Story Idea #4

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Inspiration from the song : Ingel by Chogakusei from YT

A child so cute and bright was found skipping through the woods at night. There a group of adults were in search for a missing man. Who has been lost for such a long time. The group saw the child.

"Why is there a child in the woods at this hour?" Thought all the members of the group as they proceed to watch the child leave. They soon no longer hear the happy humming nor the skipping feet of the child.

It was indeed a strange sight. They continued on their journey to find the missing man.

The more they walked, the more they got lost. They do not know which direction they came from. Lost in the woods that seemingly has no end.

They then heard hums of a child, soon footsteps that crept closer and closer. This gave the group fear that they soon panicked and ran to different directions, losing each other in the process.

Will they be able to find each other again? Or will they be lost like the missing man?

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