Chapter XXXIV: A Protagonist's Frustration

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10th Moon

31st Phase


7:43 pm

Disappearing from sight, the Conductor left me without a second to respond. Whatever beat my heart played was finally stabilized. My thin fingers twitched from their numb state, leaving me to come back to reality. With only the clinks of the glasses the bartender placed, the riotous crowd had finally left the lobby, everyone now inside the auditorium, except us and the guards. A feeling that something was off passed through my mind. Something was placed in my breast pocket. Without care, I pulled it out, only to reveal what seemed to be a business card of sorts. It was white, dull and lacked any discerning feature, being just a small piece of cardboard.

Standing there, confusion plagued me. Him meeting me, this card and that woman. Everything felt like a big typhoon of whos and whys, leaving me worried about what it all meant. Urgency injected itself in my veins, prompting me to race towards the entrance and contact DoQuixote quickly. Nervously, I began pressing buttons in disarray, leaving it to end in a collapsed state, pieces scattered on the curb. My fist pressing itself in, I was covered with a sense of anger, flushing my cheeks and a tremor inside my heart.

“Argh, confound it all!” I shouted in anger.

Chucking the piece of junk towards the street, sinking my head in the pit between my thighs. Attentive as always, my AI companion had been quietly observing my attitude, curious as to why I had a sudden burst of negativity.

“Hawkins,” he called.

“J-John! I thought you were hibernating.”

“I was, but the sudden spike in your nervous system woke my sensors up. Initially, my circuits thought that you were in trouble. But thank goodness it was just your anger,” he said, worn out.

“Sigh, apologies…”

“It’s quite alright. Do tell me, though, what seems to be wrong?”

Frankly, my frustration and pride proved to be an obstacle to talking to him. Nevertheless, because he has been with me since day one and has shared the same experiences with me, I told him out of courtesy, even if the conversation forecasted to end on a sour note.

“The Conductor. I… met him.”

Alarmed, my companion jumped out of his circuit, not expecting this sudden development.

“What?” he said, alarmed. “Are you alright? Do you need me to perform a body scan?”

“No, I’m fine really.”

"It will be quick, just give me a second-"

"I said I'm fine John, okay? I didn't get hurt when I met him."

“Then pray tell what is wrong? What did he do?”

Staring at the palm of my hand, my eyes sharpen at the thought of leaving the man go.

“It's what I didn't do. I had him in my fingers, John, and yet he slipped right past me. I couldn't take him.”

“Take him?”

“He was literally in my face, John. It was like he was taunting me, like he was urging for me to take him in, knowing that wouldn't change a thing. And yet, despite all the strength I have gathered to confront him, I couldn't do it. Not because of fear of him or the public, but because I couldn't. All because of my damn orders and this damn operation.”

My companion had been listening quietly. Even though he did not understand why I was feeling like that, he still continued to study and find a sort of logic behind it. As an AI sentient, he only works to compute and calculate. However, when it comes to emotions and empathy, he lacks everything that makes one human, making the situation rather difficult for him. Despite that, he still tried to make sense of how I felt.

“So, you feel angry, because you were following orders, is that it?”

“It’s not that simple,” I refuted flippantly.

“I’m pretty sure it is, and yet you seem to keep challenging those authorities with what you think is the right thing to do. We’ve done this before Hawkins, are you trying to get into trouble again?”

Frustrated boiled on me. Here I thought that my companion would somehow understand how I felt, but instead I am being berated by him. Biting my tongue, I stare into the distant sea, preferring to not talk at all. Sighing, he chimes in once more.

“I am not saying that your intentions are wrong. Your resolve and controls have always been commendable, leaving some of my siblings jealous of how well our symbiosis is. Heh, even Mother has commented how well we work in comparison to her and you know who."

My face softening, I look to my side in contemplation.

"But doing things in your own way can turn things detrimental for not only yourself, but others. I will never be able to understand the human heart, but I what I do know is that your face always lits up whenever you are working. Be it as an assistant, the lead or whatever else, you do enjoy being of service t others, more so if it means keeping them safe and happy. But this is not the way to go about it, and I know that deep down you think the same as well.”

“You sound exactly like him. Are you sure you’re not him?” I said half-heartedly.


