Chapter XXXIV: Touchdown

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11th Moon

1st Phase


12:13 am

Having landed in Naraka, our short space odyssey had come to an end. The center landed safely, as if nothing had ever happened before. Outsiders shared sentiments of confusion, fear, and bewilderment. Many of the visiting family members came looking for their loved ones, while members of the press pushed for comments from the organization, asking if this was some publicity stunt or something altogether different. Even bystanders -be it locals or tourists- were outraged that this was allowed to begin with.

The PR team had not a problem answering their inquiries, even if it proved overbearing to some. What's more, there were no signs of the two titular characters everyone was intrigued to talk to. And seeing that the officers demanded an answer to this public disturbance, chaos filled the streets.

That is to say, we required more answers than what they had. The kidnappings, this festival, and space. What does it all mean? What is the motive, what is their intentions? What brought such collaborations between them to begin with? Questions like these plagued the minds of the party. Though none of them plagued them more than my friends, who, having witnessed the blast off, came running towards the landed building. Pushing out of the crowd, Okeanos and Ciarda embraced me wholeheartedly, bawling out of sheer happiness that I was doing fine.

"O-oh I'm so glad you're o-okayyy! I t-thought you were kidnapped by spacezoids!"

"Aye lass, we thought you were a goner!"

"Y-you guys."

//Also, spacezoids?//

"They were watching an anime earlier..."

"Hey, knock it off, you idiots. You're going to kill her if you keep hugging her like that."

//It has only been five hours, and yet it feels as if I had just come back from the dead. Poor girls.//

"But damn, shooting out into space? Just what the hell happened in there, lass?"

"I agree," interposed Allegro. "Not even I expected for this unexpected development."

Though the event caused quite a buzz between my friends, they were more relieved that I was unharmed during the tremor and launch. Her anxiousness having been cooled off, the hot-blooded woman of the law fidgeted in anticipation, wanting to learn about what we gathered.

"So, did you get something out of your invitation?"

"Oh yeah! How did it go, Jenny? Did you guys find the bad guys are?"

"Of course she did, lass! With how sharp her eyes are, I'm sure it must have been a breeze for her."

"I did. However..."


Beckoning them to come close, I explain to them everything that took place. The arrival of Fresno, the space launch and the thorough evaluation left everyone stunned in their place.


"Okeanos, lower your voice!"

As if she had no inside voice, her voice briefly caught the attention of passersby, garnering their attention so slightly. Whacking the mole softly, she quiets down.

"So not only did we have our hands full with that Magician lass and her shadow festival, but now we gotta deal with this freak as well?"

"And those specs literally sound like the same specs from our Guardians! Just what is going?!"

"Frankly, I'm still not sure. Though I have yet the clarity Mr. Aether and the rest have, this is becoming more apparent that it goes further than just trafficking."

"What a pain. And here I thought we were done with all this," groaned Gushiken in annoyance.

Though the discouragement proved to be something universal, Aether spent to expense to try to make sense of it. Penchant to think things through, the man with the mole stared at the great beyond as he consulted his mind palace. Though his eye bags and bloodshot eyes displayed how exhausted he must have felt -possibly staying up and playing with his brewing kit- he showed no signs of someone slowing down.

Aware of my inquisitive eyes, he turns to us to express what he believes might be the situation.

"If what you say is true, then I think it's safe to deduce that he might be the buyer she's provisioning the girls to. The familiarity and those evaluation points you've described mean they've done this for some time. Ergo, they have a stone cut business relationship. meaning, is those who have had a relationship for some time. Fresno, was it? I'm also beginning to think that that isn't even his real name"

"Well, you are right. John and I did not find anything on the central database. And on the official SAA website, no records were found tied to such a name. His identity, his motives and his backgrounds remain elusive, a mystery still looking to be solved. It all remains a mystery."

The sound of the police vehicles wailed as more came approaching to start their investigations. With their thin bodies, they pushed away the onlookers, scattering police tapes on the entire complex as detectives started their investigation regarding the strange phenomenon.

The young prodigy observed with great interest. Had he found a way to do it his way, he would enjoy sneaking inside to scan for any clues. Despite that, he had to refrain from his instincts. It was bad enough that we were working out of our jurisdiction. Further exposure would only get us in trouble with the gentlemen in blue.

