Chapter VIII: Scriptwriter's Reflection

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11th Moon

3rd Phase



With our business here wrapped up, we returned towards the town square. Knowing the intention of Okeanos' beady eyes, I decided to be compliant with her request, and go for a walk on the beach next to the small town. Colloquially called Loch Morlch, this is the shining pearl of Golden Valley. With crystalline water, a variety of different sea creatures and the nearby small isles adorning the horizon, it all looked like something out of a travel book. Unlike Bogshire's boggy atmosphere, it was clear and beautiful, with the dappling sunlight shining on our faces, regretting we did not bring our swimwear for the waters. With the sand on our feet, we spent the day. Finally, noticing the sun was about to start setting, we gave our goodbyes to Dìonach and the twins and returned to the city. Arriving in Edenburgh, we decided to eat out. Once we got our food, we traversed through the dusty streets, passing the time, gossiping as the stars beneath us illuminated our way.

"But still, who would have thought you would grow to be loved by Kaguya," she said casually.

"I agree. I did find it a bit odd, considering we had never met before yesterday."

"True. She mostly spends her time working and when she's not she's usually at the Director's place. From what I've heard, despite her ability to deal with the public, she prefers to keep to herself."

"I wonder why. Her charisma knows no bounds and she ahs good comunication skills."

"Sometimes people just want to be alone. With all she has to deal with though I don't blame her."

"I guess so. Maybe that's why she was behaving odd yesterday."

"I don't think so. I think it was because you have your dad's last name. That might have gotten her off guard, epsecially since they used to be old friends."


"Unless... you don't think they might have been lovers before he met your mom?!"

//What kind of an absurd leap of judgement did you take to get to that conclusion?//

"So, you planning on going home?"

"I was thinking of doing that, yes. The Director sent yesterday evening the documents I was to review on the investigation I am to start working on. So I thought it would be productive if I read a bit tonight."

"You're still thinking of work, huh?" she asked, disappointed.


"You're going to one day die of exhaustion, you know that, right?"

"Come now, Okeanos, you exaggerate."

"It's my job to exaggerate! Besides, I don't want to see you passing out! I get worried too, you know."

"I know, I know. And I appreciate how much you look out for me. But this is the first investigation I have been in charge of leading. Just thinking about the complexity is making me excited. And I want to start working on it, even if it is a little"

"I understand but..."

"Plus you know how I can always message you through iBuddy if I start feeling stressed out. Your my ride or die after all."

"That's true."

"So, what is there to worry about?"

Sighing, she crosses her hands.

"Fine, make sure you don't stay up to late working though."

"Of course, thank you for understanding."

"I may not look like it, but I always try to. After all, what kind of best friend would I be?" she smiled earnestly.

"Hehe, I appreciate anyway. See you tomorrow and goodnight."


Several minutes pass and upon arriving home, I noticed that Okeanos had in fact followed me home. She was staring intently with her cat-like eyes behind a bush.

//What on earth is she doing?//

Like a lion, ready to pounce at its dinner, she was leaning in, trying to hide from view. Sighing, I called her out.

"You do know I can see you, right? If you are still going to continue to be worried anyway, then why not just you stay in for the night."

Excited, she jumped out of the bush, nodding in a comical fashion.

After inviting her in, I showed her where the bathroom was so that she was to refresh herself with the set of clothes I had picked for her to sleep in. As she took her time to bathe herself, I commanded John to send the documents to the printer in physical format so that I was to inspect them. Serial Case #6 was the number identification. Inside, each individual cases where organized in a methodical manner, ordered from the most recent to the oldest. Newspapers, reports, autopsies, everything was collected, including the reference material from "Riddled with Fear".

With a pen and my reading glasses, I started to compare and cross reference each individual case from a basic perspective. What had they all in common? What had they made them each singular? These were some of the questions that I had in my head as I glanced through the pages.

Thirty minutes pass and Okeanos comes to the living room. Still drying her cerulean hair, she sat on the dining chair, noticing my diligent work.

"I can see you started already. Did you notice anything yet?" she asks.

"Nothing at the moment. So far, I have only seen each of the summaries. I will admit, though, that it is interesting how some of the facts do seem to display a pattern."

"Like the way they died, right?"

"Yes, like the Director said, everyone was killed behind bars. The peculiar part, however, is that they all died unexpectedly and unconventional. Sure, their time of death had indeed been off, but it still aligned with how the crime was committed. Suicide is out of question for they presented no signs of self-harm, so that leaves to being killed. What remains is the how. How on earth would someone be able to get inside, let alone off them? And what is even more puzzling is that they are no signs of being assaulted. It is peculiar, really."

"Yeah, it really does sound odd. What about the marking the police spoted?"

