2 Something Fishy!

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"Oh yeah...after you Ellie."

Both girls ran to the ground floor to meet their parents.

"There you go!"

Elena's father gave Elena a box of chocolates.

"So dad how was the place? I was talking to Senu and she told me that..."

Senumi almost had a heart attack as Elena's mouth with no breaks began to take off.

Though she hated the idea of going there she hid her dislike from her parents. And a sudden outing of her opposing their opinion would most probably make her parents suspect her.

"She told me that you guys don't have any plans for Christmas. Can uncle drop her by our house the day before Christmas? We can have a sleepover and also spend some time together before she moves out to Galle!"

Elena went on non-stop like a damn train.

"I'm afraid that would not happen Elena because we are going to see her brother at Kandy this week. And we are going to stay there for a couple of weeks."

Senumi watcher her dad making his way towards the kitchen turning his back to them.

"Oh Senan! How is he!"
Elena's mother began. Having only two daughters for herself and having only girl siblings she had a special place for Senan in her heart.

Her husband and Senumi's father had been friends for so long that she literally saw Senan growing up in to a man.

"Twenty two right!"
She asked eagerly.

Senumi's mom, Sara replied.

"A grown man he is! I wonder how he is managing things by himself. Like the only thing he did was studying you know! He doesn't even know how to make some tea."

"Oh Sara! I'm sure he has a special someone to do that for him."

Senumi laughed at it along with her mother and Elena's mom and turned to Elena which made Senimi's laughter fade in to the thin air as her friend's face was sour as if she just chugged down concentrated lime juice.

Though Senumi was not entirely sure she always guessed that Elena had a thing for her brother. And the assumption that Elena did somewhat disturbed Senumi because of the age gap between them.

Elena sixteen and her brother Senan Twenty two.

Her face was so glum and gloomy with disturbed emotions that Senumi suspected that her sadness would be obvious to their parents.

"Hay are you gonna share that with me or not?"

Senumi nudged her friend. Elena looked at her in shock and stayed silent for a couple more minutes as if she had forgotten vocabulary.

"Oh... oh... Keep it!"

She generously handed Senumi the box of chocolates.


Senu reluctantly accepted it.

"Goddammit aiya! Because of you only all this! Always upsetting people giving them hopes!" Senu thought angrily.

"Oh please stop for dinner!"

They could hear Senumi's father who was in the kitchen with Elena's dad, most probably sharing a beer, all the way to the living room.

"Oh please do!"
Sara aslo begged from her friend while both of their daughters looked at them with discomfort.

"Mom, shall we go now? I've got some home work to do."
Elena announced to her mother. "

" Homework? "
Sara asked in disbelief.

" What! Ordinary Level just ended and you are already having classes? Oh dear even the results have not  been released yet!"

Both Elena and Senumi had just finished their Ordinary Level examination few weeks ago and since Elena is doing Bio science which has a broader syllabus her classes had already begun. And Senumi had not even thought of what to do for her Advanced level classes.

The conversation ended with Elena convincing her parents that they need to get home before evening and they left soon afterwards.

A couple of minutes after they left notification popped on her screen. It was from Elena.

Senumi almost dropped her phone as she read the text that was sent.

"Congratu-fucking-lations on loosing your virginity! 😂🤭🤭"

"She... what" 
Senumi thought with a rapidly beating heart.

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Have a nice day!
How's the weather out there?
Here it's gloomy and rainy and just SAD.

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