Chapter 11: Return of The Unknown Number

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Sunday, July 16th. . . .
*First Draft*

I perch on the edge of the barstool, tapping my pencil on the countertop as I read over the math equation again.

Hey, it may be summer break, but I'm not letting my grade slip.

Lifting my small forkful of my Mom's very own homemade cheesecake to my mouth, I bite it, chewing probably much too quickly before swallowing it and preparing to stab my slice for another bite.

Okay, so maybe I'm more like stuffing my face. Don't judge that I eat like 24/7. Food is my comfort, my pleasure I like to enjoy....a lot.

Now I just sound like a glutton monster.

I look over to my right as my phone gives a quick buzz, the screen lighting up with the words, 'unknown number' there on a box.

Geez, I seem to be getting a lot of these lately.

Laying my fork down on my plate, I push my stack of books away, grabbing my phone. Leaning my elbows on the bare counter, I settle the phone in front of my face as I type my password in. And, once again, what does the message say?

Unknown Number < "Hey."

I stare down at the screen, completely unsure as to who this may be this time. I'm out of ideas. Long lost uncle? Aunt? Second cousin removed? Chris Evans?

Okay, that last one was just wishful thinking on my end.

My fingers move over the keyboard before I even realize I'm doing it, and my thumb hesitates a split second before I hit send.

Me < "Who this?"

Unknown Number < "I'll give you a guess. It starts with an E."

I blink, nothing coming to mind. How is one simple little letter supposed to help? Okay, but definitely not Chris Evans then. Drat. Unless he's using his last name.....

Me < "I've got nothing."

Unknown Number < "Really, Nik? Why do you make things so difficult?"

A smile instantly brightens my face as I read the nickname I was tagged with when I was five years old, one person coming to mind now. And wow, looks like the brothers' think alike after all. Déjà vu anyone?

Me < "Maybe I'm evil?"

Unknown Number < "Nah. The kid I knew wouldn't even squish a bug."

Editing the number and saving it to my contacts, something I find I'm doing a lot these days, I quickly type up another message as I unconsciously begin to swing my barstool back and forth.

Me < "How'd you get my #?"

Eddy < "I fought Drew for it once I learned he had it. Put up quite the fight too."

Oh god. This guy is a numskull.

Me < "Please tell me you didn't? 🤨"

Eddy < "Jk."

There's a pause.

Eddy < "I actually stole his phone and broke into his contacts."

Me < "You're ridiculous."

Eddy < "Already knew that. ;)"

I can't help the small chuckle that breaks free from my mouth, and I suddenly realize just how much I've missed him.

Eddy < "I asked, ok?"

A sudden thought hits me, causing my heart to skip a beat in excitement.

Me < "Alright. I'll accept that answer. Does this mean you've returned from hell?"

Eddy < "If by hell you mean college, then yes. I'm back. Just got in last night."

Unexplainable butterflies start up in my stomach, and I frown down at it. Eh, I'll just blame the dessert.

Eddy < "You wanna meet up at Starbucks, say 3 o'clock today? You know, catch up on things?"

I swing my eyes up to the time on my phone. Two P.M. Those damn butterflies suddenly turn into a tornado, and I begin to wish I hadn't eaten two slices of cheesecake.

Me < "Sounds good. See you then."

Eddy < "Later. 🤙"

I slowly pull the screen away from my face after waiting five more seconds to see if he's going to send anything else, a girl can dream, before pressing the power button. I stare across the room, a surreal feeling about all this starting up.

I blink, looking down at my raggedy lounge around T-shirt and sparkly unicorn shorts.

Wow. I totally look presentable.

And that's when I practically fall out of the barstool in my haste, booking it past a baffled Mom and up the stairs in record time to my room.

*Time Skip*

I run my fingers through my freshly washed hair that's still a little damp, the smell of strawberries and cinnamon wafting up my nose.

Okay. Maybe I used a bit too much shampoo.

Smoothing my dark red tank top down and stuffing a pocket on my jean shorts back in, I square my shoulders before pushing on the glass door to open it up. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee immediately hits me in my face, causing my muscles to relax as I draw in a deep breath.

Walking across the room, my eyes scan the moderately busy coffee shop, looking for one specific person amongst the crowds.

A smile instantly lights up my face as I spot Eddy sitting over in a corner booth with a green styrofoam cup of coffee already in front of him. He's wearing a dark blue, short sleeve casual shirt that shows off his well-defined arm muscles and makes his eyes pop out more, paired with kaki pants and tennis shoes.

Did it just get a lot warmer in here, or is it just me?

His gaze moves up to me, and the same goofy smile I can recall from our childhood flickers easily across his lips. I move my hand up in a wave as I step up to get my order, and he waves back before looking back down at his phone.

Do electronics seriously rule everyone's lives 24/7....Wait. Don't answer that.