"Though it feels like we would have found some clues inside, I don't think we'll be doing that anytime soon. As much as I enjoy a good confrontation, the least we need is creating a fuss with the local police. Having said that..."

"We're not breaking inside."

"It was only in humor!" quickly rebutted my friend. "Just when are you going to find a sense of humor, Gushi?"

"Probably when you start thinking like a normal person, idiot."

"Luci? Not breaking the law? Pff, so, never?"

"Nya-hah-hah, eejit, that's the Allegro spirit! No law can contain our willpower!"

"Why must you always say these sorts of things, sister."

Though the bantering proved to be lighthearted, it did not leave Lucio losing his intrigue into the whole affair. The caramel haired man, having a moment to think, was invaded by a shot of inquiry.

"Still, there is one thing left that's been nagging," returned Allegro. "The Conductor. What does he play in all this?"

With all the commotion that has happened, everyone seemed to have forgotten what I was originally supposed to be doing. But once more, nothing is able to escape his perceptive memory.

As if struck by lightning, everyone scooched together towards me. Anticipation breathed amongst them, and what humorous attention they were showcasing was redirected towards me. Success or failure? That was what their heart wanted to know. And though I was not inclined to share what transpired due to my unprofessional behavior.

Allegro was not having any of that though, instead taking the discomfort as a way to press for more detail.

"Though I understand that a lot has happened in the past hours, I had hoped you'd start there with your exposition. Clearly, he arrived as predicted, for if it was a bust, you would have started there in a dejected manner. Well?"

//He got all that just because I didn't start there?!//

"Y-yes, well..."

Thinking on a way to start my tale, I was left interrupted by a serene voice. Like a cut from a blade, it came unexpectedly and precisely. Waving their hellos, Mr. Aether and Mr. DoQuixote introduce themselves to the conversation.

"If it's alright with you, we can explain those details. I fear that with how you managed to fumble your role, you won't be able to speak well."

//He knew? Wait, did DoQuixote?//

Looking past his shoulder, the mischievous man whistled without a care in the world. Angry, I glared in his direction, disappointed that he would do the opposite of what he had said. Noticing my perceive gaze, he spent no time to continue his exposition.

"Heh, relax," assured me the Director. "You're not in trouble-"

A blue blur, our energetic friend ran past us, only to come hugging in full force at Dr. DoQuixote. Knocking the wind out of his pipes, she squirms on him, crying like a child who almost lost his father.

"Masterr! Are you okay? I t-thought you died!"

"Well, you'll certainly going to get your wish if you keep squeezing me! Sueltame!"

"I t-thought you were going to leave me!!"

"And why on Terra would I do that? The great DoQuixote has things he still has to do here! When are you going to stop being so emotional, you clingy gremlin! Let go of me. You're going to break some of my vials!"

"Heh-heh, still as adorable as ever..." chimed in Blanc in warmth.


"Oye Juri do something. If she keeps crying my armor is going to corrode itself!"

"Anyway, let me start where Hawkin left."


The abduction, the cross examination, and the web he had set up. He told us everything regarding his plan to find the victims. Though we understood how calculating the man was, we did not expect for his plan to get botched. Granted, with such a revelation, anybody would have their plans disrupted. Still, it was a relief and a surprise for some that he was still honoring his word regarding our partnership.

"Though Hawkins's emotions proved a liability once more..."

//A third time please.//

"She was able to get a clear description of the man. And with four accounts -adding DoQuixote, Kaguya and myself- that's more than enough eyewitness accounts for the government to send a BOLO once we get back to Bogshire. Be sure to report that to Detective Raymond, Gushiken."

"And the Magician? And this Fresno?"

"It is as Hawkins ascertained. It's clear that they're in cahoots and that this festival is a cover up for Fresno's experiments. Experiments that may relate to..."

Expecting for him to finish his sentence, he quickly dusts his reasoning.

"The point is that we have to take immediate action. As soon as Kaguya reports in we can start drawing the plan."

"Report in, sir?"

