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Chiều cao dòng first sight: after a quick look, before really thinking about one's feeling about.

Eg: I don't know what to think about the new boss. At first sight, she seems okay, but I may change my mind later.

2. forty winks: a short sleep, a nap.

Eg: I sometimes take forty winks on Saturday afternoon, so that I can continue working around the house afterward. a seventh heaven: extremely happy.

Eg: Maxwell was in seventh heaven when he learned he had gotten the job.

4.of two minds: having trouble making decision.

Eg: Betty was of two minds about her future: Should she study to be a teacher or an actress?

1.the black market: the market not controlled by the government, where things are sold in private and often against the law. (Từ này giống Việt Nam mình nhi?)

Eg: You can go to the bank to change dollars. But if you change money on the black market, you often get more money for each dollar. feel blue: to feel sad

Eg: I was alone on my birthday and feeling blue. Then Arny called and invited me out, and I felt better.

3.the green light: the okay to start something

Eg: The bank has given us the money. now we have the green light to start the project. with envy: jealous of someone else's good fortune

Eg: I was green with envy when I learned that Luis had won a trip to Europe. black and white: very clear and easy to understand

Eg: I couldn't believe it, but there it was in black and white, as clear as it could be. The letter said that I had won a trip to Europe. the black: having money

Eg: He earns a thousand dollars a week. He doesn't have to worry about having enough money. He is always in the black. the red: owing money, in debt

Eg: I never have enough money to pay my bills. I'm always in the red.

8.out of the blue: by surprise, unexpectedly

Eg: The news of the factory's closing came out of the blue. No one was expecting it.

9.the red carpet: special honors for a special or important person.

Eg: When the movie star visited, our town rolled out the red carpet. There was a parade and a special dinner inn her honor. tape: complicated official procedures and forms.

Eg: Every time you want to get a new passport, you have to go through a lot of red tape. It's not easy and it takes a lot of time.

11.a white lie: something that is not true but that causes no harm.

Eg: I didn't feel like going out. So I told a white lie, and I said I didn't feel well.

- a bee in one's bonnet: a problem in one's mind( vấn đề, khó khăn của ai)

E.g: You want to know why I have got a bee in my bonnet?

- an arm and a leg: a huge amount of money(một số tiền lớn)

E.g: You remember I told you about that car that cost me an arm and a leg?

- a bird brain: a dishonest person ( dùng để chỉ một người thiếu trung thực)

E.g: Well, he's not that at all. He's a bird brain


- badger someone: mè nheo ai

- make a big of oneself: ăn uống thô tục

- an eager beaver: người tham việc

- a busy bee: người làm việc lu bù

- have a bee in one's bonest: ám ảnh chuyện gì

- make a bee-line foe something: nhanh nhảu làm chuyện gì

- the bee's knees: ngon lành nhất

- an early bird: người hay dậy sớm

- a home bird: người thích ở nhà

- a lone bird/worf: người hay ở nhà

- an odd bird/fish: người quái dị

- a rare bird: của hiếm

- a bird's eye view: nhìn bao quát/nói vắn tắt

- bud someone: quấy rầy ai

- take the bull by the horns: không ngại khó khăn

- have butterflies in one's stomach: nôn nóng

- a cat nap: ngủ ngày

- lead a cat and dog life: sống như chó với mèo

- let the cat out of the bag: để lộ bí mật

- not have room to swing a cat: hẹp như lỗi mũi

- not have a cat in hell's change: chẳng có cơ may

- play cat and mouse with someone: chơi mèo vờn chuột

- put the cat among the pigeons: làm hư bột hư đường

- a dog in the manger: cho già ngậm xương (ko muốn ai sử dụng cái mình ko cần)

- dog tired: mệt nhoài

- top dog: kẻ thống trị

- a dog's life: cuộc sống lầm than

- go to the dogs: sa sút

- let sleeping dog's lie: đừng khêu lại chuyện đã qua

- donkey's years: thời gian dài dằng dặc

- do the donkey's work: làm chuyện nhàm chán

- a lame duck: người thất bại

- a sitting duck: dễ bị tấn công

- a cold fish: người lạnh lùng

- a fish out of water: người lạc lõng

- have other fish to fry: có chuyện fải làm

- a fly in the oinment: con sâu làm rầu nồi canh

- not hurt a fly: chẳng làm hại ai

- there are no flies on someone: người ngôn lanh đáo để

- can't say boo to a goose: hiền như cục đất

- **** someone's goose: làm hư kế hoạch (hư bột hư đường)

