Story Ideas/Upcoming books

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27th June 2017

Hey guys. This little chapter is about a number of stories that have been running through my head the past couple of months. Two of them I will definitely be getting to it eventually, and the others might be coming out if the idea really strikes me, or you guys really want to see them. I also wouldn't mind hearing what you guys would want to see from me. 


The Rogue Rider

This story will most likely be the next story I write. It'll be another Inheritance fanfiction set two hundred and fifty years after the fall of Galbatorix. The main character is a twenty year old guy named Ragin, who has a bit of a questionable history... but before I tell you any more here is the blurb I have thought up... (Might need a little work)

Two hundred and fifty years after the fall of Galbatorix Alagaesia is a very different place. Trading routes have been opened up all through the world with the country being the centre of it all. Ilirea has become a thriving city and has grown immensely, with large businesses bustling, and tens of thousands of citizens living their daily lives. With the dragon riders thriving with the country nothing seems wrong. 

But with a large city comes a dark underground, and with rumours spreading the streets of a powerful new weapon not even the elves can compete with, the dragon riders find themselves losing what little control they have over the criminals hiding in the shadows.

Ragin, professional thief and assassin, has been tasked with an impossible mission. One that has never been achieved before. Stealing a dragon egg. But there is a surprise at the end of this mission, one that no one could foresee.

Eldawin's Story

This is the next book I most definitely am going to write. Another prequel for the Silver trilogy that many of you guys, and me as well, want to see done. I will probably call it something different then 'Eldawin's Story', but names can come later. As you can probably tell, this is the story of Eldawin, his life before his 'death', and how he became who he was in the trilogy. Without further adue, here is the blurb... (might need a little work)

In the mid eighteen-hundreds, a small dragon haven in the middle of Africa is given a great surprise. A new species of dragon, one that has never been seen before. Eldawin, the first mind dragon of the age, is born.

However there is something wrong with this young dragon. Unlike most dragons, he has no element to call his own. No way to protect himself. No way to fight back against the threat of humans. All that he has been given is the ability to read minds, and in a world where power is key he falls short.

But this young dragon has yet to give up on his lot in life, and will do anything he can to figure out how to match his fellow dragons. This is the story of Eldawin, the most powerful and influential dragon to exist in the third age.


This story is one that has been running around my head for a couple of months, but am a little unsure about how or even if I am going to write it. This is another fanfiction, but of the computer game (League of Legends) I am currently into ;) For those of you not into it, don't worry, I will make it so you don't actually have to play the game to be interested in the book, but this story is something that I have been thinking about for a while. I don't have a blurb for it, but here is basically what it will be about...

The story will follow a young woman known as Ashe, the leader of a tribe known as the Avarosan, and her dream to reunite her land (the Freljord) under a united banner. But the other tribes of the Freljord aren't so eager for a united rule, and Ashe finds enemies behind every corner. 

And there is something else growing in the icy tundra. An evil so great that it may not matter if the tribes unite or not. An evil that has even caused the great cyrophoenix, Anivia, to worry, and decide that her role as guardian of the Freljord may not be enough to protect the land she is one with. To fight of this evil, the phoenix will need allies. 

The Loop

This story is another original book that if it comes down to it, I probably won't be putting on Wattpad. It's about a young boy who accepts a strange challenge over the web, and finds himself stuck in a time loop, forced to live the same day over and over again until he can finally find a way to break it open. I haven't got too much more than that (Don't even have the name of the main character yet) but I feel like it will be something new and interesting I want to explore. Again, I don't have a blurb for this one.


Another inheritance fanfiction that will actually be quite possible for me to write. But not for a while. For those of you that have read my entry into the Dragonink writing competition, you will know what this story is about. It is set around twenty five years after the events of Eragon. The main character is a young noble from Dausta named Logan, and his golden dragon Sashi. He has been given a strange sword with a magical language written upon it that no one can discern, not even the elves, but the sword grants him a strange but powerful magic when in the presence of shades. And this magic will be needed more than ever.

Anyway, these are the ideas I have at the moment. Ask any questions you feel like you need to ask, and as before I would like to see what you guys want to see as well. 

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