"She's still inside the building, searching for any clues that could lead us to Fresno and co. Though her exit is concerning with all the police running about, I have faith that she will reconvene-"

"You lot left the boss go into the lion's den?! Why?!" cried Ciarda in outrage.

"Because it would be nigh impossible, obviously. Keh-heh, you work with her on a daily basis and you're still questioning how her brain works?"

Triggered by the doctor's snarky remark, the wild veteran curled her fist in anger. Snarling, her wide, sharp fangs stretched out. Such patronizing attitude was enough for her to grow blazing, seeing that she had the growing feeling since they arrived her boss would go awol. Feeling the hostility, the Director jumps in to calm her.

"I understand your concern. Truth be told, we too were also against such an idea. But seeing such a pristine opportunity had arrived, we opted for the best approach to gather as much intel, even if it meant sending the agency's best."

Resigned, she hunched her shoulder in frustration. Understandably, the fact of leaving someone on their own working worried her greatly. Despite the veteranship the Founder possessed, she has witnessed time and time again how reckless she can be on times when the going gets tough. The inability to intervene angered only wishing for her boss and friend to come back safely.

"Fine, whatever," she sighed. Still, won't the crowd notice an idol superstar missing? Of her magnitude? Won't that cause a-"

Outside, we observed a crowd huddling up, causing a commotion in the courtyard. Baffled, I glimpse a sort of fight happening between some managers and idols. Out of one of those was the Conductor, watching from the sideline in a most entertained way. Rowdiness ensues as a big masked fellow clobbered and throws those around him like flies, prompting local enforcers to try to place him under subjection. Snickering to himself, Dr. DoQuixote chimes in.

"Clearly, that's being taken care of," DoQuixote expressed cynically.

"Hopefully, she comes back with what we're searching for."

"And if she doesn't? You already said that Fresno is bad company, what is to say that together with the Magician they do something bad to her?

"Then I'll make sure to bail her out. As I've always done," said the Conductor without introductions.

"The Conductor!"

On guard, everyone holds their accessory in anticipation, expecting a confrontation to ensue. Sighing, he glares at the Director, prompting him to ask us to lower our weapons. Wary, we stay on guard on the cunning criminal who has been numbered on various wanted posters across the nation.

"Sometimes I fear that you've trained your subordinates too hard on the ways of combat."

"That's rich coming from you. Damn murderer."

"Aye, I'd rather be on guard and have these claws ready than hear whatever you're spitting."

"Can I cut him? I want to cut him into pieces..."


"Dammit, he's mocking us!" shouted Gushiken in fury.

"Relax bad cop, that's just who he is. Still, bail her out, eh? ¿Y como tu pretendes hacer eso?"

From his pocket, he grabs a small device reminiscent of a car key. Beeping, it pulsated slowly, a dot blinking on the corner of it.

"Despite her noticeable growth, it seems she still retains her stubborn side. So as insurance, I planted a tracker in her back pocket when I was next to her during our conversation."

"So much for respecting her wishes," remarked Lucio.

"Wishes are of no interest to me if it means freeing from obstruction."

//This guy...//

The idea of tracking her friend did not sit well with both gentlemen, nor letting the Conductor whimsically go on his own. Glancing at me, Mr. Allegro was able to perceive how chary I was. And with good reason, if I might add, for many ethical reasons violated the thought of using a black market tracking device. Still, they understood the benefit. Agreeing that the safety of their friend was also a high priority.

"If push comes to shove, then I think we'll be needing that to track Kaguya."

"Heh. Wonderful, I knew that you'd still have sense in-"

"On one condition."

Unprecedented, he cocks his neck in curiosity.

"Take Hawkins with you."

Exchanging glances, the dark brooding gentleman crosses his arm, asking the reason behind it. And not only him, but everyone glanced at the illogical choice the Director had made.

"Considering the emotional value Hawkins has, I trust that if he does end up doing something wicked, she'll be able to contain him."

"Use her emotions to go berserk if she has to fight him? That's actually very smart of you, Juri," thought out loud the researcher.

"Interesting. You do realize that I have no need to agree with this, right? Not when you have other options with more experience."

"I know. But because of the history we share, I know you'll at least honor it. Besides, I know well to know that you'd prefer going with Hawkins over anyone, don't you?"

