Interlude II: A Stage Worth Sharing

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Amongst the brilliant Overworld, looms a legion of shadows. An overseer watches from the darkness, making sure everything goes according to plan. Using the multiple strings clouded in obscurity, she controls an ongoing chess game that has been taking place between them and the authorities for the past decades.

"Ma'am," a coarse voice called, "I've been informed that the merchandise is about to arrive. Although we are still expecting the Lonzo family to arrive with what we agreed upon, we think it might be wise to send the supplies to the lunarians. Authorities are wont to patrol at this time of hour in the docks and the least we need right now is outsiders interfering with our trade. Should we proceed?"

"What of the subjects?"

"They've been accounted for. However, considering we lack space on the ship at the moment, I believe it would be prudent to wait for the next shipment we send."

"Growing soft now, are you?" she teased.

"No ma'am. But damaged goods give no favor for anyone."

"Obviously. Very well, do ask you please. Those that have died dump them on Forgotten Forest. Those that are still alive move them to the warehouse until our next meeting point is set."

"Yes ma'am."

Excusing himself, he bows and departures from the room. Delighted with the results thus far, she picks herself up from her armchair and picks up a pack of playing cards to play with. Her lips stretched across her face, whimsically practicing her magic abilities without a care in the world. With not a moment to spare, a knock could be heard calling the Magician. Recognizing the voice, she invites her, being none other than the Magician's secretary.

Throwing the cards to the ceiling, she moves her top hat to collect them all. With a tap from the outside, she places her angular hand behind her ear, retrieving one of the cards -a queen of hearts- from it. Playing with the queen of hearts, she invites her to take a seat.

"Kiara!" she greeted joyfully. "Pleasure to see you. Anything good to report?"

Noticing the sour-faced expression of her subordinate, the overseer shares a questioning glance towards her.

"I'll take that as a no then."

"Our operations have been leaked, ma'am. I've just been told that the Overworld authorities have begun to chase us. Naturally noise of us began to circle ever since we began getting greedy with the idols, but ever since we kidnapped Trinity, the public-"

"Ah, is that all? I thought it was something more serious. Hey, you think you can help me later with a magic trick? I have an idea in mind that will surely wow the friends at Nightmare Tavern," she said, disinterested.

"Aren't you worried? The people just found out about us and that could be dangerous for our business. If people start poking their noses our services will plummet, and if our services plummet, then our assets will begin to falter, causing a shift in the economic power pyramid in the Underworld. It's only a matter of time-"

"Relax, it'll be fine. It's not going to get to that. Hey, could you pass me that-"

Frustrated, her assistant throws the pen against the table.

"My pen!"

"With all due respect ma'am, how can you be so free-spirited!? There's a chance that the organization will suffer thanks to this 'insider' and you're here playing! Aren't you worried that-"

"Who do you think leaked that information in the first place?"


"I said, who do you think leaked it in the first place?"

But why?"

"Because I think it'll be fun!"


"When you've been as successful as I have dear life gets boring. What was yesterday's heist is today's empire. No one has been able to catch me or stop our operations. The last time I ever got a relatively joyful evening was when I had my confrontation was with that pretty girl. She wasn't that tough, but she sure was a fun person to perform with. Sigh, but here I am now, alone on the stage with no one to share it. Parlor tricks are fun and all, but the audience craves a battle between two performers!"

"Audience..." she said, bewildered.

"Heh, pay no mind. Just an old girl rambling."

"If you say so, ma'am. If that's the case though, what should I say to the dockers? I just received word that they're in a frenzy right now, with some even leaving as a consequence."

"Right, the dockers. Nothing like a good raise won't ease their worries. You give them money and suddenly everyone forgets their worries. In their greed, money controls the heart, and their heart controls their actions. Lebouf was just here, so message him to get send the money through each of their bank accounts."

"Understood. I'll notify him then. I'm curious though..."


"Who exactly did you leak it to?"

"Oh that? I gave it to one of the Conductor's lackeys."


"It was cute, really. She tried passing as one of my subordinates, but ol' Taiga knows who's one of hers and who isn't. She wasn't much of a talker, but I admit that the mysterious attitude does bring a certain charm to her. I guess people are going more for the brooding persona nowadays-"

"Who is this Conductor?"


"Pardon my ignorance. I'm not quite familiar with them, so I was just asking who they were."

The Magician reacted incredulously. Although she knew that her assistant was the type to stay in her own little world, she did not expect her lack of knowledge of the outside world to be so limited. Her big eyes growing relaxed, she started feeling a type of enjoyment. A smile crossed her freckled face. She swayed towards the red file cabinet, where she has all her documents pertaining to important criminals and associates.

"And here I thought you would have watched the recent news regarding his work."

"No. You know that I don't watch the news," she said, her brows furrowing.

"Ah, right, sorry. I forgot that you're not a fan of the media and what not? Well, I don't mind giving you an idea of him."

"Then they are a big deal."

"Him my trusted assistant, him. And he's right now one of the most prominent criminals this country has ever seen. There is no high-end criminal who hasn't known his name, nor any small-time thug who doesn't fear him."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Although these sorts of stuff changes with time, there should be a picture of him attached to his folder. Let me see... Coacher, Cinder, ah here we go Conductor."

