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JTylerHagen's POV

I scrolled through my Twitter. I saw a tweet from a girl with the user name 'idgafbutjohnnieguilbertisbae' ,a really long user name btw. She answered on a Tweet from Kyle David Hall. He asked before,of it would bento soon to kiss on the first date. Everyone was freaking out and asking, who this girl he kissed was. Some were writing mean comments, bc tjey wouldn't want Kyle to kiss someone else than Johnnie Guilbert. But this girl with a really big user name answered the question. Without anything. She simply wrote :'If you really do like her and she likes you, than y waot for the kiss? If you think the moment's right, it probably is.' That impressed me. I clicked the 'follow' button. In her descroption about herself I saw a link to an instagram page. I clicked on it and saw pictures of YouTubers and a beatiful girl. She seemes to be adiccted to MDE. I saw a #kohnnie picture. It was really cute and I saw a heart in it... I told Kyle-who I knowed because of Bryan Stars and Johnnie Guilbert- about the girl and the pic and he quickly liked it. I told him how I found out about the girl and he answered her tweet. Then he direct mailed her on instagram.

Kyle's POV

Tyler told me about this pretty cool girl and I'm glad about that. I know I allready have a best friend and I am dating someone, but you can never jave enough friends.

Hey!I'm Kyle, who are you?

I asked the girl via Instagram. She quickly returned.

I know who you are. I'm Alex. But y would you write me?

I smiled, even though it was kinda sad that she didn't know, that she's awesome and that is a good reason to write to someone.

Because you're awesome. I like your pics and I saw your comment to my tweet. Thank you for the advice btw. It means a lot that you are supporting me dating a girl even though you obviously like #kohnnie. :)

OMG your tweet wasn't about kissing Johnnie on your guys first date?!

I was shocked. I thought she would be a nice girl but it seems like she wasn't.

Jk. I kinda knew your tweet wasn't about dating and kissing Johnnie. I'd support ypu even if you be dating Bryan Stars or Tyler Hagen.

I was some weird kinda happy that she was just kidding.

Speaking of Tyler, he was the one who showed me your tweet and insta and one of your #kohnnie pics :D

I didn't know why but I had the feeling she would be smiling...


Yeah.. mir war langweilig. Es kann sein, dass ich auf deutsch schreibe, oder in schlechtem Englisch. Wenn es eich aufregt, lest es nicht. Ich denke nicht, dass ich englisch kann oder cool bin, weil ich auf englisch schreibe(manchmal), sondern habe einfach Spaß an dwr englischen Sprache und diese zu verwenden.

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