"Other than what we already know, the musical note is a crotchet. It is used on a sheet to indicate that the piece of the composition is to be played at one quarter duration of a whole note."

"Oh! I see. Might there be a reason why he chose that note?"

"Not that I can think of no. However, if its anything to go by 'Riddled with Fear', it is that is methods revolve on enigmas, as exposed by the card Allegro had collected from the assassin. If it was not for his observations, we would have never gotten our killer. This is the Conductor we are talking about. There has to be a reason behind it. I am sure of it."

My friend, though not much of an enjoyer of a good mystery, did seem to be interested in what I had to say. Her exhaustion proved to be bigger however, yawning as she prepared to go to sleep.

"Well, with you much of an eager beaver with it, I'm sure you might find something by tomorrow. Anyhow, I think I'm gonna pass out seeing I have the early shift tomorrow. Don't stay up for too long though, you still got work and you need to rest."

"Okay mom," I said jokingly. "You can sleep on the bed; I will take the sofa for the night."

"Okey doke. Goodnight."


With a wave, my friend passed into the dream world, and remained still in bliss. For my part, I stayed up for another hour until I had fallen asleep on the table. My friend, who had to go to the bathroom, noticed me, and covered me with a blanket, as the moonlight bathed us in the tranquil night. And with that, she returned to her peaceful night sleep.

It was eight in the morning when I had finally woken up. Stretching my limbs, I looked around in a hazy manner, noticing a lack of noise. My friend, as announced, had already left, leaving me a note with a doodle. It read:

"I made you some breakfast! Seeing how you let me stay last night and how hard you were working, I thought to make you something before I left early. You got this! See you later!"

-Pelagic Okeanos

The doodle was a self-portrait giving a thumbs up in an enthusiastic manner.

Smiling, I put the note aside and sit myself on the table with the food my friend had prepared for me: two slices of turkey bacon, a slice of toast topped with some everberry jam and a glass of orange juice. With my breakfast done, I took a shower and prepared myself to work. With the documents safely tucked in the messenger bag, I collected Father's newsie cap and my Guardian companion and made way towards the Agency.

Entering the lobby, I was greeted by Hypno, who was, without a care in the world, playing on his phone. Taking the elevator, I reached my floor and punched in on the machine outside my office. Upon leaving my things on the desk, I continued where I had left off last night.

Considering that the way they died is yet to be uncovered, I decided to return to the detail I had perceived to be some sort of clue, the musical marking. Knowing the identity of the note, I believe that -besides taunting the GPF- the crotchet is being used for a purpose. And if there is a purpose, what is it?

"Think Hawkins," I said to myself. "Might there be a correlation between the killings and the marking? Is it just a coincidence, or is something else at play here?"

Deep in thought, I knock could be heard from outside.

"Come in," I said.

Opening the door, was my coworker and friend, Allegro, entering in a most casual fashion.

"Well, you've done some decorating, very vintage!" he said, amused.

"Ah, good morning, Allegro! How are you?"

"I'm doing good. Thank you for asking. The Director requested me to do some research, so I was going to do just that. How about you? How's your investigation?"

"Puzzling, to say the least. I understand now why everyone has been confused by it."

"Pray tell me, what are you investigating right now?"

"Right now, I am trying to figure the meaning of the marking."

"The marking? Strange place to start your investigation. Might I ask the reason?"

"At the moment, there is no evidence concerning the murder weapon. I find that it would be wasteful to squander any time I have by making deductions with little to no information. So, I decided to focus on the other interesting point, the marking. Well, I studied it, identified the note, but I cannot seem to find the meaning of it."

"Right. Considering that the Conductor did present a fondness for mysteries in the last case we worked, it is a safe bet to think he might do the same here."

"Might you have an idea?"

"Are you asking for help?"


Contemplating on what to do, remembering what the Director had said to him, he sighed and leaned over the table. Going through the files in a rapid fashion, he grew into thought.


"Don't interrupt me."

//Of course. I forgot he grows ire when working in his Mind Palace.//

Thinking, his eye opened with a flash in his eyes.

"Brilliant." He said admiringly. "Right under our noses, he gave us a hint. Heh, cheeky devil."

"What is?"

"Unfortunately, I can't give you the answer. The Director doesn't want me involved in the case. However, just say that what you have found regarding to the type of musical note it is, is a bigger clue than what it initially presented itself to be. Instead of reviewing everything, focus your attention on the summary notes for every case. Cross-reference it with 'Riddled with Fear' -while you keep in mind the crotchet- and you'll arrive at what you're looking for. If you manage to use your own inductive reasoning, you'll arrive at the answer."

"Cross reference the summary with the crotchet, got it. Thank you for the directions!"