After ordering a grande vanilla cappuccino, I grab a few napkins before making my way over to Edward. He looks up as I slide into the booth across from him, tucking his phone down in his pants pocket.

"Hey there," I greet, grasping my coffee cup in front of me with both hands. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, and he leans back. "Didn't we already do a greeting over text messages?"

I shake my head, playfully frowning at him. "That doesn't count. You're supposed to greet someone every time you see them regardless of if you've already been speaking to them over texts," I pointedly say, taking a dainty sip of my drink.

Ah, that's a good cup of joe.

Edward runs a hand through his messy hair. "Okay, well, hello to you person-I-was-just-speaking-to-no-more-than-an-hour-ago-but-still-need-to-greet," he rambles in one breath, giving me a sheepish smile afterwards.

I stare across the table at him, unamused. "You literally still act like you're six," I deadpan, taking another sip of the hot beverage. Edward chuckles, causing a warm feeling to grow in my chest. He takes a sip of his own drink, and I peer over at it.

"Don't tell me you got black coffee?" I question, sitting back with a baffled look. Yuck. Way too tart for me.

He slowly lowers the cup down. "Actually, yes." He shrugs at my questioning gaze. "It's not that bad, I think. Besides, I need the caffeine without the sugar," he explains. And right as he finishes speaking, a yawn breaks out, and he reaches up to cover it.

I frown, looking his face carefully over; bags sit under his eyes, and there's a drawn appearance to the skin around his face.

He looks up in time to see me examining him, and I redden as he smirks. "Checking me out there, Nik?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me, and I reach across the table to whack his arm. "Shut up," I mutter, self-consciously looking around to see if anyone heard.

Not that I really care. But....

"I was just wondering why you look so tired?" I quickly defend, and the amusement from his face immediately dries up. He fiddles with the coffee lid he has sitting by his cup, the antsy action reminding me a lot of Drew.

He shrugs, glancing back up at me. "Oh you know, college life, keeping up with the responsibilities of being the team captain of the ice hockey team, life in general," he says flippantly, taking another sip of coffee.

My eyes go bug wide. "Wait. You play on the University of Denver's Ice hockey team?!" I pause. "And you're captain?!" I exclaim, needing to lower my voice as a customer from the next booth over sends me a glare.

He slowly nods, chewing his bottom lip almost like he's a bit embarrassed. "Yeah. I took it up a few month after you left." He rubs the back of his neck, glancing up at me from under his hair that's fallen over his forehead.

"Wow." I flop back against the backrest. "I just always thought you'd continue with football. I mean, it was like your life for almost three years." I flick a piece of hair from my face.

Grabbing one of those thin black straws Starbucks provides to stir your beverage with, he absentmindedly swirls his black coffee that doesn't need stirring while staring down in it. "Well, things change!" he says with furrowed brows, looking deep in thought for a moment.

Grinding my teeth at the sudden silence, I think of something else to add. "I thought team captains' were usually older, and well, more experienced?" I look him up and down to prove my point.

He snaps back to the present, pausing his stirring. "Hey, who you calling inexperienced? I've got almost ten years worth of experience with ice hockey." That amused spark returns to his eyes, and I smile.

"Okay, okay. It's more than I have at least." I relent.

Yeah, because I have like....none.

He smiles back before suddenly looking bashful enough for me to want to coo at how adorable he suddenly looks.

Did I just think that?

"As for how I became team captain....I'm honestly not really sure." He rubs the back of his neck again, and I don't miss the faint blush on his cheeks. "The team chose me out of the blue a few months ago when our last one quit the team for personal matters." He lifts his drink up to his mouth, taking another sip.

I fold my hands on the table in front of me, feeling a bubble of pride. "Well, I'm sure they picked a good candidate," I softly say before a cheeky grin shows up. "That's so cool though! Now I can brag to people about how I personally know the team captain of the Denver Pioneers!"

He looks mildly surprised I know the name of his team, but merely brushes it aside.

Yeah, you could say I'm a bit of a hockey fan even if I can't skate to save my life. Lame, I know. But we all have our downsides. Even me. Sadly.

Silence lapses between us again, and I absentmindedly trace my index finger over the few scuffs and marks edged in the tabletop from years of use. Edward slowly sips on his coffee, his eyes repeatedly landing on me before he redirects them somewhere else.

The events of yesterday suddenly flash through my mind as I recall Edward saying he got here yesterday evening.

After we'd gotten to their house, I'd helped Nadine take Drew up to his room where I left soon afterwards. I didn't want to impose even though that sounds ridiculous.

Maybe I just felt like I was in the way? Maybe I even felt slightly guilty?

I purse my lips together, focusing back on Edward. "How's Drew doing today?" I question, leaning forward slightly. Edward seems a little caught off guard at the question, giving me a level stare.

"What do you mean?" He says each word slowly, cautious, as if he's gauging me.

