Chapter XXIII: Lamenting Discovery

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5th Moon

23rd Phase



Whilst the rest of the group was training on their areas of improvement, I decided to follow Ms. Kaguya's instruction and focus on designing our social pages. In truth, I had no knowledge when it came to PR work. So for that reason, I requested assistance from Blanc for not only giving it a most attractive presentation, but also help me have a general understanding of what to say and what not to say.  After some trial and error, we were able to complete it, to which left Ms. Kaguya  so impressed with what we had done that she made us in charge of doing all the promotional work for the upcoming festival. Several days pass and we were finally done. The orange sun setting for the day, we wrap up our work and joined the rest of the group. As to conclude for the day, we were to do a livestream, engaging with our fans as our popularity continued to grow. Ms. Kaguya, however, was not here yet. She had mentioned earlier that she had an important errand to run, and that if she were to arrive late it would be because of certain slowdowns. Determined to not die of boredom, Okeanos turned the television channel surfing until we wound up on the news channel.

"Rebecca Winfrey here, coming from you, live from the Bogshire Police Bureau Offices. As you can see, hundreds of fans are rallying outside, trying to penetrate the wall that the bodies of the fellow officers have built to keep the structure in check. This comes as an effect, as multiple stars continue to not be found despite their insistence that it is being investigated. One of these stars is Trinity, or officially known as Abana Trinity, who has been missing for the last year. Her family had this to say about the matter."

"One year, it's been one year. We were told that they would let us know of any new update and we have heard nothing about it. How much does it hurt to let us know that there hasn't been any progress? We just want our baby girl back. I-I just..."

Breaking, she starts sobbing as her husband gives her a hug to comfort her. Looking at the camera, he said:

"You said to wait, and it's been a year since you've told us that. We've been patient, but we cannot be any longer. From the outskirts of Amani, we have observed how your system works. An officer or politician is convicted of a crime, and all your focus shifts on that. But when girls start disappearing, it is then that you decide to take your time. Forget about us for a minute. What of the families of all the other girls? We're all tired of the excuses. We want answers. Is our daughter dead or alive?"

Multiple people get close to the wall, cursing and spitting at the various guards. Words turn to threats, and threats turned to actions, shoving and pushing back as they get slowly more aggressive. While some of those officers continue to be passive about the mob, -holding their ground but not retaliating- you could see by their slight facial tones how tired they were getting about this, merely holding back because they were ordered not to.

My chest became tight at the awful scene I was witnessing. With everything happening between our current operation, I can speak for everyone and say we had become disconnected from the public. While we knew that some attention would be brought with how long it has been, we had never expected for this to have gotten out of control.

The atmosphere had become grim, with even the most hearty of us feeling the pain of all the families. Out of all of us, however, Gushiken was the one who had taken it the hardest. Between her inability to do something right now and the uproar of the public, even the toughest of officers would break easily. And knowing the slander the BPB was receiving only made it worse for her. She was furious, helpless and sad.

"Damn it!" she said, slamming the table with force. "Everyone's holding the fort and taking the blame while I'm here playing show and tell. It's not fair. Not fair to my colleagues who are dealing with this and more the families of the victims that continue to suffer."


Just outside, Kaguya was hearing all this time. Even though she had gotten used to it, that sense of helplessness, she could not help but also feel bad about herself, especially after noticing that it was affecting the morale of the team. Without hesitance, she enters the room, trying to remedy the situation.

"It hurts, doesn't it?" she said in a somber tone.

"Ms. Kaguya..."

"Kaguya. I thought you were doing something with the Director."

"We were, but seeing that it's almost time to shoot our stream, I decide to come check on you girls. Kind of glad I did."

Despondent, we respond with nothing.

"This is why I never watch the news. If it's not people dying, terrorist attacks or wars, they're always filled with macabre images and commentaries. But I guess that's to be expected. People would rather hear the bad of this world than the good of it.Because all you get to see in there is suffering. For as long as I can remember, the people would rather hear the bad than the good this world has to offer. That's unfortunately the reality we live in."

