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I was tagged!!!!!!!!!! (I enjoy this too much)

Do I like somebody?: *yawn* no

Do they like me?: I should hope not

Middle name?: Thats for me to know and you not to find out

Single or taken?: Singleeeeeee...

Last person I texted?: One of my best friends. (Their name is secret too)

Last song I listened to?: Centuries by Fall Out Boy

Battery percentage: 48%

Girl best friends?: CatherineOpladen

Guy best friends?:
None here. I hardly have any friends that aren't girls because boys don't typically approach me and ask to be my friend.

Favorite OTP?:
Bones and Booth

Why did I create my account?: BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT! (And I wanted to finish reading a story that I found)

Current lock screen?:

Birthday: December 22

I Tagggggg:


Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro