Chapter I: Overture's Beginning

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11th Moon

2nd Phase



A year has passed since the ‘100-Year-Old Debt’ case. Since then, I was able to pass my time as an intern and was fortunate enough to be offered a position working as a private investigator for the Collective Detective Agency. With my new position working as an official agent, I continue to grow and prove my capabilities as an investigator, in due part thanks to the guidance of both Mr. Allegro and Director Aether.

Dusk had settled in for the day. The Agency was getting ready to close for the day, with some of my coworkers taking their leave. The warm light bathed the office, with tints of maroon and orange coloring the walls and furniture, the brilliant sunset piercing through the silver framed windows. A lone grandfather clock stood on the corner of my eye, clicking in a rhythmic fashion as it broke the stagnant silence that accompanied my workspace. With a cup of apple black tea on my left side, I continued to finish my report for the day.

A framed picture adorned the western wall. In it was Mr. Allegro, Ms. Gushiken, Okeanos and I celebrating as we had solved our first case working together. Entranced by those fond memories, I could not help but smile, happy to have been of service on such a intricate plot. In truth, I wished that a case like that would soon reach my grasp. I wished for my excitement to be tickled once more. Do not misunderstand, it was a good deal for me to solve these assignments as well as have the chance to work alongside Mr. Allegro as his assistant. Having the chance to further develop my abilities and get used to working with John -my Guardian- has been nothing but a boon for my life. Doing so has allowed me to garner further experience in the field. Oh, but what I would do to solve another case like ‘The 100-Year-Old Debt’! The complexity and enigmas challenged the human intellect, and there was not a day where I was not looking forward to it. I am not won't to complain about what I have. But I would not be lying if I say I would be enthralled if I worked on something like that, giving me the chance to highlight what I have learned.

Sighing dejectedly, I was suddenly pulled back to reality at the sound of the television I had in my office. It was then that I remembered that I was accompanied by Okeanos, my dear friend. She was on the sofa loafing around, changing channels on the television. She was impatient, for she was waiting for me because I had agreed with her to go shopping at Celestial Mall, the district shopping center in Aberdeen.

Groaning, she calls to me.

“Jennny, hurry uppp. It’s six already and you’re still working!”

“Forgive me for making you wait, Okeanos. I’m just about done.”

“You said that twenty minutes ago. You’re killing me!”

“You exaggerate, friend.” I replied with humor.

“No, I don’t! You literally finished the report earlier. You’re doing something different now!”

//I wish you could be as observant as you are regarding things that will benefit you.//

“Well, sucks to be you!” interjected Okeanos. “I have been waiting all this time for you and you're still here doing heaven knows what!”

As she had read my thought, I cough in embarrassment.

“A-anyway, I already finished my work. I am just taking the liberty for a few minutes to write towards Mother. It has been some time since I have spoken to her, so I figured I could give her an update on what has happened ever since.”

“That's sweet of you to do. But why a letter? Couldn’t just call or even video chatted her?”

“Mother has always enjoyed reading everything I wrote when I was a child. So, I figured she would enjoy hearing about me through a letter.”

“That can’t be all right?”

“That and I prefer to keep things down to my roots. Call me old-fashioned and what not, but I adore the simplicity of how things were done back then. Plus, there is a certain type of intimacy displayed whenever a person writes a letter to someone.”

“In other words, you're eighty and you prefer to live old.”

“Rude! I prefer the term vintage.”

“Uh-huh,” she said in a questioning tone, looking at the television.

Scoffing, I continued to write my letter, when after a few minutes, a sudden news report came.

“Anyway, I am almost done, so just bear with it for a bit.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

As my friend switched channels, a sudden reporter spoke in a loud expository way:

“Good evenin’ shirens! This is Rebecca Winfrey here reportin’ you live, highlighting the preparations for the highly anticipated concert hosted by the rising Idol sensation Abana Trinity, titled: Concert Tour: Traveling Among the Stars!”