Giving the photograph and what limited information she had, her assistant takes hold of it and begins to inspect it. Clothed with a charcoal-colored cloak and scarf, the mysterious man was a tall man who had a somewhat wide build. He was a golden-haired fellow who had shades of chestnut underneath it, giving a stark contrast to his head. He wore a rather ominous theater mask, where a single purple eye could be seen, coming from the left socket of it.

"Interesting fellow. Judging by how close the photo is, it seems you must have had an encounter with him. A criminal associate from the pass, I take it?"

"Let's just say that we have some... history together."

Saying these words, she shared a most mischievous smile, a hint of coy radiating from her words. Although her assistant was rather confused, she paid no mind and continued.

"I see. Then does he have ties to the Moon Society as well?"

"No, no, nothing like that. If he did, we would have been partners a long time ago."

"Then what?"

"Wouldn't you like to know~" she said playfully. "The best I could put it is that he's a rival who's taken center stage. Unlike me, who performs on the small, offshore stages, he's put himself in a position where everyone has come to watch him perform! The BPB, the CDA and the underworld are all part of the same audience, chasing him collectively! I might even be right to assume that the pretty girl who chased me all those years ago is doing the same! He's a star!"

"I think I'm starting to understand with what you're saying, though all that's related to him is just assassinations."

"Well, someone sounds disappointed. Expecting something else?" she remarked cheekily.

"To be frank, yes. Killing nowadays in the underworld is hardly a crime. If he was as big as you're making him out to be I would have thought that he was either on the same line of business as us or something even worse."

"Ha-ha! Oh, to be naïve!"

"Excuse me?"

"Don't get me wrong. I can understand why you would come to that conclusion. I once thought the same when I was young. However, it's not about what the Conductor does. It's about the why."


"That photo and information is rather outdated considering it's been some time since I've seen the man. Honestly, no one knows what he looks like now. However, they are still the same person.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Simple. His zeal."


"Sockin mask or not, his zeal is what characterizes him. I had my doubts at first, but after studying who his targets were, and the consistency he has shown throughout the years removed all doubts plaguing my mind."

"And what is it that he's so zealous of? I know some of the underworld have a passion for the crimes they commit. Revenge, riches and power are one of them, but I hardly call it zeal. What drives the man? "

Their eyes meeting, a sense of pause takes a hold of them. Through the windows, the heavens were on full display, the nighttime moonlight covering the pair, a shadow casting the silhouette of the Magician. Her beautiful emerald eyes sharpening her display. What she says leaves the assistant in a confused but disquiet state.

"Justice, my dear. Simply justice."

"Justice? Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Why would a criminal want justice?"

"Because of people like us and the things we do on the streets. Despite being on Bogshire's Most Wanted, he's been more of a hero to the public. Even when I met him, the eyes he had were not of a common thug. But rather, the eyes of an honorable man resorted to doing the wetwork, if it meant bringing a sense of hope to the people."

"Honorable's a stretch, isn't it? His reasons might be just, but I don't think honorable is the right word when you're making a career out of killing."

"Ha-ha, that much is true. But his darkness isn't as shaded as his victims. Corrupt politicians, crooked cops, child abusers, wife beaters, the list gets endless. Tell me, what is worse, a man who kills for the sake of righteousness or a man who kills for the sake of it?"

Gazing at the worn photo in her hand, a sudden tone of nostalgia crosses her eyes.

"Rumor had it that he used to be an investigator before he became the Conductor. But then it all changed when he saw someone close to him die in his eyes. Since then, he's taken the dark path to make sure that not only no one has to go through the same fate he went through, but also put an end to the criminal who killed her."

Pausing for a minute, the Magician glances at her assistant.

"And I'm the one he's after," she responded with frankness in her tone.

Astonished by the revelation, her face grows even more perplexed, failing to understand why then she leaked the information. Was it to taunt him? Or was it simply the excitement of the chase she yearned for? Whatever the case may be she was at a loss for words.

"Just because I broke the man doesn't mean I don't respect him both as a performer and a person, though. Even if he has been corrupted, his zeal is what has kept him from falling to insanity. Which is why I gave him that leak."

"So he can track you down and keep your boredom away from you. With all due respect, that's psychotic and I fear that this will be the end of us all," she said in disappointment. "Still, I understand now why you have such high regards for him."

"Yes, well, I don't fear a man that's strong, smart or rich. I fear a man who has the capacity to persevere and finish the goal. Those types of people are the ones you should be wary of. Because if you don't, they'll make sure you feel the extent of their will, even if it means killing you."

An ominous air manifested in the room, leaving Kiara breathless. Was it fear? Or was it anxiousness? However, it was obvious that her description of him had left her concerned, even more so with how serious her boss had gotten.

"Having said all that," she continued, "it's not like he's going to find and stop us. For him to do that would be insanity unless he had help. So there's no need to worry. Now! With all of that out of the way, let's head to the docks. I just remembered that I had business abroad so I might as well join Lebouf and the others. Wouldn't want to keep the lunarians waiting, now would we?"

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