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.....Some people argue that it is good / useful

Some people argue that it is good and useful

Some people argue that it is useful for them.

While others want to change this idea

......While others want to completely prevent

....In this essay I will (discuss / argue ) this is not good for

In this essay I will (discuss / argue ) it is ( good for/ way to .........

Modern lifestyle mean ............... . Some people argue that it is good and useful. While

others want to change this idea........ .In this essay I will (discuss / argue ) this is not

good for

}اىمفشَض تنتت اىشإٔٔه َال تتحذث ػه وفغل اتحذث ثيغبن اىىبط {

Some people believe

Some people believe modern lifestyle have a lot of positive things.

Some people believe children should take free time.

Some people believe

فٓ مو مشي ثظ تعٕف مب ٔؼتقذ اىىبط َ ُٔافقُوً .

مخو مب رمشوب فُق تنتت االعجبة ثبىؼشثٓ اَ ثبالوزيٕضْ صْ مب تحت ثظ اوب اوصح ثبىؼشثٓ ػشبن اىفنشي مب تطٕش ^

( One reason is that ( it is , they are

Furthermore ( ،they , it

Moreove r ( ،they ، it

َ ىُ فٓ ساثغ امتت also Or Then تُرذ اىنخٕش مه اىنيمبت ..

( ٌزي غجؼب اىشخص إىٓ ٌتتنيم ػىً .. َ االفعو اول فٓ اَه رميً تزمشي ثبالعم َ اىجبقٓ ً

Some people believe modern lifestyle have a lot of positive things .One reason is that

( it is , they are ................) Furthermore ( ,they , it )

( ..............................................................Moreover ( ,they , it

However , modern lifestyle is a bad things event in the present .

However , there are several problems if you let children spend a lot of time on TV or

playing games

ٔؼىٓ اىمقصَُد اىزميً االَىّ تجذأ ثــ Howeverفٓ مو مشي ثظ تعٕف مب ٔؼتقذ اىىبط َ ُٔافقُوً .

.First of all ( ، they , it

Secon dly ( ،they , it

thirdly ( ،they ، it


However , modern lifestyle is a bad things event in the present . First of all ( , they ,

it. ...................) Secondly . ............ , thirdly ( ,they , it . ............) Finally .


فٓ ٌزي اىزضئًٕ تزمش سأٔل اوت مه اْ فئً ٌو ٌٓ ) مغ اَ ظذ ( َ تجٕه َرًٍ وظشك ثٍزا اىشٓ ..

In my opinion , I agree with modern lifestyles but I disagree what parents do with

their children . We need modern lifestyles but also we need our children become

good people

Everything has advantages and disadvantages and we determine which way we


Everything has advantages and disadvantages , we must look at the positive side of


In summary

In conclusion

فٓ مخٕش مه اىزمو ثظ ثصشاحً ٌزا إىٓ اػشفً J..

Modern lifestyle mean . .................................. Some people argue that it is good

and useful .While others want to change this idea .In this essay I will( discuss / argue

) this is not good for. .........

Some people believe modern lifestyle have a lot of positive things .One reason is that

( it is , they are, ..........) Furthermore ( ,they , it . ....................... ) Moreover


However , modern lifestyle is a bad things event in the present . First of all ( ,they ,

it. ..........) Secondly ( ,they , it . ........................ ) thirdly ( ,they , it . ............)


In my opinion ,.............. ..................................................

In summary,................. ..................................................

Some of these sentences can be used as a topic sentence or

supporting sentences

o There are several factors to be taken when (studying , looking at )...

o It is very important in (some, many , few ) respects

o Another important point is ..

o The (problem , issue ,... ) may seem impossible to (eliminate , develop, solve )...

o There are concrete steps that can be ( taken , used , ... ) to ...

o This problem requires serious action from both individuals and the government.

o There are several reasons for ...

o There are a lot of (advantages , disadvantages) of ...

o A major effect is .../ a major effect of ...

o Another contributing factor is ...

o There are several things that can be done about (these, those) problems

o It is a very effective solution against all external effects .

o A lot of progress has been made in diagnosis and treatment of disease in Africa.

o A lake of water is... / a lack of resources is ... / a lack of ...

In the first place – In the second place

• Firstly-Secondly

• First –second

• The first important point is

• The first important factor that

( بادئ ذي بدء ، أولا وقبل كل شيء ), all of First•

• On the one hand,(... ناحیة من (

• On the other hand,(أخرى ناحیة من (

(من ناحیة أخرى), However•

(بالرغم من ذلك ،بالرغم من ...), Although•

• In contrast,... / On the contrary ,( النقیض على (

• Furthermore,

• Moreover,

• Also,

• In Addition,

(إلى جانب ذلك ،إضافة لذلك ) , Besides•

• Beside this,

• In other words,

• In spite of (the fact that),

• Despite the fact that,

• For example ,

• For instance ,

• Another example is that ...

• Another example of ... is

• Another example showing that ...

• Such as

• In particular

• For these reasons ,

• For this reason ,

• For these problems / solutions ,

• Another reason / problem / solution is ...

• Another reason / problem / solution is that ...

• One of these reasons / problems / solutions is ...

• Therefore ,

• Thus,

• Consequently,

• As a result of ..., ...

• as a result of...

• . As a result ,

• In conclusion,

• To conclude,

• In summary ,

• To sum up ,

• Finally,

• Lastly,

• All in all,

• Clearly.../It is clearly .../ Hence .../Thus , ... /consequently, .../ Therefore , ...

• In brief,

• In short,

• Both are small /large /...

• Similarly,...

• X is similar Y

• ...the same ...

• ...the same as...

• X and Y are almost the same.

• X is as adjective as Y

• X is similar to Y in that (they) ...

• X and Y are similar in that (they) ...

• One way in which X is similar to Y is (that)...

• Another way in which X is similar to Y is (that)...

• X and Y different in many ways

• Another difference is that ...

• By comparing X to Y ...

أسس الكتابة الأكادیمیة باللغة الانجلیزیة إعداد / خالد بن نواف الحربي

• X is not as (adjective) as Y

• X (adjective) than Y

• X is (less adjective) than Y / X is ( fewer adjective) than Y

• It can be said that ...

• It can be seen that ...

• More specifically ,

• specifically ,

• Generally,

• In general,

• It is recommended that ...

• It is claimed that ...

• It seems that ,

• In particular,

• Particularly ,

• Accordingly,

Many people think that the Internet will replace

books and newspapers because it is cheaper and

quicker. As well as that, it is easier to use.

The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because

you can read many newspapers for free on their


The Internet is quicker to bring news and

information out. It can take years for a book to be

published and reach the bookstore. The

information is often out of date.

For me, the Internet is easier to use, because you

can find information more quickly and easily than in

a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You

just use a search engine and the results come


Many people think that the Internet will replace

books and newspapers because it is cheaper,

quicker and easier to use. The Internet is cheaper

than newspapers, because you can read many

newspapers for free on their websites. The Internet

is quicker to bring news and information out. It can

take years for a book to be published and reach

the bookstore. The information is often out of date.

For me, the Internet is easier to use, because you

can find information more quickly and easily than in

a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You

just use a search engine and the results come

instantly .

Many people think that the Internet will replace

books and newspapers because it is cheaper,

quicker and easier to use. First of all, the Internet is

cheaper than newspapers, because you can read

many newspapers for free on their websites.

Secondly, it is also much quicker to bring news and

information out. It can take years for a book to be

published and reach the bookstore. The

information is often out of date. Another important

point is that the Internet is easier to use, because

you can find information more quickly and easily

than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias.

You just use a search engine and the results come

instantly .

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