Authors Note + Warning

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Hello, peeps! As you can see, this is my newest book. This is my first time writing an actual Teen Fiction book. So I hope you'll support me if you've followed me amongst my other books, and if you're new, I hope you'll stick around. I've got a lot of things planned for this series. 👌🏻

Yes, this book is book 1 of the Running Free series. It'll also most likely be on the shorter side while the other's in this series will probably be longer. This book is mostly meant to introduce the characters and plot. So in other words, expect it to have holes.

This book has family drama, cute moments, flawed and realistic characters, friendship, romance, and is hopefully cliché free....Though maybe not. I'm not sure. XD.

If y'all enjoy, or even remotely like the book, I encourage you to please vote! ⭐️⭐️ Also, feel free to leave a comment every now and then. 😘

Please keep any swearing in the comments to a down level. Much appreciated. Also! This book does contain a minimal amount of swearing throughout it. But it's nothing too horrendous.

Also, this is not a girl-helps-troubled-boy-falls-in-love-happily-ever-after 'kinda book.' There's more to it then that.

One more thing!

My grammar, spelling...etc, are all pretty sucky. But I hope that won't deter you from at least trying it out! (You'll never know unless you try.)

As stated in the summary, this book deals with issues such as bulimia, child abuse, PTSD, depression, and self-harm. Triggers may be presented at any moment during the book.

So please! If that may affect you in any way, don't put yourself at risk by reading it! I'll be marking any chapters that have obvious triggers at the beginning of each one.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

And I also just want to state that I do not intentionally mean to disrespect, offend, or bash anyone in anyway. Period.

I'm apologizing now if I do.

So if you're still here and I haven't scared you off, please, continue on! Adventures out there!

I own each individual characters. I did not consciously steal anyone's ideas, works, or thoughts. They're all mine. I do not own any pictures that may be throughout this book. Nor do I own any of the cities, towns, team names, or college institutions that may be mentioned. No one may take or use any of the content throughout this book.

Or I will hunt you down and do....something.

Started on; December 2nd, 2017.

From the wise words of tigger, ttfn!


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