Nodding, he excuses himself to continue doing his assignment.

"Oh right, there's one more thing," he stopped.

"There has been a change in who will be in charge of your ascension test. Instead of Quixote, Kaguya will be conducting it."

"Is that a fact?" I asked in an awkward fashion.

"Yes. I was told she personally volunteered to do it. Oh, but don't worry though, she might not act like it but she's qualified for it, though, I observe you might have preferred Quixote."

"To be frank, I am not sure which one is worse."

"Hm, in any case, the test will be after lunch, so do your best to do as much work as possible before."

"Of course, thank you for letting me know."

"Mm, now if you'll excuse me."

Returning to where I had left off, I followed Allegro's advice and compared each of the summaries. The summaries whereas followed:

Merida Chaves

Died 6th Moon on the 12th Phase in 2018

Cause of Death: Presumed cardiac arrest

Location: Inside Edenburgh detention center cell

Charged: Murder

Background: Bogshire cabinet member. Suspicion of corruption on account of tax fraud and state theft. Killed a fellow cabinet member, Joshua McRoberts by suffocation.

Richard Wellington

Died 9th Moon of the 28th Phase in 2018

Cause of Death: Presumed cardiac arrest

Location: Inside Oxford detention center cell

Charged: Murder and Theft

Background: Burglar. Made a living in stealing on the local villas and districts from the region of Oxford. Upon receiving instructions on a big catch, he made his way towards the fortunate late Virginia Campbell. While murder was not the intention, anxious she might have called the police noticing him, she died of a gunshot.

Christopher McDonald

Died 12th Moon of the 17th Phase on 2018

Cause of Death: Presumed cardiac arrest

Location: Inside the Glasgow Detention center

Charged: Murder

Background: Corrupt officer. In exchange for deidras, he would overlook the many crimes caused by the higher powers. David Armstrong was a rookie officer who was working beside him. He caught notice of the dealings McDonald was involved in and tried to help him turn himself. Unfortunately, it did not go as expected and suffered the consequences of finding out, being killed by him.

Sean McTavish

Died at the 3rd moon on the 2nd phase in 2019.

Cause of Death: Presumed Cardiac Arrest

Location: Inside the Aberdeen Detention center cell

Charged: Kidnapping, Murder

Background: Abusive father. Father of two, Sean was a repeated domestic offender, both on his children and his late wife. After a divorce and a restraining order on her family, he grew irate and desperate to see his sons. He repeatedly stated he had no recollection of such actions, with the psychologist believing he might suffer from dementia. A discussion grew to an outburst, and without a second thought, he struck her down in front of his children. Despite his unstable state, he managed to accomplish an almost perfect kidnapping, if it was not thanks to the local officers on the Aberdeen frontier.

Frederick Facsimile

Died 3rd Moon of the 27th Phase in 2018

Cause of Death: Presumed Cardiac Arrest

Location: Inside the Edinburgh Detention Center

Charged: Murder

Background: Chosen avenger. With the will of the Facsimiles, Frederick had been working under Victor Primo with the intent to kill of the remaining spark of the Primo family, or better known the Cuginy family, a loan shark syndicate whose activities were known in the early 1900s. With an insufferable debt passed through generations, the syndicate sought to control the lives of those they had control over. With the intention of avenging his family, he changed names to exact his plot against them. The victim was initially thought to have been killed by a slash, though further analysis proved to show it was by poison. With a complicated plot made with some unknown mastermind, he almost masterfully would have put this deceitful act to a completion if it wasn't thanks to the Collective Detective Agency's keen investigators.

With two hours and a half reviewing these points, I was able to note a few details:

1 No normal person would be able to create such complicated crimes, for I feel the average mind would have concocted such an almost perfect crime.

2All the people that have died have not been upstanding citizens. From corrupt politician to wicked people, they have had sour backgrounds from the start.

3The Conductor is clearly designing the crimes that they wish to commit and then following to kill them off. This is proven by the nature of 'Riddled with Fear' whereas in a third party, the Conductor designed the plot and the weapon, subsequently killing of the client for undisclosed methods.

//Be it to silence them, act as a sort of vigilante or just having a twisted sense of humor, he is clearly involved and has no intention of stopping.//

"Regretfully," I said out loud, "I cannot seem to find the meaning of the mark. What a bother."

While it was good that I came upon these points of evidence, I was nowhere near to solving the mystery of the mark. I had followed the instructions of my companion, but I could not find what he exactly meant by it. Crestfallen, I bury my face to the maroon-colored desk, as my audible groan resounded the four walls. Looking at the time, lunch was right about the corner. With a dissatisfied sigh, I collected my things and went to the roof to eat in peace.

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