55 cue cards 36-40

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36. Describe an interesting tradition in your country

You should say:

· What the tradition is

· When do you celebrate it

· How do you celebrate it

· And explain why it is interesting

· What the tradition is

Tet holiday -> known as Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year

- Some people think -> originated in China -> don't agree -> Vietnamese have observed this tradition for so long -> but actually don't care about its provenance

· When do you celebrate it

At the beginning of Lunar Year -> late January, early February.

- Hanoi (4 distinct seasons) -> when weather turns chilly -> a chance for a family reunion -> a sense of occasion

· How do you celebrate it

- Cook a lot of food -> ex: Banh Chung -> made from rice -> green beans and pork filling -> wrapped in green leaves -> yummy -> crave it all the time

- Give young children lucky money -> equivalent to Christmas gifts -> wish them good luck -> the children love it

· And explain why it is interesting

- lots of fascinating customs -> not seen in Western countries

37. Describe a person that you like to spend time with

You should say:

· Who is this person

· How do you know this person

· What you like to do together

· And explain why you like to spend time with this person


One of my best buddies -> classmate -> best buddy -> go way back -> knew him when I was knee-height to a grasshopper -> close-knit

How do you know?

· classmates -> sit next to me -> struck me as a kind/ amiable person -> a quality that really draws me to him -> want to spend time with him

What do you like to do together?

· We both have strong preferences for travelling -> go on trips together -> share costs -> very economical

· very adventurous person -> it's a blast whenever I'm with him

Explain why you like to do?

· As I was saying -> always fun

· He's a good listener -> He's sort of my confidant -> share with him everything -> always turn to him for advice

38. Describe a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

· What this news was

· When and where you heard it

· How you heard it

· And explain why you think it was good news

a. What the news was

- I got a job offer -> Apple -> tech behemoth -> jobs - very competitive -> take a lot of pride

b. When/ Where

- senior -> in the middle of finals -> up to the ears w/ finals + thesis -> nerve- racking time -> heard the news -> relieve my burden + stress

c. How you heard it

- via email

-> anxious when check inbox -> couldn't believe it when I saw that I was hired -> over the moon (một trong những trường hợp hiếm mà sử dụng được idiom này)

d. Why good news

- a job at Apple -> lucrative income + good prospects -> excited about the future

-> definitely a very good news

39. Describe a leader you admire

You should say:

· Who this person is;

· How you know this person;

· What skills he or she has for leadership;

· And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.

a) Who?

· Pham Nhat Vuong -> the chairman of Vingroup, a real estate giant in VN

· Most known as the wealthiest person in VN

· A great philanthropist -> sponsor a lot of aid programs

b) How you know?

· LẦY STRUCTURE": sophomore -> in the middle of finals -> up to the ears with revision -> nerve-racking time for me -> let my hair down -> Surf the web → learnt about the first billionaire in Vietnam

→ hooked → look him up -> became a fan

c) What skills? & why you think he is a good leader

a. Sharp analytical skills -> led VG through the 2008 recession

b. Powerful communicator

c. Inspires and motivates others → influences people, especially youngsters

d. Establish strong relationships

e. Willing to train others -> As a result, have a lot of industry experts

40. Describe a creative person that you admire

You should say:

· Who is this person

· How do you know this person

· What creative things this person likes to do

· And explain why you admire this person.

a) Who this person is

- My Tam -> celebrated singer -> known for ... hits released in early 2000s

- In addition to singing -> acting -> performance is horrendous -> stick to singing

b) How she knew this person

· "LẦY STRUCTURE": sophomore -> in the middle of finals -> up to the ears with revision -> nerve-racking time for me -> let my hair down -> Youtube → watched My Tam videos -> I was HOOKED → Look her up on the Internet→ a big fan of her

c) What creative things this person likes to do

- Compose music -> mostly upbeat songs -> catchy melody

- Her tunes are one of a kind -> unlike the mainstream stuff you hear on the radio

d) And explain why you admire this person. Many reasons:

- 1stly, inventive -> her songs are all original

- 2ndly, independent -> overcome challenges -> never give up <- when met with adversities.

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