Bonus: cấu trúc câu essay

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Mệnh đề quan hệ tính ngữ  

Some companies, especially those which have fewer employees, may decide to implement their own promotion policies.

Chú ý có thể sử dụng trường hợp mệnh đề quan hệ tính ngữ rút gọn: "Some companies, especially those having fewer employees, may decide to implement their own promotion policies"

Câu đảo ngữ: Loại câu tuy không chứa "not" nhưng lại mang ý phủ định vì câu chứa những trạng từ phủ định

(hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, no longer)

Example: The situation can hardly be handled properly without the agreement of all parties involved.

=> Hardly can the situation be handled properly without the agreement of all parties involved.

Chủ ngữ giả: It is + adj + for somebody + to do something.

Example: It is quite challenging for governments to control the rate of unemployment.

Participial clauses: Khi câu có 2 mệnh đề có liên quan về mặt thời gian hay nhân quả hay mục đích, chung chủ ngữ, thì bỏ chủ ngữ 1 mệnh đề và chuyển động từ sang V-ing nếu chủ động hoặc phân từ 2 nếu bị động.

Example: Thay vì viết "The government has recently passed a new law which allows couples to have more than 2 children because they hope to increase the labour force in the long term"; vì 2 vế có mối quan hệ nhân quả là "because" lại chung chủ ngữ "the government" nên có thể viết:

"The government has recently passed a new law which allows couples to have more than 2 children, hoping to increase the labour force in the long term".

Mệnh đề danh từ: Là các mệnh đề đóng vai trò như danh từ trong câu, được mở đầu bằng What, why, when, how, where, which.

Example: What the government should do immediately is to consider raising tax on imported cars.

Participle clause:

The Newcastle Metro was completed in 2000. It is the newest of the metro systems listed

->Completed in 1990, the Newcastle Metro is the most recently built of the metro systems listed 

When they saw an accident ahead, they stopped their car. (cùng chủ ngữ they mới dùng được)

->Seeing an accident ahead, they stopped their car.

->having seen an accident ahead, they stopped their car.

It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It's +time +for someone +to do something : (đã đến lúc ai
đó phải làm gì...)

VD. It is time you had a shower.

It's time for me to ask all of you for this question.  

It + be + something/ someone + that/ who: chính...mà...

VD. It is Tom who got the best marks in my class.

It is the villa that he had to spend a lot of money last year.  

S+V+O, resulting in an increase/a decrease in + the number of something/the demand for something.  

Example: Many people in the countryside migrate into big cities, resulting in an increase in the demands for accommodation, food and services in urban areas.  

S+V+O, giving rise to something  

Example: Advertisements give people more choices on what they want to buy, giving rise to the consumer society  

By doing something, S + V + O

Example: By spending money to protect minority languages, governments can also preserve traditions, customs and behaviours

S+V+O, and this will +V+O.

Example: The use of private cars is increasing in Hanoi, and this puts a strain on its infrastructure

S+V+O. This allows/urges/encourage smth/smb to do smth (This will discourage smb from doing smth).

Example: The utilisation of cheap labour helps companies to reduce the production cost. This encourages business expansion.

Compared to those who + S + V + O, S + V + O

Ví dụ: Compared to those who hold high school qualifications, university graduates often have more employment opportunities.

S + about/of + N/to V + N + would be + Adj/ V + O

EX1: Alternatives to using reformed criminals to educate teenagers about crime would be less effective.

EX2: Educational films might be informative, but there would be no opportunity for young people to have interactions between speakers and listeners.

S will first + V + O, followed by a discussion/an analysis about + N/ of how S + V + O

EX: The essay will first discuss the financial rewards celebrity brings, followed by a discussion about the lack of privacy, before giving a reasoned conclusion.

There was a/an + adj2 + N1, which was followed/preceded by + a/an + adj2 + N2

Sử dụng cụm danh từ để diễn đạt ý là một trong những cách hết sức thông minh

Eg: There was a decreasing fluctuation of the amount of acid rain emission, which was followed by a steady decline of that.

Eg: There was a considerable increase in the number of people going to Australia in the first half of the period, which was preceded by a remarkable decline in the next five years.

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