" But that's why we're here now. Dead or alive, the victims may be, at least we can give them a sense of peace with what we find. So long as we continue with the plan, then-"

"Sense of peace?!"

Grabbing Kaguya by the collar without realizing it she gets close to her face, blinded by the rage inside her.

"G-Gushi! Let her go!"

"Oi knock it out you eejit!"

"How can you be so senseless?! Their daughter was kidnapped for over a year and who knows what's happened to her by now! What kind of peace would they get after waiting for so long only to find out their daughter is dead?! We've been doing this for a year without a single damn lead to begin, and you expect them to have peace of mind?!"

//Gushiken... I know you're frustrated but...//

Amazed at her unexpected interjection, her display shifted once more. Her confidence wavered and now what was left was a woman feeling the overwhelming sadness she thought she had buried long ago.

"Do you think I don't know that?" she said melancholic.


"How many years do you think I've been working as an undercover operative? I've had more blunders in my lifetime than you could ever imagine. Some are small, some even catastrophic. My regret stems not from my failures, but rather what could I have done to the families that have been grieving by their loss. And it hurts even more when you have to knock on that door and tell them the news."



"Lady Kaguya..."

"But reality isn't kind, and it makes sure to let you know about it when you come face to face with it. This was never going to be a work for six months, let alone a year. We're lucky enough we even got a lead thanks to the Conductor. But if it wasn't because of that, we'd be looking at a three-year project and counting. Just the thought of that monster taking even more innocent people makes my heart ache. Don't you think I know how much their families are hurting?"

What ever she continued to share was supported by her poor composure. Her failures have remained impactful up until then, and now, being reminded of it left the woman in a state of uneasiness.

"I'm sorry. I was supposed to cheer you all up, but I guess I kinda downpoured it."

"No, no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it all on you. I know you're just doing your job, so you have nothing to apologize. It's just... It's just frustrating. I've stayed in contact with Mr. Milagros all this time -providing the updates as agreed upon- but it's become more about chatter, instead of work. I know he's doing that to not make me worry but, I just... I just wish I could give them something to work with, instead of feeling useless."

"But you have been giving them something to work with," expressed my earnest friend.


"Not only have you kept them updated with our schedule, but you've been super sharp with the entire process. Sure, Kag here is in charge of preparing everything, but you've been the one taking notes of everything we've worked on since day one. I'm sure that's why he doesn't want you to worry anymore than you have to. He acknowledges how much you're thinking of them. Plus, there is something you can share now. Jenny's tip!"

"I agree with Okeanos. True, more people are growing ill at how long we have taken our time on this case but with our fundamentals training done and our worldwide debut just done, this advancement could ease a bit of the public attention they are receiving in Edinburgh. Plus, knowing that I just met with one of the Conductor's proxies, -as well as jotting down his testimony- this could prove useful for them regarding their investigation."

"So see, it hasn't been a waste of time. You have been helping them, even if you don't think so."

Although hesitant, Allegro raised her hand after being nudged by Blanc.

"Ugh, also this is a team effort. So don't go trying to think you're the only with something to prove. And while I hate to admit it, the team wouldn't be the same without you."

"Oh?~ Is the great maiden of fall finally warming up to our delinquent captain?" my friend said teasing.



Surrounding Okeanos in anger, she laughed whimsically, not caring what was to happen to her. Although such a scene was being caused, Ms. Blanc and I could not help agree that we would prefer this familiar setting over the downcasted mood everyone had. As for Ms. Kaguya, her confusion turned to a relieved happiness, tears swelling up from her eyes.

"Those girls. A second their depressed and another they're cheering each other up."

Nostalic, Ms. Kaguya shoulders droop, looking to the ground.

"How poetic. They really do remind me of our old group."

"Hm... Did you say something, Ms. Kaguya?" I asked.

