55 Cue cards 21-25

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21. Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting

You should say:

· Where you would like to go

· How you would like to go there

· Who you would like to go with

· And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike

a. Where

- motorbike trip -> Danang, coastal city in central VN -> 8-9 hour ride from HN

- DN is known for its splendid sceneries + attractions -> ex: Linh Ung pagoda -> one of the most famous pagodas in VN.

b. How

- go by motorbike -> more fun + challenging compared to cars or air plane

- roads in VN are often treacherous -> going by motorbike is a bit of a risk

c. Who

- group of 5-6 close friends

- no point in going alone -> having company is more fun -> do things together -> ex: watch sunsets + grab drinks.

d. Why bike?

- as I was saying -> would be more fun + challenging -> a chance to bond with my friends

- a chance to stop and admire the breath-taking view

- more economical compared to plane -> gas costs less than an air ticket.

22. Describe an interesting photo

You should say: Who took it

Who was in the photo When the photo was taken

And explain why it was interesting

a. Who took it

- best buddy -> professional photographer -> we go way back -> knee-height to a grasshopper -> close-knit relationship -> take photos for free

b. Who was in the photo

- My family -> not only mother + father -> extended family as well -> aunts, uncles, nephews, cousins, etc. -> surprised we could fit so many in the photo c. When the photo was taken

- Tet holiday -> New Year tradition in Vietnam -> a time for family reunions -> lots of wine and dine & festivities -> take a picture to create a sense of occasion

d. Why interesting

- never realized there were so many members in my extended family -> lots of aunts, uncles whom I never met -> treasure this photo

23. Describe a small business you want to have in the future

You should say:

· What it would be

· What you need to prepare for it

· Where you would have this business

· And explain why you would like to do this business

a. What is it?

· Vin Group is a real estate giant/behemonth

· In addition to property, they also operate in number of industries (retail, tech, education,..)

· most known for chain of apartment complexes + high-end hotels located across VN

b. How you know it

· Vincom, one of the first shopping malls in VN -> when it was first opened, all the rage -> welcome thousands of daily visitors

· did some searching on Internet -> found out Vincom was owned by VinGroup

c. What it does?

· As I was saying, it owns a lot of estates located throughout the country (major urban areas such as HN, HP, DN)

· Vin Mart, a chain of convenience stores > find them on virtually every street corner

· Healthcare/Vin Mec/services here are top-notch but also cost an arm and a leg

d. Why admire?

· A big fan of VG because of its huge/tremendous success

· The company grew leaps and bounds in a short amount of time

· Thank to the wise leadership of Mr Vuong, the wealthiest man in Vietnam

24. Describe a wild animal

You should say:

· What it looks like

· Where you can see it

· What it likes to eat or do

· And explain why you like it

a. What it looks like

- Lion -> mammal (gives birth to cubs, rather than lay eggs) -> a ferocious predator -> hunt on smaller animals like deer or antelopes

- color: yellow or orange

- distinguishing feature: mane (thick fur around the neck) on male lions

b. Where

- in the great outdoor (savannah in Africa)

- also in zoos, but these lions are tamed

c. What it likes to eat or do

- carnivore -> feeds on meat -> I would imagine it is not a fan of greens

- predator -> often go hunting

- don't know much apart from these things

d. Why you like

- watched Lion King, internationally acclaimed animated movie by Disney when I was knee-height to a grasshopper -> a big fan of lions

25. Describe something you did with a group of people

You should say:

· What the activity was

· When and where you did it

· Who you were with

· And explain how you felt about being part of this group REFER TO NO.16

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