Okeanos, surprised, grew in excitement at the sudden news coverage.

“I forgot about that! Her concert tour is going to be next year!”

“Right now, we’re here on the backstage where we manage to get an exclusive interview with the overnight sensation Amani resident, Trinity! Tell me, how does it feel being at the top of the industry at such a young age?”

A dark-skinned girl accompanied the reporter. She was dressed in a pop-like fashion, with some jewels adorning her face, under her eyes. With a smile, she gave her,

“Well, draining, to say the least,” she chuckled. “But in all seriousness, it feels a bit surreal. Sometimes I look back and say, ‘Who would have thought that this lone amanian girl would end up where she is now?’ And yet here I am, happy to be fortunate enough to achieve this with the help of all my fans. Because of everyone, I have been able to give my family the life they deserved. And in return, I have been able to repay that kindness by giving it my all to all the fans of the world for.”

“And I am sure that it means a lot to both your family and your fans for everything that you do. Now, what can we expect from this tour?”

“Well, happy that you ask. We’re planning on touring towards almost every nearby country. We start with Bogshire, where we will be performing on the 31st phase of this month. Once we finish for the day, we plan to go to Victoria. I was shocked when my agent mentioned that the royal family enjoyed my music, so it will be a real honor for me to perform for the Victorians and the Crown. After that we go eastward to the lone island of Tōsō until we finally finish visiting my home, Amani, and give a final explosive performance. As for the music I will be performing, they will all be a collection of my best hits. So, I’m pretty sure you might have an idea which songs will be playing during the tour.”

“And we will surely be excited to hear them. Thank you for your time, Trinity! Good luck on your preparations and I hope this tour ends up being a very successful one.”

“Well, there you have it! Make sure to buy your tickets before they sold out, for this will be the greatest tour of the world! Anything else you might want to add?”

“All I say is, thank you, and I hope to see everyone there with me. And remember,”

She struck a pose as she gave a peace sign.

“When in doubt, Tri it out!”

With the gleeful and colorful outro, the transmission cuts to an advertisement.

Stars twinkling in her eyes, Okeanos starts to hyperventilate. Confused and unaware of who the idol was, I decided to make conversation as I continued writing my letter.

“When in doubt, Tri it out?” I remarked with confusion.

“That’s her catchphrase. That’s what she usually says when she’s logging off.”

“Not particularly clever, is it? Well, she seems more than enough popular to get away with it.”

Astonished, she aggressively looked at me.

“Seems popular?!” she cried. “She is popular! Didn’t you hear the dopy newswoman? Trinity, she’s touring and coming to Bogshire!”

With a raised eyebrow, I looked up in a clueless way.

“Please don’t tell me you don’t know who she is.”

“Sorry but no.”

“What!” she exclaimed. “You don’t know who Trinity is?!”

“I just said no.”

“Don’t go sassy on me now! Why not!”

“W-why not? Well, because I was never one to follow the idol scene. You know that I do not follow mainstream media.”

“Then are you sure you’re not just an old woman dressed as someone my age?”


“I-I’m joking!” she replied.

I sighed.

“No, but seriously! She’s like the most popular idol on this planet! She started when she was fourteen, singing in her country, until a scout got a whiff of her and decided to recruit her to their talent agency. Ever since then, she’s worked super hard and has gotten to this point by raw talent and determination. She’s done albums, tours and collaborations! She’s even been in some movies, too! Seriously, how have you not known about her?”

Shrugging, I had no words to share.

“But still,” she continued rambling, “you have to admit that being an idol would be cool. Adoring fans, money, the last desert soda in the world. Hey, I think you could honestly pull it off! what with your good looks and great singing.”

I snickered at that sudden suggestion.

“Yeah, well, it is a shame that will not be the case.”

“Why not?”

“Because it is not something that I am verily interested in. I already have a job that I thoroughly enjoy. Besides, the idea of being put on the stage where people from everywhere come looking at me does not compel me. Between the gawkers and stressful world celebrities live in, I would rather much prefer living a life that is comfortable but exciting. Anyway, all of it is just a charlatan routine companies follow do to appease men with their extravagant clothing and attractive figure.”

