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Get the hang of something: học cách làm gì đó. (learn how to do something, esp. when it is not simple or obvious).

 "I'll teach you how to use the design program  – you'll get the hang  of it after a while. "

Turn a blind eye (to to ignore  something that you know  is wrong.

" Sometimes a store might sell stolen goods because the owner has turned a blind eye to where they come from"

"I knew Hugo was taking the money but I turned a blind eyebecause he was my sister's child"

One good turn deserves another(saying): said when you do a or for someone who has done something good for you

"He fixed my bike so I let him use my computer. One good turn deserves another."

Take a turn for the worse: become worse

"Her health  took a turn  for worse the last year."

Take offence (at giận dữ vì. to feel angry and upset because of something that someone has said or done.

"I'm not surprised she took offence  at his remarks."

Take pity (on s.b): to feel sorry for someone, and to do something that shows this

We took pity on a couple of people waiting  in the rain for bus a and gave them a lift.

I struggled up steps the with my bags until eventually someone took pity and helped me.

On the house (adj) : Miễn phí

– What do I owe you for this coffee ? It's on the house.

(Tôi nợ ban cái gì cho li cà phê này ? – Cà phê này miễn phí)

Get out of breath = Be out of breath : Mệt đứt hơi

– Do you oftern get out of breath when you take exercise ?

(Mày có thường mệt đứt hơi khi tập thể dục ?)

Take some time off work : Nghỉ làm dài ngày  

 As regular as/like clockwork : Làm điều gì hoặc diễn ra vào thời gian đã định một cách đáng tin

– My husband wakes up at 6 o'clock, as regular as clockwork

(Chồng tôi dậy vào 6 giờ đúng, đều đặn như một bộ máy đồng hồ)

get on like a house on fire(informal): Have an extremely good relationship/ be very close friends

As soon as we met each other we got on like a house on fire and just took an instant liking to each other.

Be as fresh as a daisy: cực kỳ sảng khoái, tràn đầy năng lượng

After a day-off, she feels as fresh as a daisy.

Sau khi nghỉ một ngày, cô ấy cảm thấy tràn đầy năng lượng.

After a good night's sleep I'll be as fresh as a daisy

Crystal clear: cực kỳ rõ ràng

Crystal clear water

The evidence is now crystal clear.

She made it crystal that she was in .  

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