| dancing in the dark ; part 1/4 |

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name | Aurora Hazel Beckett

nickname(s) | call her Rory or you'll probably die

age | 17

grade | senior

gender | female

sexuality | pansexual

face claim | Hailey Baldwin

personality | This girl right here is an odd and quirky one. Original, right? Never heard that one before! Just wait, I'll explain and make her less cliché then that opening line led you to believe. Aurora is a bundle of energy and life. She's always bouncing around and talking and she hardly ever sits still. When you first meet our dear Aurora (aka Rory) she's friendly, polite, all that jazz. She's herself from the beginning though, she doesn't take years to open up and be herself. She loves telling jokes and has a love of sarcasm (I know, original again...). Anyway, Rory is a little weirdo. She's sort of like a living meme? She's one of those people who laughs to loudly, dabs, uses finger guns and way too many puns. She's honestly a complete goofball who never takes things too seriously. She's all around lively and loud. She tends to talk a lot and ramble. Seriously, this girl like will never shut up. Like try and get her to be quiet and it will make you lose faith in humanity. So yeah, Rory's a little odd and goofy, but she's also and extremely sweet and caring person. She just wants to laugh and love people and eat food. Like those are probably her three main goals in life.

likes |

-musical instruments: she's quite obsessed with music. The girl plays flute, clarinet, oboe, and saxophone. She's an aspiring musician with a bachelors degree in music performance.
-classical music: she can rock out to a symphony or good concerto any day
-books: she devours them
-birds: they're adorable and loud and cute and they're so similar to Rory and she loves the idea of flying
-fuzzy socks, sweaters, blankets and anything cozy: who doesn't love being warm and comfy?
-cold weather and rainy days: rain is bae
- hot people: oml this girl falls for people easy, if you're hot she probably already has a crush on you
-traveling: she loves seeing new places
-animals: fluffy adorablness speaks for itself
-her family: they're all a tight bunch
-Netflix: her binge watching skills are unmatched
-fantasy movies and books: lord of the rings and Harry Potter is her shit
-iced tea : she's obsessed

dislikes |

-homophobia/transphobia/racism/sexism/discrimination/etc. : this speaks for itself
-the dumb blonde stereotype : the jokes were funny at first, now they're just unoriginal and annoying
-pop music : learn some new chords people
-swimming : she just doesn't like it, there's not much of an explanation for this
-cats : why are they such demons?
-coffee : it's so bitter, yuck!
-chocolate : she's just never been a fan, don't blame her
-cliche romance : no, showing up with flowers and a teddy bear won't impress her. It's just tacky 🤷🏼‍♀️
-math/science : it's just not for her
-tight clothing : long live baggy clothes

flaws | buckle in, it's a long list. First of all, she has one huge problem. She falls so, so easily. Not physically falls, but emotionally falls. Meaning her heart ain't that hard to win man. Chances are if you've known her for more than a week, she's had a crush and lost a crush on you already. Maybe twice. Rory's second flaw would be her optimism and naivety. The girl has dreams and she's most likely in for a rude awakening. She gets her hopes up constantly. Her third flaw would be that she has a hard time committing. Her feelings change constantly. She's a bit of a hard girl to pin down. Fourth flaw, she has an impossibly hard time keeping thoughts in her head. She rambles on and on and always says what she's thinking. Number five, she doesn't like cats. In my book, that's a flaw.

backstory | Rory has a very simple and happy backstory. Both her parents are alive and still happily married. Their names are Marissa and Caleb Beckett. Rory gets her optimism from her mother and her sarcasm for her father. Her mother worked as a lawyer and her father was a stay at home dad (lol fuck gender roles *le dab*). Rory grew up with not one, not two, but three older brothers! It was hard surviving, but she actually had a great childhood. Rory and her brothers were some of the most troublemaking kids on the block. Early on in her life, Rory got involved in music. When she was in elementary, she started on the flute. Her love of music grew from there. At the beginning of high school, she went to a normal school and stuff and it was all good. For a while, she was a marching band nerd because that fits her personality perfectly. Then, going into her senior year she got the letter about Coralton and thought 'why not?' which leads her to her first year at the school.

type/ relationship status | Rory is the type of girl to fall for someone hard and fast, and then get over them in like two days. A lot of the time she's shallow with her crushes and they're mostly about how hot someone looks. She doesn't really have any type of physical appearance that she leans towards, she just has to find them attractive. Currently, Aurora isn't dating anyone, but she's dated many, many people in the past. She'll get into a relationship, and then a few weeks later get out because she gets bored. She's a very noncommittal person without even trying to be, so this whole soulmate thing should be interesting for her.

soulmate's tattoo | because the idea and freedom of flying is lit, and also birds are so frickin adorable

theme song | She Is by Lady Antebellum

aesthetic |

clothing style | comfy, flowy, loose, casual

other | the girl will sometimes disappear randomly and that usually means she'll be off to some place in nature with an instrument or two to just get away from everyone and play

password | well, I'm currently trying to think of my least favorite show, but I don't watch shows I don't like gahghh wait oh OH OH there's this stupid show on Nickelodeon called Game Shakers and I hate it, but my favorite character's name is Double G because he's just weird and annoying but sorta funny and I don't really care ok that's the password yay


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