- a wild goose chase: cuộc tìm kiếm vô vọng

- a guinea pig: người tự làm vật thí nghiệm


One good turn deserves another (Ăn miếng trả miếng)

Who breaks, pays (Bắn súng không nên thì phải đền đạn)

Two securities are better than one (Cẩn tắc vô ưu)

Slow and sure (Chậm mà chắc)

Threats do not always lead to blows (Chó sủa là chó không cắn)

If the cab fits then wear it (Có tật giật mình)

Money makes the mare go (Có tiền mua tiên cũng được)

Where's there's life, there's hope (Còn nước còn tát)

A lie has no legs (Giấu đầu lòi đuôi)

We have gone too far to draw back (Đâm lao thì phải theo lao)

In for a penny, in for a pound (Được voi đòi tiên)

Tell me the company you keep, and I will tell you what you see (Gần mực thì đen, gần đèn thì sáng)

It never rains but it pours (Họa vô đơn chí)

If you eat the fruit, you have to think about the one who grows the tree (Ăn quả nhớ kẻ trồng cây)

We reap what we sow (Gieo gió gặt bão)

THere's no smoke without fire (Không có lửa sao có khói)

Who makes excuses, himself excuses (Lạy ông tôi ở bụi này)

One scabby sheep is enough to spoil the whole flock (Con sâu làm rầu nồi canh)

To kill two birds with one stone (Nhất cữ lưỡng tiện)

To let the wolf into the fold (Nuôi ong tay áo)

Constant dropping wears stone (Nước chảy đá mòn)

A miss is as good as a mile (Sai một ly đi một dặm)

A flow will have an ebb (Sông có khúc người có lúc)

Grasp all, lose all (Tham thì thâm)

Time lost is never found (Thời giờ đã mất thì không tìm lại được)

Bitter pills may have blessed effects (Thuốc đắng dã tật)

Beginning is the difficulty (Vạn sự khởi đầu nan)

Traveling forms a young man (Đi một ngày đàng, học một sàng khôn)

No guide, no realization (Không thầy đố mày làm nên)

Better late than never (muộn còn hơn ko)

Half a loaf is better than no bread (méo mó có hơn ko)

Health is better than wealth (Sức khỏe quý hơn vàng)

Birds of a feather flock together (Đồng thanh tương ứng, đồng khí tương cầu)

To run with the hare and hold with the hounds (Bắt cá hai tay)

Many a little makes a mickle (Kiến tha lâu cũng đấy tổ)

Where there is a will, there is a way (Có chí thì nên)

Actions speak louder than words = Nói ít làm nhiều;

Beauty is only skin-deep = Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn;

Caution is the parent of safety = Cẩn tắc vô áy náy;

Do not judge a man by his looks = Không nên trông mặt mà bắt hình dong;

The early bird catches the worm = Trâu chậm uống nước đục;

The empty vessel makes the greatest sound = Thùng rỗng kêu to.

- A year care, a minute ruin : khôn ba năm, dại một giờ

- Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals : rượu vào lời ra, tửu nhập ngôn xuất

- Fool's haste is no speed : nhanh nhoảng đoảng, thật thà hư

- God will not buy everething : giàu sang không mang lại hạnh phúc

- Grasp all, lose all : tham thì thâm

- Handsome is as handsome does : cái nết đánh chết cái đẹp

- Like father like son : cha nào con nấy

- Love me love my dog : yêu ai yêu cả đuờng đi, ghét ai ghét cả tông họ hàng

- No wisdom like silence : không có sự thông minh nào bằng im lặng

- Nothing venture, nothing win : đuợc ăn cả, ngã về không

- Out of sight , out of mind : xa mặt cách lòng

- So many men, so many minds : mỗi nguời một ý

- Where there is a will, there is a way : có chí thì nên

- Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl : gần mực thì đen gần đèn thì sáng

- You never know your luck: dịp may không đến hai lần

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