“I guess,” she said half-heartedly. “But still, I’ve always dreamed of being an idol or something ever since I was a child. I even practiced my walk and singing just to have a sliver of hope that I could become one! Sure, I got a job now that I enjoy, but it would still be cool if I ever got to the chance to experiment that, at least once.”

Standing, she stretched her limbs from inactivity as the woman in blue glimpsed towards my direction.

“But anyway, you should check her out. She makes good music, and she’s a kickass dancer to boot!

“Is that so? Well, I cannot promise anything, but I will do my best to check her out when I get the chance. Anyway, I am done.”

“Finally!” she shouted.

With that, she turned off the television and picked up her things.

“I think we still have time to get to the Mall before it becomes bloated with people.”

“I believe so. Celestial Mall usually gets crowded after eight, so I think we should be fine.”

Suddenly, a knock came from the door.

“Come in!” I exclaimed.

As the doorknob twisted itself, the figure that appeared before us was Hypno, the Agency’s receptionist and handler.

“Hey Hypno! What are you still doing here? I thought you had left already by now. Gasp! Could it be you're finally going to confess to Jenny?!”


“D-don’t be stupid!” he clamored.

I cocked my head to the side, confused at was going on. He was growing red, filled with anger and what I presume to be embarrassment.


“Impish brat.”


I giggled at their interactions.

“Okeanos behave. Now, what can I do for you, Hypno?”

“Start with chucking her to the trash bin.”


“Honestly, I do not think that would be enough. She would just crawl out of it.”

“Et tu Jenny!”

Hypno visibly chuckled at the unexpected remark.

“Man. Why is it bully Okeanos day every time you two are in the same room?”

“Heh, n-no, but seriously, I came to let you know that the Chief is calling you to his office. I’m guessing he wants to discuss something with you.”

“More stalling. I’m going to cry!” cried Okeanos.

“I see.”

//Have I done something wrong? Or is it perhaps another assignment he has for me?//

“He didn’t personally share with me anything so I’m guessing it’s something classified.”

“I see. Then I had better not waste another minute then. Sorry Okeanos, I know how you wanted to go to the mall but…”

“Ugh, everyone’s such a cog!” she cried. “Fineeee whatever. I’m gonna wait for you at the mall's entrance. If I wait another minute here, I feel I’m going to become a cog as well.”

The azure woman, with her hands tucked in her pockets, left the room, pouting at the unfortunate development.

“I honestly don’t know how you can still keep up with her,” he muttered with contempt.

“Oh, I don’t know. I think it is rather charming if I am honest. She might be troublesome sometimes, but you know how she is super dependable and earnest about everyone. You should take some notes, Hypno.”

“Excuse me?”

I giggled at my friend’s reaction.

“I only jest. Thank you for letting me know. I will be seeing you soon, yes?”

With the soft light adorning my face, he let out a sigh, softening his gaze.

“You're too nice for your own good sometimes,” he said in a low tone.


“Nothing. Just make sure you don’t ask unnecessary questions, princess.”

“It has been a year and you are still calling me that?!” I said, annoyed.

Though small, he gave a smile to me.

“I’m gonna head out. See ya later.”

With a wave, he exited in a cool fashion, retiring for the day.

“Honestly, he can be annoying at times. The Director wants to see me then. I wonder what he wants.”

True, the Director is wont to call for someone during their work, too much of some of my coworkers' annoyance. However, he was never one to do so at the end of a shift, for he understood the fatigue everyone felt as they worked nonstop at whatever task they were assigned. Even Hypno showers the same curiosity as I did, which in itself tells more about this special occasion. My interest provoked, I hurriedly march with a second to lose.

Upon opening the door, I was greeted inside with the familiar figures expecting my arrival. Director Aether, the leader of the Agency, and my companion and teacher, Mr. Allegro.

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