watch, the seeker is put to "jail"(nobody knows where the jail is unless they find it or something), and the only way for them to escape is for another seeker to tag them.  Seekers in jail cannot release each other.  Okay, back to the story!

More thundering footsteps filled the room--Cowboys didn't have time to be stealthy, they had to be fast and efficient.  Waggy let out a sigh of relief.  Maybe I'll be safe for some time, while the Cowboys are out.  After she finished that thought, a cool lookin' cowgirl(I might draw her?  Tell me if I should :3) with a flowing red ponytail and a full on cowgirl outfit marched in holding a BUNCH of seekers and draggin' them along.  One of the seekers/captives were a celebrity that Waggy knew irl.  W-why are they here???  Waggy thought in fear.  Although the seekers were hapless at the moment, they were giving her scary looks.  Even the celebrity.  A very STRONG AND WELL-KNOWN FOR BEING STRONG AND STRONG AND STRONG DID I MENTION STRONG celebrity.  Waggy let out a small peep, but only the seekers seemed to notice he was there, not the cowgirl-lookin' person.  The person suddenly shoved the seekers into the room, and half closed the door whilst leaving.  Suddenly, the intercom cam to life once more.

"SARA WILLENHAM(or something like that, i don't remember) HAS PUT 8 SEEKERS IN JAIL"  WAIT A MINUTE--IS THIS THE JAIL?!!  Waggy realized, her eyes as big as jumbo pancakes.

Hey guys, pancakes or waffles?

"Heheh... nice human?" Waggy mumbled, but the seekers kept their glare.  That sounded wrong.  Waggy thought to herself.  She backed away from them and quickly zipped out the door.  The hall was clear.  A few seconds later, she heard more footsteps, just a few.  She entered the next room, right next to the place she assumed was Jail.  There seemed to be a meeting there, of seekers.  Waggy knew the people in real life.  There were two black couches in the room, and Waggy quickly slipped behind the one furthest in the room.  She slid of her jacket, compressed herself to an extremely small size, and covered herself in her jacket.  She was also protected by the jackets of the people in the meeting--they were getting hot, so they threw it there.  I heard scrambling, and turns out people were copying my idea.  Literally.  Waggy's friends(and other people) started to get their OWN jackets, and hid on TOP of Waggy.  Somehow, Waggy didn't feel their weight, but was sure they were on top of her.  There was a window on the wall behind all of them, and Waggy heard it open.  A boy with jet black hair and dark green eyes entered through it.  He had black leather clothing, and he tapped every single hider in the room, even the ones hiding.  Except Waggy.  Since she was at the bottom, she had survived.  (~*Time Skip*~)Waggy stood on the first place stand, two other people on 2nd & 3rd.  Confetti was everywhere, and they were in a stadium-like spot.  The crowd roared/cheered as the top three winners lifted up the grand trophy.

On the night of 12/6/19, I had a dream, too.

This one's pretty short.  2 of my teeth on the bottom row had switched spots and turned blue.  And then, there was a HUGE gap in my bottom row front teeth!!!  It was freaky, and felt weird.  But that's about it to that dream.  I remember seeing my mom, but I can't recall the rest.

Quote: Faith makes things possible.  Hope makes things happen.  Love makes things beautiful. -random cool radio station

I also have many (more)ideas, and they're coming.  It's just that I'm procrastinating and not writing fast enough ;-;...  Welp, g'bye!

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