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✧    ɴ ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ    ✧
luna joy amherst

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✧ ғ ᴀ ᴄ ᴇ   ᴄ ʟ ᴀ ɪ ᴍ ✧
taylor hill

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luna is simply put a girl in love with life. and yes, that sounds majorly cliche, but it's just how she is. that damn glass is half full. she's not always an optimist, but she always tries to be. positivity is priceless, so even if it isn't her first reaction, she always tries to achieve positivity. she's the type of girl to always try to present herself with a smile. she likes being bright. she's colorful and joyful. if luna is on her best behavior, she's a ray of sunshine. she's witty and she's polite. she tries to present the image that she's proper and perfect, when really she's just a girl who wants to laugh and have a good time. yes, luna is all about fun. she may seem rather pretty and proper at first, but if she opens up to you, her playful side is rather evident. sometimes it's hard to miss the mischievous look that twinkles in her eye. it doesn't take her long to drop the proper facade. she's someone who tries to enjoy every moment of her life. whether that's going on crazy adventures or staying inside and cuddling up with a good book, she's there for it. though most of the time it's adventures. luna is a definite adventurous soul. more often than not she's off almost getting herself into trouble. but she won't stop, because it's too much fun.

to sum luna up: she may be wildly confusing and changing. she can be proper one moment then teasing and playful the next. she's ever changing like the moon. she's complex and has different layers. she can seem like an enigma, but once you get to the heart of her you can see through her easily. she's caring. she loves fiercely. luna doesn't half ass anything. she's all about going all in. she invests everything she has into life and tries to get the most out of it.

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— writing
— reading
— fish watching (which i
figure is like bird watching
but for mermaids 👀)
— quiet
— racing
— dessert
— reporting
— day dreaming
— cold water
— make up
— swimming deep into
the kelp forests
— meeting new people
— giving interviews
— playing piano (if that's
even a thing underwater)
— pearls
— traveling

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— warm water
— arguing
— rules
— small spaces
— white chocolate
— being stuck indoors
— stereotypes
—early mornings
— being bored
— hang overs (are
those a thing in the
mermaid world?)

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— amounting to nothing: luna has high aspirations for her life. she wants her name to be one that people can't forget. she has plenty of hopes and dreams, so one of her biggest fears is that none of them will come true.

— ending up alone: luna has fallen in love a few times, but nothing has ever quite stuck. she's scared that she'll never find 'the one'. luna isn't sure if she believes in soulmates, but she knows she wants to find someone to share her life with. not finding that person is a major fear of hers.

— confined spaces: it doesn't happen often, being in the ocean and all, but luna hates the idea of confined spaces. ever since she was a little girl hearing stories about merfolk who swam too close to the surface and got caught in fishing nets, she's been terrified of being trapped.

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— friendly
— outgoing
— intelligent
— adventurous
— determined

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— disorganized
— indecisive
— stubborn
— slightly pessimistic
— unforgiving

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— pure white —

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— racing
— writing
— reading
— socializing
— exploring

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— zachary amherst: father (52)
— amelia amherst: mother (50)
— david amherst: brother (26)
— blake amherst: brother (26)
— elodie amherst: sister (18)
— nina amherst: sister (16)

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the selection is going to be the adventure of the life time. the possibility of finding true love with a prince while also getting to explore the palace and meet new people from all over the seas? sign her up! it sounded amazing. she's not expecting /too/ much from this selection, but she's hoping that some good comes from it. she wants to find lasting friendships and gain stories she'll some day be able to tell her grandkids. yes... it's a little mushy, but luna is a dreamer! let her dream!

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luna was born into a loving little family from the south ocean. she grew up far away from any sign of human life in the frigid waters of the southern ocean, but she wouldn't trade it for the world. she grew up with her two older brother, david and blake, who just happened to be twins. they were nothing but trouble, and that rubbed off luna from a young age. the three siblings would explore the ocean together, finding hidden grove's and shipwrecks to get into plenty of trouble around. then, a few years later, along came luna's younger sisters: elodie and nina. they were just more members to add to the gang of siblings! honestly, luna had an awesome childhood, getting into plenty of trouble but also plenty of fun with her siblings. even though there was some drama and craziness that came with the family of seven, luna loves her family more than anything. that's just a fact. when luna started getting older, it became rather clear that she had a passion for writing. eventually, the girl went into journalism, working for a local newspaper, but in reality, luna's dream is to write a novel. she doesn't know if it'll ever happen, but she hopes it'll work out one day. of course, everything in her life was put on pause when she heard of the selection. it was a once in a lifetime opportunity! how could she refuse? and with that... we're all caught up!

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— one of luna's favorite nicknames is 'lj' since her name is luna joy. you'll be sure to see a bright smile on her face if you call her that.

— luna can't go to sleep at night without writing a bit first. whether it's pages and pages or just a sentence, there's something in her that just won't go to sleep without a bit of writing.

— luna had her first love when she was seventeen, and since then no one else has quite measured up to him (even though the break up was rather messy), so she's kinda waiting to feel that way again about someone new.

— love letters are her shizzle

— food is the way to luna joy's heart

— her siblings call her 'loony'

— luna has always wished that her tail color was a bit more interesting. she sees her bright white tail as a bit plain and boring.

— luna has always loved racing people. she prides herself on being a pretty damn fast swimmer. if you can beat this confident girl in a race, she'll be surprised.

— luna is an absolute sucker for cheesy romance novels. she reads way too many of them. like... /way/ too many.

— playing the piano has always been a calming thing for luna. she always turns to music when she's stressed.

— the rest about this girl will just have to be found out through the selection!

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