"Nothing, don't worry about. What you should be worrying about, though, is on your get up. You can't be on a livestream looking like that Oakers."

"Oh shoot you're right! We're doing the livestream! Lemme change quick, be right back!"

"H-hey Okeanos! Okeanos! I have the keys for our room!! Ah hell, wait up!"

"Nya-ha-ha! Good luck trying to catch with that gremlin!" shouted Allegro laughing out loud.

"Does she need a reason to try, though? She has to wait for her anyway..."

//I know I have.//

"Then I believe we should go ahead as well, don't you think? Please excuse us, Ms. Kaguya."

"Hey, who told you could speak for us?"

"Myself. I have the key to the room while Jenny has the spare."

"Hey wait, why didn't I get a key?!"

"Because you would just lose it anyway... Besides, I don't want you making our room smell with alcohol. So unless you start brushing your teeth after drinking, you're staying outside."


//The Ice Queen strikes again.//

"What happened to being friends forever, Snowy..." she said defeated.

"Only when you're not acting in nonsense."


"Ha-ha, alright, no fighting. I'll continue setting things up while you three get dressed. See you in an hour."


While we dressed ourselves, Ms. Kaguya decided to start setting up the scenery. Considering that our first performance was beside it, she thought it would be prudent to make the theme of of the livestream beach oriented. That is, until a surprising guest came to visit her. It was none other than Dr. DoQuixote. Uninterested, she continued her work without paying attention

"You know, maybe next time you should try calling before getting here."

"Keh-heh-heh, but where's the fun in that mi querida?"

Although she sighed at his remark, she nonetheless smiled and shared a hug.

"It's good to see you, Qui. How have you been?"

"Well, I got work done, and time to spare! I think that counts for excellent, don't you?"

"I guess so. It's just surprising seeing you out of your lab."

"Well, I need a bit of vitamin D in my system now and then. How else will I be able to maintain my youthful color?"

"Youthful? You don't exactly look youthful. Maybe if you shaved your face you'd look a bit younge than fifty."

"Oye, oye, leave my moustache and beard out of it! It took me years to finally have it as it is. Plus, I'm not fifty so don't even joke like that!"

Laughing at the back and forth remark, the friends continue to banter as Ms. Kaguya continued. 

"Hm, judging by the camera and lights, it looks like you're setting up something for your operation."

"They're going to be doing their introduction livestream. They're as excited as ever, so I thought I could set up everything before they get here."

"Luna Kaguya, working with equipment and the Internet! Who would have thought!" he said in a teasing manner.

"Ha-ha, oh quiet you. I might not be good with technical stuff, but I can defend myself. You would know if you logged on to iBuddy and saw my statuses."

"Oh really? Then tell me what the exclamation mark on your phone means?"

"Ok, now you're just being mean!"

"Keh-heh-heh! Okay, okay I'll stop.

"Sigh, honestly. So, what really brings you here?"

"I just told you, to get some sunlight!"

"Uh-huh," she said incredulously.

"Oh, come on Kag. No puede un amigo ver como le va a uno de sus mejores amigas mientras coge un poco de solazo?"

"When it comes to you, no. You're not the type to visit without a reason. Especially for someone who was never a fan of the slow lifestyle of Golden Valley."

"Keh-heh, I guess you do pay attention to me! But, that's what I've always liked about you, my dear. I'll cut to the chase then, there's a matter that I wish to discuss with Juri and you. Is he nearby?"

"Oh? Did you two finally make up? For you to be looking at him all of a sudden means you forgave him-"

"Let's not get our hopes up."

Disappointed in his answer, she continues working.


"So what?"

"Where is he?"

"Not sure."

"Not sure you don't know or not sure you're going to tell me?"

"Both actually. I don't have the patience right now to deal with you two idiots fighting."

"Oh, but you used to like our little spites! Besides, I'm sure you share the same feelings as I do. You were pissed off at him as well, right?"

Silently, her entire composure transformed. Like a calm sea after a storm, her face darkened, straining in frustration.

