55 Cue cards 1-5

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1. Describe a time you needed to use imagination

You should say:

what the situation was: why; what the difficulties were; and explain how you felt about it.

a. What the situation was (Past tense)

- design competition (sophomore- sinh viên năm hai)

-> nerve-racking time (Đó là một thời gian khó khăn đối với tôi) -> part of an important assignment

- design a piece of clothing -> challenging -> don't have a knack for art

b. Why you needed to use imagination

- want to come up with something one of a kind NOT run-of-the-mill (không có gì đặc biệt; tầm thường)

-> need to think outside the box (suy nghĩ không dựa theo đường mòn lối cũ)

c. What the difficulties were

I was met with a number of difficulties

+ finance/ budget -> limited (student - meager income-nghèo nàn, xoàng, sơ sài, đạm bạc)

+ ideas: resemble others

outdated -> the judges expect something up to the minute-Có thông tin mới nhất

d. How you felt

- my entry was a gown, which was quite ornate

-> ended up in 2nd place

-> take lots of pride in my accomplishment

2. Describe a time when you are very busy

You should say:

· When it was

· What you had to do during that time

· How you managed it

· And explain how you felt about being busy

a. When

"LẦY STRUCTURE": sophomore -> in the middle of finals -> up to the ears with revision -> nerve-racking time for me

b. What?

- sit an exam (Mathematics)

- challenging -> don't have a knack for calculations and memorisation -> difficult to remember formulas

-> easier if English, which is my forte/ strong suit c. How you manged?

- Many exams -> schedule - rigorous-nghiêm khắc; khắt khe; nghiêm ngặt

- Get up early to do revision -> don't mind (early bird người hay dậy sớm)

- Work in groups -> help with memorisation d. Feel?

- of course -> under an enormous amount of stress

-> pass with flying colors

-> take a lot of pride in my accomplishment

3. Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike

You should say:

· Where this building is

· What it looks like

· What it is used for

· And explain why you like or dislike

a. Where this building is

Lotte -> skyscraper -> situated in downtown Hanoi -> a bustling area.

-> only a short drive from my house.

b. What it looks like

- 72 floors -> most known for ... tallest bulding in the city

- modern architecture (e.g. it incorporates lots of glass) -> stand in stark contrast with the historic buildings nearby (quá tương phản rõ rệt với những tòa nhà mang tính lịch sử ở bên cạnh)

c. What it is used for

It serves a range of purposes:

- Shopping mall -> luxury boutiques -> items cost an arm and a leg -> only for people who make a lucrative income.

- Resident complex -> apartments are upmarket- thượng lưu, hảo hạng, hạng sang -> cost a fortune -tốn rất nhiều tiền-> if I had the means -> would like to relocate here in the future

- Office building -> a lot of office space for lease-Thuê -> very costly

- Observatory đài thiên văn, đài quan sát -> breath-taking view BUT admission is pricy.

d. And explain why you like or dislike Mixed feelings:

- Like: close to my house -> work part-time at Lotte -> daily commute is a breeze.

- Dislike: busy and crowded -> especially on holidays -> absolutely packed and stuffy.

4. Describe a person/something that made you laugh

You should say:

· What made you laugh

· Where you were when it happened

· Who you were with

· And explain why it made you laugh

a. What?

- ICE -AGE, an animated movie produced by Pixas, a celebrated film studio.

- most known for animations made in collab w/ Disney b. Where?

- Cinema: sound + images more vibrant >< At home: much less dramatic c. Who?

- girlfriend on anniversary

-> create a sense of occasion <- girlfriend - a fan of cartoons d. Why?

- hilarious -> loads of clever jokes -> crack me up

- characters -> quirky

-> pleasant experience

5. Describe your favorite movie

You should say

· When and where you saw it

· What type of film it was

· What the film was about

· And explain why it is your favorite film


- when: Lay

- where: cinema (sound effects _ images _ vibrant) available on the I - Stream

b. Type

- Thriller -> Plot - complicated/ unpredictable/ focus on performance of actors

- Invoke feelings

-> more rewarding compared to HORROR (gory scenery-cảnh tượng đẫm máu/ disgusting)

c. About?

- a man falsely accused of murder

-> imprisoned -> document his life in prison and how he broke out

d. Why?

- fascinating

- captivating-    say đắm (turn away for one moment)

- performances were impeccable không chê vào đâu được

- can watch over and over again

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