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Know something like the back of your hand : biết 1 việc gì rất rõ

Ex: "If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like the back of my hand" 

Miss the boat = to miss an opportunity (lỡ cơ hội)

Ex: "If you miss the boat, it means you are too late to get an opportunity in my company"

       "There were tickets available last night, but she missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some."

Leave no stone unturned = to do everything you can to achieve your goal (làm tất cả để đạt mục tiêu)

Ex: "I'll leave no stone unturned until I find out the reason."

       "Don't worry. I'll find your stolen dog. I'll leave no stone unturned"

Sit on the fence = to stay neutral and not take sides (lưỡng lự)

Ex: "You can't sit on the fence any longer- you have to decide where you go"

       "I'm sitting on the fence with my girlfriend when we went shopping!"

Blew me away = when something blows you away, you're extremely impressed by it (khi thứ gì đó "blow you away", nghĩa là thứ đó thực sự rất đáng ngạc nhiên)

Ex: " The new technology blew me away"

       "The amount of thecheck blew me away. The loud noise from the concert blew me away"

Once in a blue moon = very rarely (rất hiếm khi)

Ex" " i used to see him all the time, but now he just visits me once in a blue moon "

        " My sister lives in Saigon, so I only see her once in a blue moon"

Run of the mill = average, ordinary (thông thường)(ordinary and not special or exciting in any way)

Ex: "Apple phones are very run of the mill these days. "

       " The restaurant we went to was nothing special, just run the mill. The service was good, but the food was run of the mill."

Soul mate = someone you trust very deeply (bạn chí cốt tâm giao, tri âm tri kỷ)

" How to know when you have found your soul mate".

" My husband is not just my lover, he's my soul mate. "

Down in the dumps = sad, unhappy.

" I was really down in the dumps after my dog died"

" He's down in the dumps because all his friends are out of town."

Make it (to the top): to be very successful. (make it: làm được điều gì đó).

"She's very but I she'll make it to the top." 

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