"Heh, right on the money. I wouldn't blame you, though. He's always been the secretive type of the group. Plus, it doesn't help that he doesn't think of others besides him. Like how he brought that girl to the agency. He really thinks he can atone by-"

"Her name is Jennifer," she said furiously.


"I said her name is Jennifer. Not some girl, Jennifer."

Astonished by her shift in personality, he slightly cocks his head in confusion.

"Juri might be an idiot at times when it comes to taking into account other but he never does anything out of malice. What he did was wrong, and I made my point clear to him ever since we spoke about the matter. But since then, I've forgiven him and he's been doing his best to be more transparent with us, something you clearly haven't noticed because of your petty anger. So don't start assuming you know everything, especially after all the years we've worked together. And another thing, I don't appreciate how you keep treating her like an outsider or some pest."

"And why do you care? It's not like she's your daughter."

"You're right. But she is Rosaline's, and Rosaline has always been like a sister to me. So I will not allow for you to talk to her child like that while she's away."

With eyebrows raised, he scoffed at the notion Ms. Kaguya expressed, pretending to stay whimsical and nonchalant.

"If you're not willing to be at peace with Juri or treat Jenny with respect while you're here, I suggest you leave and not waste my time anymore."

At the sheer force of his fits, veins started popping out. Frustrated and tired, he let out a sigh. Knowing that she would not cooperate if he continued, he revealed what he wished to say.

"I know who the Conductor is."

Startled, she slowly looks back towards him.


"Or at least, an idea of who he is. Studying the case Lucio has been working on -besides other cases of interest-, the evidence collected and the testimonies provided by the witness records made me create a hypothesis that is all too probable. That is why I came here Luna, to discuss his identity and meet him later today. I made contact with him, so we should expect to see him later tonight."

"So you mean to tell me that all you've been doing for this past year has been finding who they are?"

"Him, my dear and no, I still had to oversee the R&D department and occasionally give a few orders to the researchers and developers. Since the beginning, a single question nagged me. 'How on Terra did they have access to the technology?' The knowledge is locked away in the archives and the old research notes I wrote with my friend. But the fact that one of their proxies had a weapon akin to our Guardian concerns me. That alone suggest that the tech and formulas must have leaked to the public, or at least someone found out about it. Add the recent intruder on the archives and we have ourselves a big problem. So the question is, when did this happen? And how?"

Softly running the calculations and logistics on his head, Ms. Kaguya continues working on the setup. A natural occurrence, Ms. Kaguya knows how the researcher is wont to do that without notice. A researcher by heart, he never spares a second to consider even the smallest things. It just goes to show you how thorough Dr. Quixote is on any hypothesis he has. And his display, despite his playful nature, shows that what he wishes to say is something serious.

"If it'll make you happy I'll try to patch things up with Juri. But you're wrong in insinuating I hate the kid. There are just some things that make it hard to look her in the eye, especially after she resembling him so much."

"Then figure it out."

"Heh, fine. But that'll have to take place after I find Juri and discuss what I have told you. The urgency is too great and with every second we spare here is another free second to slow the overall progress of both investigations. So?"

Although the least she wanted to do was to continue talking to him, she understood that such development could be big not only for them, but for the rest working on the whereabouts of the criminal. For that reason, she stopped what she was doing and let out a deep sigh.

"He's off meditating on the waterfall. He usually does that at this time of day."

"Still meditating huh? guess some things never change. Thank you. I'll be sure to-"

"I'm going as well," she interjected. "I don't trust you to keep things civil between you two."

"But didn't you say you were working on something for the girls?"

"I was, but this is also as important as my operation. I'll just write Snowy to start the stream without me. So long as you keep things clean there shouldn't be a worry."

Satisfied, he extends her hand to get her up from the sandy surface. Chuckling to himself, he glances to his friend.

"Then let's not waste time any longer. It's almost time to deface this masked vigilante."

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