Answering in his silence, the man places his hand on his hip, smirking and nodding his head.

"Very well. However, how do you expect to answer to the press when they find out their lead singer isn't on stage?"

"Leave that to us. I have something as contingency, right DoQuixote?"

"Er, we do?"

Shrugging, he gives them their back before leaving once more. With a snap to his fingers, the roughhousing group falls back into the shadows, looming in the alley way that posed behind him. Drizzling an ominous aura, it was clear that this group was filled with all the proxies he has, to which in my regret, included my 'idol' friend. Though his straight disposition penetrated our eyes, they turn mild as soon as his eyes came into contact with mine.

"Hawkins, was it? It would be prudent if you kept an eye on your phone. In the event that silence continues to stay still for us, Automata -my trusted hacking mechanic- will be sending you the directions when the time to act comes. Please, excuse us."

Though we were let bitter by the aftertaste, Mr. Aether assured us that their time would come once this was all over. But for now, he advised us to exercise patience and head to our dormitories to rest.

The ticking clicks of father time accompanied my dark abode. The cool air conditioner shared it's artificial breeze as I leaned on the coffee table, staring into the endless moonlight. In proved fascinating, and profound. A satelite oh so far way, only to be near it less than three years ago. It dawned on me that we as a species have truly gone past our limit. Between easy to build rocket ships to Mr. DoQuixote and his brilliance on the Guardian system, everything seems so small in comparison to what I used to know.

Buzzing next to me, my phone woke me up from my blissful meditation. An unknown number without a zip code, it was evident that it was this Automata fellow the Conductor spoke about. sending me directions regarding the meeting points as well as additional instructions. It read:

Meet near the old Nagazaki Harbors. Right up the hill, there will be a bush and two giant boulders. That is where he'll be. Physical directions are attached on this message so use it. After thirty minutes, these messages will disappear.

Bring your uMask.

Bring your phone.

Bring a second set of clothes.



"The audacity," I scoffed. "First, I'm following his orders and now he wants me to go in unarmed!?"

"Rather uninviting, is it not?"

"Right? I'm sorry, but I'm not going anywhere with that lunatic without bringing you in, John."

"I agree. But if these orders are for the sake of everything going smoothly, I see no reason to ignore them, Ms. Hawkins."

"And what get myself killed?"

"You won't be killed."

"Oh yeah? How can you be so sure? You don't even know the guy!"

"I do not know. But I just get the sense that despite his hostile attitude, he somehow means no ill will."


"I'm not sure how to explain but, I feel like he has no intention in hurting anyone, especially you. Logically speaking, if he meant to destroy any of us -which he has the means and power to do so- he would have done it a long time, would he not?"

Carefully trying to make sense of his points, my brain starts working around.

"Are you suggesting that I am to trust this man?"

"Far from it. But if you wish to rescue the girls, and see your will through, then you have to make a compromise."

"And if I do not?"

"Then, as effect, I would end up being locked from you."


"As a safety measure, we're programmed to lock ourselves in case our host decides to go against their just will. Doing so will prevent abusive usage for-"

"So you are going to stop working for me? Is that it?"

"That... is precise. Throughout the year, despite several warnings, you still continue to hunt the man in an unhealthy way, borderline obsession if I may say. I understand your desire for him to repay his crimes, but need I remind you that our real objective is Operation Catfish? You would only end up-"

Though firm, it took me a while to realize that he was only looking for my interest. My drive and zeal prevented me from seeing the bigger picture, a picture that, had I realized sooner, could have saved me from several nuisances. But even then, I think it would not change anything, seeing that I've always been like that, a curse and blessing I had inherited from Father.

"I get it alright? I don't need a lecture," I interposed rudely. "I'll follow his stupid rules if it means cooling your circuits. In the meantime, just make sure to stay in low performance mode, okay? Can you at least keep an eye on my heart rate? In the event that something happened, I need you to forward and call the Director."

"Understood... Good luck. And-"

Closing the door behind me, my Guardian was left whispering in his breath. A replicated feeling of sadness, he lowers his eye in disappointment.

"Goodbye... Please stay true to yourself. Even if your resolve is to be tested, please endure, miss Hawkins."

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