I roll my eyes. "His migraine, dimwit. What else would I be talking about? Santa's sleigh?" I take a slow breath, looking down to recompose myself. "We went running yesterday and he suddenly developed one. I was going to swing by today and see for myself how he was doing, but I obviously didn't get around to it." I gesture to myself, slouching a little in my seat at my own disappointment.

Edward's gaze softens. "He's shut up in his room covered in blankets with the curtains drawn and the lights off." He shrugs. "He'll be fine in another day or two. Those suckers carry a big punch, but they don't usually last long - for us anyway." A sympathetic expression crosses his features, and he runs a hand through his dirty-blonde hair.

I give him a confused look. "Us?" I squish up my face, itching at a spot on my forehead. He nods, giving me a sidelong glance before explaining. "It's a heredity thing both Drew and I, unfortunately, inherited. Drew just got the worst of it." At my look he continues.

"Wherein I get them maybe once every few months, Drew's are spontaneous and usually last longer." His face slightly falls, and he looks down at his lap. "Poor kid," he adds as an afterthought, most likely speaking to himself.

"Huh." I swirl my coffee. "I feel bad for you guys. Sounds like they suck." I make a face, mentally imaging myself dreading each day as I wait for one to hit.

Although, I do dread something they don't ever have to worry about. Sigh.

"They do. On a much larger scale." Edwards agrees. "But what can you do but pop a few ibuprofens and burrow yourself inside your bed until it passes?" He blows a tired breath out. "It's a lose-lose kinda situation." He wryly says, glancing up at me with a half smirk.

I fold my arms over my chest in an attempt to help my racing heart, biting down on my lip before I slide it through in that annoying little habit I picked up somewhere along growing up.

"But hey," Edward pipes up. "enough about me. What about you?" He repositions himself, almost looking like a child on Christmas morning.

I chuckle awkwardly. "What about me?" I wring my hands, avoiding his eyes. "I'm graduating from high school in the fall as an honorary student, I'm currently on the girls' volleyball team, and I work at my own mother's diner." I shrug, watching my finger retrace the same line I've already traced about a bazillion times.

It's silent for a moment.

"You make it sound like you haven't accomplished anything," he says, making me look up at his face. "I haven't. Not really." I cross my arms, letting a sigh out. Edward shakes his head. "But you have. That's better than what I can say I did throughout my high school years." He mimics me by crossing his arms and forces me to hold eye contact.

Only his arms look far more impressive.

"Alright." I flop back in my seat, a smile curling on my mouth. "I suppose you're probably right there." I slyly suggest, eying him. He nods his head, looking proud of himself.

"Yeah-" He cuts himself off, blinking as he realizes he's basically bashing himself. "Hey." He narrows his eyes at me, and I can't hold in the laugh that's bursting to break free.

I hold my stomach, feeling tears gather in my eyes at how hard I'm laughing.

Geez. It wasn't even that funny. But maybe this is just me expressing my relief after missing out on this for ten years.

God I don't know how much I missed.

"So," I wipe my eyes off, taking deep breaths. "What have you and Drew been up to for these ten years? How come you never tried to contact me?" I redirect the conversation to him, folding my arms on the table.

Edward's face suddenly falls like I just told him a close relative died, and he stares blankly at the table before he quickly tries to mask his face again.


But before I can question him, he clears his throat, tugging on his shirt collar. "Um, well, I'm not really sure. It crossed my mind, multiple times." He gives me a hesitant smile. "Really, It did." I look harder in his eyes, spotting flecks of gold around his pupils. "I guess I was just too...chicken?" He looks away, seeming almost ashamed.

I reach across the table, surprising both of us as I place my smaller hand over his much larger one he has laying on the tabletop.

"It's okay. I felt the same way I suppose." I stare into his eyes, my voice almost a whisper for some odd reason. I suddenly blink, realizing how intimate this must look to any bystanders.

Clearing my throat, I pull my hand away, leaning back. "But now we can start anew, right?" I hopefully ask, giving him big doe eyes. He makes a face like 'why would you even ask that', nodding his head.

"Yeah, of course."

I pull my phone out of my pocket, checking it before I place it on the table. I'd promised Mom I'd be home in time to help her bake some desserts for the diner tomorrow.

"So, uh," I look back up at him. "Have a girlfriend then?" I almost slap my hand over my face. Why did I just ask that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. I can't believe my own mouth sometimes.

He blinks once, twice, before an amused grin pulls at his lips, yet there's another tinge of red on his cheeks.

"No. Why? Interested?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, again, being the male he is. I once again reach across to whack him, and he reels back with a pretend hiss of pain. "Stop being a jackass," I growl, probably baring my teeth at him unconsciously.

He holds his hands up defensively. "Ow, yeesh. I'm sorry." He cradles his smarting arm. "Now can you please stop glaring at me like you're Godzilla returning from the dead?"

I smirk. "No promises."


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