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Tuda was a vey imoprtarnt dae for aysob. He gotz oout of bet, strechhihng his lags and gazinng down at his littl fEETSEES."Toda is gud dae today is vey impaartont aesonp thot.he thinks "eyem so existed for todey becas tody is bibbl tiddy and i lov bib studdy pastor jopsseh is so cool and vyer poggurand the smell of hsi colon is nice;he did da fac dat was like hte flush emojih you knwoa da on e you lknwoe it msirkBut them Ayesopnm alloskksed phjon and markioplir- wait it no mark it jamms charlies saying HEY SISTERS"Aysobn pannic and frow his phone NO NO JAMES CHARLES he saydhe satrted to cyr maskerah or however you splell it msirk cat emojyhe suddenmly starteds to run a marathon "you like minceraft he asked as he loks to hois scherdule"man it nos sunmday at least i can listen to cristan country mussic pensive emoji*his poacarents sudfdenly calld for him "BITCHASSSSS CUM DOWN 4 BREAKFASST!!!111!!!11!1!su he dwnt down ands screm bcuc hiS FATHA SUDDENLKY WAS MARKIPLIREREli hasd haa his foud lased with laxaddivs and hes shidding himsdself "oh hi elk aesonnn say and walkeds out of ho juse dsunnenly hse @ hottpsoic and loked arounsdd and sawe hairy pimple sjirt and eyed emoji it; oh the s,mell of hi s col enhe smleled a fmalilitear collon and omgz it josseph what ary yo doikng heer fathnher jojoyseph assOP sayd"Are you having a stroke, Aesop?" Joseph asked his cool protagonist student. Thinking about it, everyone had a stroke today.

Eli suddenly just shat himself. 
But that wasn't important, he had bible study to attend.hay fahthe jesus why u heree in hawt topi c ass pointed to his stripp swetsar wiht the wored "sda boye instletr S on it and also hisripp jens and alos dark color with a nam tak "dedinstider he was very cool sunglass emojj. Oh yya and eh was wayring balar'k nalepoli s h btwall gorls were starin ate himmms hES HASF HTNEM; EAPPLY BOTOM JENS BOTLSWITH THENM; FUR"Aesop, didn't you hear? I got fired because I was watching James Charles." aEspjo agspedd YOU WATCH THEN JOAME?????????????????isnt htat foyr gaye pelopleSuddenly, Joseph killed Aesop's father, Jacksepticeye. ayeosp gaspekd no why woudl yu doik that"Because, Aesop, boys liking make-up and stereotypical feminine things isn't gay. It's due to society and gender roles that are set in place.And yet, when someone tries to fight them they're automatically labelled as gay."" buyt do u listne to bst aypiss asdkyed "Aesop that's not even on topic. I'm straight, and people assume I'm gay for likingfeminine things. But that doesn't mean I'm gay, being gay isn't a bad thing. It's completely normal."aypso them lokkd donw to bhkys byias on his tshit he was hodling AM I GGAY???;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

 teh en d


im sorry

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