IELTS 9 Test 4 keys for LISTENING

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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

IELTS 9 Test 4 keys for LISTENING

1. babies
2. Eshcol
3. evening
4. Gormley
7. heart
8. primary school
9. 4.30
10. ages

11. B - The first one - the round one on the far left - is the most important one for the heating and hot water. It's the main control switch
12. C - Below the heating controls in the middle is a small round plastic button. If there isn't enough water in the pipes, sometimes the heater goes out. If this happens you'll need to press this button to reset the heater.
13. E - Then there's a little square indicator under the third knob that's a kind of alarm light.
14. B - Pillows ... ves. If you look in the cupboard, the large white one upstairs - to the left of the bathroom door - there should be four or five on the top shelf
15. E - there's some powder for that... probably by the back door. There's a kind of shelf there above the sink
16. D - the spare kev to the back door is hanging on a hook on the wall bv the sitting room window.
17. A - And if you have any trouble with the lamps, you'll find some spare bulbs in a large cardboard box. It,s on top of the washing machine with all kinds of useful things in it
18. C - I've left you a local map, so you'll be able to find your way around easily. It shows the whole area. I put it in the top drawer of the chest under the TV in your bedroom
19. 732281 - But if you want a takeaway, the Italian one does really good pasta and pizzas. Call 7-3 double 2. 8-1 for that one
20. Thursday/Thursdays - The exhibition is small but really good. It gets very crowded on Sundays, so I suggest you visit it on a quieter day, later in the week, but not on Thursdays which is market day - you won't find anywhere to park and it's also the only day of the week when they're not open

21. A - Yes. And, as I'd already finished a course in it in my country.
22. C - in fact, it is more a question of altering your viewpoint towards academic study
23. approach - Here, they're much easier to approach.
24. mature - Maybe you found them different because you're a more mature student now
25. interest - In my faculty, they all seem to make appointments - usually to talk about something in the course that's worrying them, but sometimes iust about something that might really interest them
26. groups - We did these in small groups. I had to go and work four hours every week in a community pharmacy
27. every 2 days - Then in second semester, we had to get experience in hospital dispensaries, so every second dav we went to one of the big hospitals and worked there.
28. 2 weeks - Oh, I nearly forgot, between first and second semesters, we had to work full-time for two weeks in a hospital.
29. confident - Yeah, I do feel much more confident, which I suppose is the most important thing
30. education system - Well, as I said before, the biggest problem for me was a lack of familiarity with the education system here

31. C - Well, there are four of us in the group and one day while we were discussing a possible focus, two of the group mentioned that they had seen vet more sparrow-hawks - one of Britain's most interesting birds of prev - in their own citv centre gardens and wondered whv they were turning up in these gardens in great numbers.
32. A - We estimated that it was about one fifth, and this was endorsed bv looking at large-scale usage maps in the town land survey office 
33. B - survey garden owners from different areas of the citv. Just over 100 of them completed a survey once every two weeks for twelve months - ticking off species they had seen from a pro forma list - and adding the names of anv rarer ones.
34. B - We deliberately chose smaller ones because they were bv far the most typical in the citv. The whole point of the project was to look at the norm not the exception.
35. A - Alongside this primary research, on urban gardens, we were studying a lot of books about the decline of wild animals in the countryside 
36. C - What we've decided to present today is information about just three species - because we felt these gave a good indication of the processes at work in rural and urban settings as a whole.
37. frog/frogs - The first species to generate a lot of interesting information was frogs. 
38. predators - Hedgehogs are also finding it easier to live in urban areas - this time because their predators are not finding it quite so attractive to leave their rural environment, so hedgehogs have a better survival rate in cities. 
39. count - We had lots of sightings, so all in all we had no difficulties with our efforts to count their numbers precisely
40. seed/seeds - On the decline in the countryside, they are experiencing a resurgence in urban gardens because these days gardeners are buying lots of different plants which means there's an extensive range of seeds around, which is what they feed on.

IELTS Blog at 04:06



Abdourahmane Diallo5 May 2015 at 00:15

Where is the answers for the reading component? It's also interesting



Rafael Amaral25 August 2015 at 16:59

did you find the answers for the reading part?


REJAUL KARIM7 June 2015 at 00:12

* Help Needed

Cambridge IELTS 9 book, Listening Test 4, Ques. No.-26

[Write no more than 3 words and/or a number]
the answer I wrote- 'In small groups'
but in the answer sheet its written-'groups'

Could anyone explain me why it would be just "groups" rather than "small groups/in small groups"

Thanks in Advance


Ramesh Bagale26 November 2015 at 07:36

hi, i am new help me..............?


Priya31 December 2016 at 02:12

Really, these quotes are the holistic approach towards mindfulness. In fact, all of your posts are. Proudly saying I’m getting fruitfulness out of it what you write and share. Thank you so much to both of you.
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