“Father. He would often correct me when I acted out of line, but in a kind sort of way. Instead of spanking me like Mother, he would talk me to consider why did I do something bad or wrong. He would often be at work, but he would always take the time to talk with me, just like you are now.”

Perplexed by my answer, the noise of a thinking machine enveloped my watch. Though I had not realized I had let out that remark without prior thought, he nonetheless felt warm because of it. His code told him it was happiness, but his logic resonated with something else entirely.

My temper had returned to be even thanks to my friend. Though frustration still plagued me, I apologized for my attitude.

“It is quite alright Hawkins. I am just doing what my coding dictates me to do. Now, what did you learn from your encounter?”

“Everything we learned about him was true. He is the conducting dastard whose reputation precedes him. His deadly charm and assertive dominance have him the making of a controller of fate. And then there are those eyes. Those soulless spiral eyes left me stoned in place, powerless. Like a man confronting a god whose fate had been sealed.”

Like a newborn chick, I was shaking violently, witnessing what seemed to be a mirage looking at me from across the street. Indeed, this man had welcomed himself to be a monster to me.

Seeing me battle anxiety, my companion did me a favor and contacted Dr. DoQuixote, to which arrived quickly without losing a step. Amazed, his expression -though smiling in its natural state- shared a worried look. Studying me, he tried to understand what was wrong, until he suddenly connected the pieces and realized what had happened.

“You met the Conductor, didn’t you?” he said bluntly.

“I did...”

“Why didn’t you contact me? I told you to let me know the moment you saw him.”

“Because I did not think it was him. His courteous demeanor had fooled me, only to drop the façade and drop the reveal on me like a coin.”

“You still had time to contact me. You could have communicated through brainwaves with your guardian to send me a message.”

“That fault bears to me, sir. For the sake of leaving Hawkins in max capacity, I went into hibernation. Unless I am stimulated to act, then I cannot do anything.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” he pointed tiredly. Sigh. So what stimulated you, then?”


“Clearly, something must have woken your circuits. So, what is that something, Jennifer?”

Shimmying anxiously, my lips remained shut, nervous that I might get into trouble. As if already knowing what thoughts were crossing my mind, he assured me that he would listen and not interrupt me. With hesitancy, I explained my ulterior motives regarding the Conductor.

“I see. So that’s what you were tempted to do. And from what I can remember, this isn’t the first time you’ve shown signs of defiance.”

Looking at the sidewalk, my shoulders drop out of resignation, shameful that I had to admit my feelings to my superior. Dr Quixote, stroking his moustache as he ever does, flailed his wrist at me.

“The important thing is that you made the right decision. Hah, trust me, if you had gone rogue with him, this would have been a different conversation, with a different kind of person.”

“I… know. I am prepared to accept any repercussions, sir.”

“Keh-heh, now why would I?" he asked oddly.

“W-why? Because I disobeyed orders.”

“And? I’m not your jefe, so this doesn’t concern me. That’s up to Juri to punish you if he were to find out."


"Anyway, when you’re done brooding, go back inside and get on the second floor. Standing here isn't doing anyone favors, so go ahead and overwatch the auditorium in case he does any funny business."


"So long as you do your job and not call yourself attention, you'll be fine. If you see something that requires intervention, don't hesitate to act.”

"But I thought you said that you were not in charge."

"Keh-heh, I'm not. But if it comes to that, I know you'll break the rules, anyway."

Pointing at me, he stares and shares a confidant smile.

"The priority of a champion is to protect those that need it in that moment. Strategy and protocols have no need when doing that, saving lives those, especially for those who cannot defend themselves. Remember that and you'll draw closer to that resolve of yours."

//Mr. DoQuixote...//

His hands tucked in his pockets, he cooly walked back towards inside. The sound of his chains echoed through the surrounding space, leaving me stumped that he would say something so inspiring despite his sour attitude towards everyone. And not only that, but he gave me a slap on the wrist, something that made no sense given his no nonsense attitude. Yes, he is not in charge of overseeing the operation like the Director, nor is he in charge of it like Ms. Kaguya. Which begs the question, why is it he now wants to be involved? Why does he want me to be intricately involved as well? Does he really want to deliver the Conductor to justice, or is there something else?

Interrupting my thoughts, John called my attention once more.

“Hawkins,” John interrupted.

"Yeah. I know. Let’s go."

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